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Her comment takes me by surprise.

“I thought you wanted them to be happy together?” I ask, shocked as to why she would go through the trouble of helping me get Adam and Ann back together if she doesn’t think they are going to work out.

“Oh no!” She laughs. “I’m stoked for them. They’re amazing. I just don’t get the whole ‘monogamy’ thing. How someone can find one person and be okay with being with them the rest of their life. Not for me.” She shrugs and takes a swig of her beer, eyeing me for a response.

“Interesting…” I mumble, my brain muddling through the possibilities that she’s a lesbian, quickly erasing that thought when I notice her eyes flick to my trousers, giving me my ‘go’ that I needed. I grin and lean in closer, so only she can hear me. Her brown, side-swept hair smells like fresh cleaned clothes, her skin has an exotic tint to it. I haven’t been with anyone since Carly, and I’m starting to get incredibly tired of my hand being my main source of release. “You wanna get out of here?” I whisper, and then breathe in her scent again before backing away slowly to connect my gaze with hers. Jesus Christ, she smells good.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she whispers, setting her drink down. Her fingers lace in mine as we walk out of the engagement party we worked so hard to help plan.


These last seven months have been nothing short of hot sex all the damn time. I’ve never felt more sleep deprived, and I honestly don’t care. I shouldn’t be messing around like we are, without a care in the world. I have a baby. She’s ten months old. I’m a thirty-year-old single widow father. I need someone who can give me more, but I’m here with Gabby, about to leave her to go get my baby from my parents’ house (whom don’t even know I have a ‘fuck buddy’) and all I can think is, When am I going to see her again?

She’s wrapped in my arms in her bed in the middle of a Sunday, the sunlight pouring in, cascading over her brilliant Brazilian curves, and I groan when she rolls into me and lays her leg over mine.

“Gab, what’re you doing?” I moan, stretching, trying to stop my dick from getting hard for her again. Three times this morning is probably a record for me, but dammit if my asshole dick doesn’t want to try for more.

Is there even anything else left in it?

“I’m just so horny,” she whispers in my ear. “Last night was brutal, not being able to touch you all night.”

Her lips suck and bite at my neck, her nails playing with my nipple piercings, sending waves of pleasure straight to my fucking groin. Shit, this woman is nonstop. She’s right, though. Last night was torture, but it’s all because she won’t let me tell people about us. I’ve tried, but, every time the topic comes up, she shuts me up with a kiss and a fuck like none other. She doesn’t want people to know we’re fucking, probably for the same reason she doesn’t want to be exclusive with me. It all means commitment, and Gabby doesn’t do commitment. Hell, she won’t even meet my daughter because of that.

I know she has demons. I’ve heard her nightmares and felt her body tremble, but she’s never opened up to me about them, and I’m in no place to pry. Lying here, though, with her hands making me harder by the second, is only going to make me late to my parents. They kept Hannah last night while I attended a work party. I work for Carson and Lewis, a startup firm that my best friend Adam and I run. To say he has power and money is an understatement. He’s fucking loaded, and gets anything and everything he needs with a snap of his finger. It’s insane, but I’m happy he’s on my side. His fiancé is best friends with Gabby, so, when I went last night, I should have figured she’d be there. Seeing her with her bright yellow skin tight dress on, her bronzed skin glowing, and not being able to touch her all night was fucking brutal. The minute I got her back in her apartment, I couldn’t take my hands off her, she’s so goddamned beautiful. Now, I have a half hour to head out and get to my parents’ house before my mom starts calling, worrying. I feel like a teenager sometimes with Gabby with all the sneaking around and lying, but she’ll drop me the minute I tell anyone, and I can’t have that happen. I’m addicted. It’s crazy, but I need her.

“Babe, I gotta go get Hannah. My parents are probably worn out from last night with that girl. I know she’s a handful.” I stand up and chuckle when she pouts, but, as soon as her phone dings, she hops out of bed and turns giddy with whatever’s on the screen.

“What’s that all about?” I ask, pulling up my jeans and looking around for my shirt. Where the hell did I put it last night?

“Ellie,” she smiles and giggles, typing something out on her screen.

Ellie. The other woman that was in Gabby’s life before I came along. Apparently, she likes men and women… fine by me, but I didn’t realize I was sharing her anymore. Stopping my search for my shirt, I look over at her typing and cock my head.

“Wait, you’re still seeing her?” I ask, trying not to sound hurt, but I don’t think it’s too convincing.

“Uh… yes?” she asks, her hands dropping to her sides, and her eyebrows rising.

“Oh.” I nod, trying to process that the girl I’ve been fucking, even though we weren’t monogamous, has been with the ‘competition’ too. And, by the looks of it, it’s been recently.

“Don’t, Benton. We’ve been through this,” she huffs, crossing her arms. “I told you I don’t do relationships. I warned you-“

“I know you fucking warned me, Gabby, but you never told me you’ve been fucking someone else!” I yell, pissed that she can’t commit to me. Pissed that I’m letting myself get worked up over this. Pissed that I’m pissed.

“B, please.” She sighs, walking over to me. “I just like to have fun.” Her hands run up and down my arms, trying to calm me.

She’s not stupid, she’s a lawyer for fuck’s sake, so she can see anger coming from a mile away. Gabby knows how my anger can get if it’s not subdued quickly, and, luckily, she knows exactly how to subdue it. Just being around her makes me feel something better than I was feeling. Her presence alone makes me want to be a better man.

“Fuck,” I groan. “I know you said that… and it’s not fair of me to expect anything else… but shit, Gab, that doesn’t mean I want to see it!”

She quirks her eyebrow at me, and I immediately know what she’s thinking. Always sex.

“No,” I chuckle. “Not happening.” Though I’ve toyed with the idea plenty of times, I don’t think I’d be able to actually go through with a threesome with her and Ellie. Ellie’s not bad looking, but she’s flat lesbian. She wouldn’t pay any attention to my dick, and I’m not turning into the side act while the two girls go at it, no matter how hot that would be.

“Fine,” she huffs, then backs away. “I’ll text you,” she says, practically pushing me out the door, and shutting it, before I’m able to reply.

She fucking just pushed me out! No shirt, no shoes… just jeans and skin. She’s done it before out of playfulness, but something tells me she’s cool with me leaving without my things. Ellie’s probably on her way over. That’s the only option.

“Nice, Benton.” I hear Ellie whistle when the elevator door open. Jesus, Gab doesn’t waste time, does she?

Ellie’s eyeing my body like its meat, and she’s a very hungry carnivore. Isn’t she a lesbian? She’s not supposed to look at me like that, is she? Sure, I know it’s a sight. The piercings, the tattoos… it’s nothing that most girls haven’t seen nowadays, though, so why she’d be looking at me like that is just confusing.

“Ellie,” I growl, knocking on Gabby’s door. No fucking way I’m leaving without my shoes, at least.

The door swings open to Gabby’s laughing face, her hands holding my belongings, but, as soon as she sees Ellie, she drops my shit, cursing and fumbling to pick it up. Maybe she didn’t expect her this soon.