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She didn't seem offended with me for the kisses, which I feared she might have done but bowed in her usual reserved manner.

Immediately I made up to her, as did two or three other men, but I soon became the one whom she talked to most. She was exceedingly reserved, close as an oyster, I could not get out of her where she was going to when she landed. She didn't know exactly herself, she said, her brother of course did, but it was to an uncle who had no children, was old, and wished them to go to him about his property and business. All was so vague and the place so far off, that I made up my mind that her story was false from beginning to end.

We had now been at sea eight days, eight days more would, weather permitting, finish our journey. — My want of female society came on, after a day rest from my labour in Mary's receptacle, and Bella, directly my cock tingled, looked more lovely than ever. Her brother was out of the way, yet she kept so much in her cabin, or in the ladies saloon, and so carefully from anything like flirtation, that there seemed but little chance of my opening her thighs.

The next day, I helped her upstairs to the deck, and hesitating whilst I said it, remarked that the staircase showed the ladies ankles a bit, and that some of their boots and stockings might be better. “Yours are per- fection.” — “Are they, then you've been looking.” — “Yes, and would wait an hour to get a glimpse of such a pretty ankle and,” — there I stopped. — “And what,” said she laughing. — “A little higher up.” — The flirt came out then. I'll put trowsers on with frills round my ankles.” — “Don't, Miss *****, your trowsers are quite long enough already.” — “What? I don't wear any,” said she quickly. I laughed, then she laughed. She felt she'd been trapped into a confession.

“I often wish I didn't wear trowsers, for petticoats must be very comfortable wear, I tried them once,” said I, when we were seated on deck together. “You in petticoats?” — “Yes, I was ill once, and walked about with a night-gown and dressing-gown only on, for a week, and that's the same as petticoats I expect, I liked the feel of the flesh of my thighs together,” and I looked her in her face.

She coloured up a little. “I must go and see the doctor, and how my brother is. — No, don't you come, I'm going to my cabin afterwards.” — “I wish I were going to your cabin with you.” — Again she colored up a bit and looked confused. — “I don't, tho.” — “Don't say that or I'll drown myself.” — “There's plenty of water for you,” said she laughing, and went off.

I was somehow sure I was getting on with her and that she knew I was lusting for her. I was sure she had been fucked, and that if so and her brother couldn't do it to her, that my words would set her thinking, and thinking would make her lewed. — Many women have confessed to me that my words have set them thinking till they were wild with randiness. — Ah, that desire for pleasure when once it has been tasted! Again to have that bit of stiff male gristle, poking and plunging up and down the cunt, knocking at the door of the womb to open to the life-giving seed — were it not for that, what woman would have her cunt deluged with the gluey essence of man's blood? And risk the troublesome consequences?

I waited in the corridor a long time. She returned in tears, and said her brother was very ill indeed, and went to her cabin, quickly. Other people also asked her. She appeared at the evening meal, I asked her to come on deck, and she did when it was dark. It was not by any means a quiet sea, but she had got over her sea sickness tho most of the passengers kept below. It got darker, I crept closer to her, my leg touched hers, but there were too many people about to take any lewed liberty. I talked her into half confidence, by expressing my regret about her brother and so on. The poor girl I found dying to unburthen herself of her grief, but for all that kept her reserve pretty well.

The doctor said the brother was very ill, he would get better, but not till he was ashore, he might have to be carried ashore, and was now slightly delirious. What was she to do? He had the money, papers, every thing, and suppose he were to die, what should she do? She spoke all that in the dusk of the evening after the supper, and sitting close to me on deck. I promised I would help her, find money, send her back to England if needful, and so on. I would do anything for a few more kisses.

I had never alluded to that before, nor had she. Now I spoke of the delight I had in the kiss, joked and said, I hope I should kiss her again. “I can't permit it,” said she. Suppose any one was to see her, suppose it got to her brother's ears, she was deeply grateful for my kind offer, but I must not forget myself again. “Oh, now take your hand away, those men walking will see you.” — I had put my hand on her knees, and was about to begin my old, old chaff about the position of her garters. Certainly one or two people were walking the deck, and at times came rather close to us, perhaps to spy us, for I know that watching a couple supposed to be spooning, is capital fun, I have done it so often myself. So I desisted, but got closer, and kept my leg close to hers. I felt the warm contact, and so must she, but she never moved hers away. I was thinking of her thighs and cunt, and wonder if she was thinking of fucking.

It grew darker. One by one the passengers went be-low, till at length but a couple remained, a man and his wife. The man was one who had joked most freely with me about the brother and sister. I felt sure they were watching us, said so to Bella, and suggested sitting them out. She agreed. Before long, the vessel lurched, the lady was nearly thrown down, which seemed to have given her enough of spying if such she had been doing, for the couple at once went below, and Bella and I were alone. The next instant I had kissed her a dozen times. “Now don't, pray, you've no idea the trouble you'll get me into if you're seen.” — “Kiss me then.” She did and my cock rose proudly as my lips met hers. Then reckless baudiness came on full steam. I pulled her close to me with one arm, kissed again, and said, “Oh, come to my cabin and let us talk there. My darling, my love, I'm dying for you.” “Hish, how dare you make such a proposal.” So for a minute perhaps we talked. No, she would do nothing of that sort. We were sitting, but both were holding on to the seat back, fearing some jerk of the vessel might unseat us — I put my free hand on her thigh whilst imploring her. She didn't seem to notice it. Again I kissed, then I pulled out my prick (I had an overcoat on) and laying hold of her free hand placed it on it. — “I'll go to bed, you're insulting me,” said she, half attempting to rise. I held her from doing so. “Feel it, do, if you won't let me into your cabin, don't be foolish,” and I put her hand on it again. — “Oh, here are sailors coming. — I must go to bed,” and she rose. It was quite true, there were sailors. I saw her down the stairs As she said good night, boldly I said in a half whisper. — “Oh, let us be together for an hour, who would know? — I'm dying to fuck you.” — “You're insulting me,” she said, but in such a kind tone that it told me she did not feel the insult very strongly. How I should like to experience the thoughts and sensations which pass thro a young woman, when a prick has in such manner been put into her hand.

She went to the ladies' saloon, saying she should not yet go to bed. I went to my cabin, but only to think how I could induce her. My best chance would be to get her to my cabin, but how? Restless I went out and walked in the corridor. Then I peeped out, standing in my own little passage, wondering if Mary was asleep in her berth, and knowing that Bella must come that way to get to her cabin. — All the rest of the passengers seemed in their berths. — At length in the distance I saw her coming along. I drew back, and just as she came close to my passage I stepped out. For an instant only she paused. “Come here, just for an instant only, I've something particular to say to you.” — “What?” — I drew her with force to my cabin and pulled her in. — “Oh now, my God don't,” — but it was said almost in a whisper, as I closed the door and bolted it.