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“What? Don’t like hearing about how I fucked Chase at the same time he was fucking Jessica? Or that the bitch had my cock in her throat while Chase’s head was between her legs? There’s no lie in that truth, Burkett.” I taunted mercilessly, completely past caring about propriety.

He pressed a button on his phone and said, “Get me security.”

“Don’t bother,” I said on my way to the door.

The handle turned while my hand was reaching for it and two beefy security guards halted my departure. Bastard must have had them on standby.

“Escort Mr. Davis here off the premises.” He straightened his suit jacket and sat back down in his chair; it was like he believed he was royalty sitting on his throne and we should all bow to him.

One of the men’s hands grabbed my bicep and I pulled it away. Storming to the elevator I jabbed the button harder than was necessary. This was not at all how I thought the day would turn out and my high from the weekend was completely obliterated.

The elevator doors opened and Chase stepped off the car. His face showed confusion closely followed by excitement at seeing me standing there.

“Trev—,” he began right before his father barked out from the doorway to his office, “In my office now son.”

Chase turned towards his dad and then back to me. “I’ll see you later?”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” I grabbed his hand and stopped him from leaving.

“What does that mean?” He quirked his head to the side. Confusion back on his face.

“Your father knows.”

His eyebrows flew up and shock replaced the confusion. “Knows?”

Now son. And get this piece of trash out of here,” his father demanded again. He seemed a little more desperate for Chase’s attention now that he knew for a fact I wasn’t going to slink away.

“Whoa. Trevor isn’t a piece of trash,” Chase defended and I was rather tempted to kiss him right then and there for it. Daddy dearest would just love that.

“Jessica told him, Chase.”

“Why would she do that?” he asked me incredulously.

“Because she doesn’t want us together. He’s going to send you to New York. He offered me partner if I stayed away from you.” I spoke quickly now that the elevator was open again and security was attempting to usher me inside.

“Wait. What?” Chase shook his head and tried to comprehend all that I was saying. Just as the door to the elevator was closing in front of me, he threw a hand in between them. “Get your fucking hands off him.”

“Mr. Burkett,” the one on my right tried to reprimand him, but Chase silenced him by putting his hand up. “Let. Him. Go.”

The two guards looked at each other, and I used their distraction as a chance to pry myself out of their grips. One made to grab me but missed as I broke free from the elevator and the doors closed on them.

Chase faced off with his father for a moment. He looked so sad that my heart started breaking for him. What a harsh reality to find out firsthand what a piece of shit your father was.

“Is this true?” Chase asked the man.


“Don’t son me. Just tell me if what Trevor just said is true. Were you trying to get rid of me? Hide the fact that your son likes men? Are you that ashamed of me?” His voice cracked on the last question and I desperately wanted to comfort him.

When Clayton didn’t answer, Chase took my hand in his in a show of solidarity. “I don’t give two shits if you’re ashamed of me. You want to know why? Because I’m not only ashamed of you, I’m appalled by your actions. How can you stand there and judge who I want to spend my life with?”

“Jessica is the one you want to spend your life with,” his father corrected him.

“No she isn’t. She’s someone you told me to spend my life with. I tried to love her, but I just don’t. Not in that way. And now that I found Trevor you want to take him away from me? That’s not how a father should treat his son.”

“What are you saying? That you’d walk away from all this,” he gestured around the office and then pointed at me, “for him?”

Chase turned his body into mine and looked into my eyes. There was no hesitation, no conflicted emotions, just a peace I had never seen in him before. “Yes. For him.”

With his hands on both sides of my face, Chase leaned forward and kissed me. In front of everyone, he claimed me. Off in the distance I could hear cheers and clapping, but it hardly registered. The only thing I could focus on was the feel of his lips on mine.

“You’ll regret this,” his father spat before slamming his office door behind him.

“Unlikely,” Chase murmured against my lips. “Let’s get out of here.”

Several people wished us well and congratulated us as we waited for the elevator to arrive. They far outweighed the haters shaking their heads and talking behind their hands. Not that I cared what anyone had to say.

Chase was mine.

Officially fucking mine.


“Did that really just happen?” I asked once we were alone in the elevator.

“Sure did,” he said with a sigh.

“Regrets?” I faced him and asked seriously. It was a big deal to write off your family so abruptly. It wasn’t as if we had been together very long. I wouldn’t blame him if he was feeling a little overwhelmed.

“Not a one,” he whispered in conviction before pressing me against the wall and making love to my mouth with his tongue. Rather than choosing words, he put everything into that kiss to explain how he was feeling. It was beautiful.

Chase reluctantly broke the kiss when the elevator doors opened and took my hand in his as we made our way through the lobby, completely oblivious to everyone watching us. Stopping at the glass doors, he asked with a serious look on his face, “Can we still have women in the bedroom every now and then?”

“Definitely,” I said on a chuckle. “It’s not just me teaching you new things.”

He winked at me and smiled. “Then no regrets.”

I smacked him on his ass and we both laughed as we made our way out into the sunshine.




Saturday, July 8 th

The sun beat down heavily on me as I sat out on the patio. I wiped the sweat beading on my brow and took a sip of the ice cold lemonade. Sitting back in my chair, I crossed my legs and pressed my thighs together at the sight before me.

The man cleaning my pool that afternoon was eye candy of the finest variety. He had dark blonde hair, cut short and worn in a trendy yet messy style. His eyes were as crystal blue as the water in the pool. And he was tall—at least six foot four.

With each movement of his arms, his biceps flexed and strained against his tight t-shirt. His khaki shorts hung just right off his hips, allowing me to see his sexy “V” whenever his shirt rode up.

Fishing an ice cube out of my glass, I slowly brought it to my mouth, sucking on it before trailing it over my heated skin.

The man’s eyes watched as I slowly moved the ice down my neck and over my collarbone, before sweeping it down my cleavage. I dropped the sliver of ice that remained into the top of my bikini to cool myself off. His face grew dark as my nipples tightened from the coolness of the liquid.

Who knew pool cleaning could be such an aphrodisiac?

My mouth hung open when the man reached behind his shoulders and pulled his t-shirt up over his head, revealing a tanned and toned chest. Drool collected at the corners of my mouth as my eyes drifted lower, spending some time at his happy trail before dipping down even lower to the front of his shorts.