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Turning to the side, I plucked at my nipples, arching my spine and letting my head fall back between my shoulders. The blonde strands of my hair swished against the skin on my back as I tormented myself. Each twist and pull sent a bolt of electricity to my pussy, which was now full on throbbing.

I shifted my head to the window and discovered the man now had his cock in his hand. He pumped his length in slow and languid movements.

That wouldn’t do.

I wanted him to be wild. Crazed with passion and want. For me.

Facing the window again, I ran my hands teasingly down the front of my body, straight to where I needed them the most.

My left hand spread my lips open while my right one circled my clit. There was no slow build up for me. No, I was in a rush to show this guy what he did to me. How on edge he had been making me.

The more my pleasure grew, the faster his hand worked up and down his shaft. His face contorted with what I assumed was the pain of holding back his release. I imagined him grunting and groaning as he worked himself over, my name passing his lips.

It was enough to send me over the edge. My palm smacked on the glass and my body convulsed under the force of an exquisite orgasm.

Through my haze of pleasure, I watched in fascination as the man came in thick spurts that landed on the ground at his feet.

Even in my lust-induced stupor, I was beginning to wonder how and when this unhealthy game between us was going to end. I was becoming far too curious for my own good.


Saturday, July 29th

The house was dark and quiet as I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. I didn’t usually have trouble sleeping, but for some reason slumber was eluding me that night.

I turned to my side and stared at the moon through the French doors. As random thoughts flitted through my brain, I found myself wondering what would be next for the sexy pool boy and me. The more I saw him, the more drawn to him I was becoming.

Having had a photoshoot scheduled for that afternoon, I had missed him coming by. It left me feeling disoriented and more needy than usual.

Maybe that was why I couldn’t sleep.

I cupped myself under my silk nightie, trying to stop the ache that was already starting to grow just thinking about him. I lightly traced my inner thigh before softly grazing my pussy lips. A shiver ran up my spine, encouraging a firmer touch from my fingers.

I fell to my back and opened my legs to allow for better access. I pushed two fingers inside myself, drawing my wetness up and rubbing it along my clit. I moaned softly as I continued to fuck myself with my fingers.

Closing my eyes, I imagined hot pool man was standing in front of me, stroking his heavy erection as he watched me pleasure myself. Once I came for him, he would crawl onto the bed and fuck me with all the pent up desire and lust we had for one another. It would be wild and out of control.

Just what my body needed.

My fingers sped up their movements, and I raced towards the orgasm that I so desperately craved. I was wound so tightly I knew it would be a like a freight train when it hit.

Right before I peaked, a muffled thud sounded in the silent house. I froze with my fingers inside my pussy and listened intently for… something. When I heard nothing else, I went back to my task.

It took a little longer this time, building the burn deep inside that was sure to lead to a huge pleasure rush that was quickly becoming my addiction. I felt it coming. I welcomed it. I reached for it with open arms.

My eyes closed tightly as it washed over me, my legs stiffening and my toes curling. I sank into the mattress and took several cleansing breaths as I came down.

Another sound, this one closer, had my eyes flying open.

Standing in the doorway, just past the threshold of my bedroom, was a tall, shadowy figure. Even through the darkness, I could see his arm jerking up and down between his legs.

Scared out of my mind, I grabbed the sheet and covered myself at the same time screaming for help. Knowing my closest neighbor was miles away didn’t matter; I refused to believe no one would come and help me.

Scrambling back on the bed, I moved to stand. My destination? The French doors and my balcony. Even if I needed to scale the trellis down to the ground, I was getting the fuck out of there.

Faster than lightning, the figure moved and instantly, I was pinned to the bed beneath his hard body. I struggled against the hold he had on my arms, trying in vain to free my legs from where his tangled with mine.

At some point, he slipped between my hips and I felt his hardness through the sheet. My stomach dropped with the realization that I was screwed. This man was stronger than me, heavier than me and determined as fuck to overpower me.

“Such a fucking tease,” he grit out in a gravelly voice. His hand roughly gripped my breast, squeezing harder than I was used to.

I knew that voice.

“Please,” I whimpered when his thumb and forefinger pinched and rolled my nipple. Against my wishes, it felt like a jolt of electricity right between my legs.

“You’re going to shut up, or I’m going to gag you. The choice is yours.” His hips pressed into mine and ground against me.

“Please,” I tried again, but he wouldn’t listen.

He lifted up from my body just enough to grip the silk at my chest and rip it clean in half. The tattered remains of my nightie lay limp on the bed, leaving me completely exposed. Even in my scared and shocked state, my mind registered how hot that move was.

God, I was such a slut.

The man growled and dipped his head. He captured a nipple between his teeth and bit down just enough so it hurt, yet it felt good at the same time.

Tears leaked out the corner of my eye as he sucked and tongued my taut peaks that seemed to be begging for attention. My body shouldn’t be reacting like this to a complete stranger who was taking me against my will. So why was it?

“You were fucking yourself thinking of me, weren’t you?” he taunted. His left hand kept my hands locked over my head, while his right hand skimmed down my belly and between my legs.

I managed to shake my head. His fingers were doing things to me that made it hard to think let alone speak.

“Left the door open for me. You knew I was there. Watching. You wanted me to shove my big cock in your fucking cunt. I know you did,” he continued his harsh words as his fingers fucked me.

I was horrified to feel my body growing wetter and wetter the longer his rough treatment of me continued. I was on fire. Writhing beneath him. Even as my brain screamed this was wrong, my hips were raising and seeking more friction.

“I’m going to fuck your pussy raw. So you feel me inside you for days.”

“No,” I whimpered. I didn’t want that. I wanted him to leave. I wanted to wake up and find this was all a dream. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.

“Fuck, you’re so wet. You want this. You can’t lie to me.” His fingers pulled out of my body and trailed my wetness up over my stomach and between my breasts. His tongue followed, making me squirm.

His weight was off me enough so he could pull his shorts down over his hips. I used the opportunity to kick him in the stomach. When he doubled over, I rolled out from under him and made a break for the door. I got into the hallway and was three feet from the stairs when I was tackled from behind.

“I like it when you play hard to get,” he whispered in my ear right before he bit down hard on my neck.

I cried out in pain. My fingers reached out and tried to grip the edge of the stairs when he started to pull me by my legs down the hall. Not able to get a good enough grip, my fingers slipped and I found myself being dragged. I flailed my legs and turned my body, attempting to break his hold on my ankles.