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Jessica screamed Chase’s name as her body stiffened beneath his.

Chase stilled inside her and came hard, muttering about her silken pussy milking his cock.

Unable to stop myself, I slumped forward onto Chase and Jessica. I felt like the top of my head blew off on that one. I never imagined a threesome with a woman could have such an effect on me.

The three of us ended up a tangle of sweaty limbs, our bodies still shaking from our releases.

Eventually, Jessica rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom to clean up.

Chase rolled onto his side facing me. His index finger ran down my neck, past my collarbone to my chest and down further, stopping just short of my groin.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“For what?” I whispered back.

“For loving me enough to give me that. I know it couldn’t have been easy.”

Taken aback by his choice of words, I could have denied them. Chase deserved more than that though, so I opened myself up in a way that scared the ever-loving shit out of me.

“I do love you,” I told him in a trembling voice.

Chase leaned down and kissed me gently. “Good, because I love you too.”


The high from our hedonistic weekend was still blazing on Monday morning when I entered the office; I had a pep in my step and a smile on my face. I happily greeted everyone I encountered, regardless of who they were. I even whistled as I waited for the elevator.

You could say life at that moment was good. No. It was fucking amazing.

The rest of Saturday night and Sunday were filled with fucking, sucking, licking, stroking and most importantly… coming.

Chase and I had found some alone time on Sunday when Jessica went to her parents’ house for brunch. During those few hours, we made love face to face. With him buried inside me, we whispered vows of love to one another. It was everything I could have ever hoped for and never thought I’d ever have.

That’s not to say the rest of the time wasn’t like the Olympic games of fucking. The three of us went at it like rabbits in just about every room of the house. We’re talking blow jobs in the shower, at the kitchen table, and out by the pool. I even found myself coming down Jessica’s throat at one point.

It was so strange to me that every ideal and belief I had prior to that weekend was obliterated. Would I be a heterosexual now? Fuck no. But at least I knew women didn’t send my dick shriveling and hiding.

Where this whole weekend left us was still up in the air. I knew Chase and I were still going to have to find time to be together. We loved each other and there was an undeniable chemistry between us. I had never felt this way with anyone before and I wasn’t so sure I’d be able to find it with anyone else after him. How Jessica fit into the mix I didn’t know. She wasn’t the beautiful ice queen I always thought her to be. Once I got to know her, she seemed pretty cool. And the bitch could suck a cock like it was nobody’s business.

“Mr. Burkett wants to see you in his office, Trevor,” Emmy informed me from her perch in the doorway to my office.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was just before noon. Hopefully, this was his congratulations for a job well done last week.

I stood and shrugged on my suit jacket before heading to the elevator with Emmy in tow.

“You’re rather chipper today.”

“You’re leading,” I responded with a half grin and a wink.

“Yeah, yeah.” She stopped and gave me a serious look. “I’m really happy for you.”

“Thanks,” I answered gruffly. I knew what she was getting at. It wasn’t easy being in love with someone who was in the closet or even worse, in denial. I was just glad Chase finally decided to explore his feelings instead of keeping them buried. The rest would work itself out in time.

Emmy left me just as the elevator doors opened. I stepped into the car and pressed the button for the sixth floor. The doors opened onto the executive level within seconds. With a deep breath, I walked out and to the left towards Burkett’s office.

My palms were sweating as I sat down in the chair opposite his desk. He ended his phone call and leaned back in his chair. His fingers steepled under his chin as he studied me with an inscrutable look.

“Got the signed paperwork from Laurel Epson this morning. Good job, Mr. Davis.”

“Thank you, sir.” This was it. Come on good news!

“What I have to say next isn’t going to be easy for you to hear,” he warned and my stomach dropped. His words sounded ominous, not promising. “Then again, maybe it will be. I’d like to offer you a chance at partner.”

Well shit, that was exactly what I wanted. How was it not easy to hear? He could repeat it to me all day long and I wouldn’t tire of it.

“Under one condition,” he continued.

Fuck! There was a catch? Why wasn’t I surprised?

“What’s that, sir?” I was surprised I could even hear his next words with the way the blood rushed in my ears and how loudly my heart was beating.

“You’ll have nothing further to do with my son. Ever.”

The second his words registered in my ears, I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me. How the hell did he know about Chase and me?

“Excuse me?” I asked, needing clarification that I even heard him right.

Maybe I was reading too much into his statement. Maybe he didn’t know Chase and I fucked each other silly too many times to count this weekend.

“Don’t play dumb with me young man. I know you corrupted my son into doing disgusting things.” His harsh words were like a slap in the face. “If you want to be the firm’s next partner, you will stay away from him.”

“There was nothing disgusting about what Chase and I did.” I stood up so abruptly the chair scraped against the floor and Burkett flinched. “And how would you even know about the love we have for one another?”

The man looked like he was going to keel over and die at my words. His face turned pale and his face drooped.

“Love?” He scoffed. “That’s ridiculous.”

“It’s the furthest thing from ridiculous. I. Love. Your. Son.” I punctuated each word making sure to get my point across. I wasn’t for sale.

“That’s bullshit! Besides you won’t be able to love him from two thousand miles away after I transfer him to the New York office. After he and Jessica get married, he’ll be running it while making a real family with her.”

“Over my dead body,” I threatened. “How do you think your son will feel when he finds out about the ultimatum you’re giving me? Or about the fact that you’re sending him across the country to get him away from his gay lover?”

“Get out of my office. You’re fired,” he shouted with a red face full of twisted rage.

“Not until you tell me how you knew about Chase and me,” I demanded. I leaned against his desk on my fists and got in his face.

Normally a passive and respectful person, I just could not possibly sit back and let him belittle one man’s feelings for another. I was tired of dealing with closed-minded people and there was no way in fuck I was letting him keep me from Chase.

Before he could answer, not that I really thought he would tell me, his secretary’s voice came over the intercom. “Jessica Kramer is on line two for you.”

“Son of a bitch,” I swore under my breath. “Jessica fucking told you.”

Ignoring his secretary as well as his incoming call, Clayton stood up and faced off with me. “That fine young woman was heartbroken that you were trying to corrupt my son. She loves him and knew he needed to be saved.”

“More like she needed to be saved from losing him,” I corrected. “Did Miss Innocent bother to tell you she was getting fucked just as hard as Chase was this weekend?”

Clayton gasped in outrage and gave me a dangerous look. “You filthy, no good… I won’t listen to your lies.”