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Chase caught up to me in the hallway after we were all dismissed. His hand on my forearm sent warmth spreading through my veins. It was crazy how much he affected me after only a couple of days.

“Thanks for saving my ass in there.” I nodded towards the room behind us.

“It was nothing.” He shrugged those broad shoulders that had felt amazing nestled between my thighs, and I struggled to keep control. Sporting a hard-on out in the open would not be the best situation for either of us.

“I’ve missed you,” I whispered as one of the paralegals walked towards us.

“Me too,” he replied just as she joined us.

“Boys,” Emmy greeted us.

She was a spitfire and one of the best paralegals we had. The fact that she was a lesbian was something she was proud of and didn’t hide for a second. Just like Emmy, her partner, Louise, was drop dead gorgeous.

“Emmy,” Chase murmured while slinging his arm around her shoulder.

“You two looked awfully chummy a minute ago,” she teased with a raised eyebrow, obviously looking for details.

Were we really that obvious? Were we wearing a neon sign over our heads pointing out the fact that we now knew each other in the biblical sense?

“I’m not sure what you mean,” I replied coolly.

“Even if I hadn’t come back to the office Friday night and heard you going at it behind closed doors, I’d be able to tell. You’re both giving off some heavy pheromones. I’m just pissed that you guys made me horny as hell while Louise is in Dallas visiting her parents.”

“Keep your voice down,” Chase hissed. A nervous expression took over his face as he glanced around the first years’ cubicles surrounding us.

“No one heard me,” she fluffed off his concerns. “Just be glad I convinced Marge to go for a drink instead of heading upstairs to get a file she forgot. That would have meant your business spreading around the office faster than the plague.”

“Shit,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair.

“It’s none of my business, but you two would be great together. I don’t know why you’re hiding it and honestly I don’t want to know either. It’s your prerogative. Just keep it outside of the office or next time someone who’s less thrilled with your coupling might be the one to find you.”

With that, she turned on her heels and stalked down the hall towards her office.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered to Chase.

“Don’t be. It was me who instigated everything that night and I don’t regret a second of it.” He gave me a boyish grin that had my heart melting.

“Can I see you later?” I asked in a low tone.

He thought on it for a second before nodding. “I’ll come to your place. Text me the address.”

As one of the partners came walking down the hallway, we broke apart with a promise for that evening. I couldn’t wait.


“Mr. Davis,” Clayton Burkett said later that morning as I settled into a chair in front of his desk overlooking the cityscape. It was quite a view, the best one in the building. I guess when you’re not only the managing partner but a founding one as well you’re entitled to it.

“Mr. Burkett,” I returned his greeting and straightened my tie. I wasn’t nervous. Nope. Not in the least.


“I’ve had a potential client fall into my lap this morning. I want you to fly to Seattle to meet with him. I’ve already had all the information emailed to you. My assistant, Sherry, has booked all your travel.”

Holy shit. This was huge. I had been waiting for an opportunity to take on more responsibility, but no matter how hard I worked I had feared it was going unnoticed. Now I was getting a chance to show the partners that I could be more. Do more.

“I’m honored, sir,” I responded, as I sat up straighter in my chair.

“You’ll be gone for the week. Don’t disappoint me.”

With that, he picked up his phone to make a call and I knew I was dismissed. It was more than most people got from the man so I wasn’t offended.

I quickly left his office and made my way to mine on the next floor down. When the elevator doors shut, I jumped up and pumped my fist with excitement. I couldn’t wait to share the good news with Chase.

Sitting down at my desk, I opened my email to find my itinerary. A quick perusal showed my flight was leaving in four hours.

Fuck. This meant I wasn’t going to get to spend any time with Chase tonight. But even though it sucked to have to cancel our plans, there was no way I could pass up this incredible opportunity to advance my career.

With a heavy heart I texted him my news and informed him we were going to have to reschedule. His return text was almost immediate.

That’s amazing. Sucks I won’t be able to feel you inside me tonight.

I smiled as I read his words. Just as I was about to reply, a second text came through.

Meet me in the third floor men’s room in an hour.

My cock stood at attention faster than it had when I was a horny thirteen-year old. I adjusted myself and smiled wider.

Let the countdown begin.


The third floor of the building housed the firm’s library and archives. The only people who spent any real amount of time down there were first year attorneys and paralegals. Those who were so dedicated to their task, they often went hours without food or drink. Thankfully that meant using the bathroom as well, so we shouldn’t have any problems with privacy.

Any reservations I might have had about meeting Chase in such a public place disappeared when I got to the door marked ‘Men’ and saw an out of order sign placed on it.

Nice touch Burkett.

Grabbing the handle, I cautiously opened the door and stuck my head inside. Chase leaned sexily against the granite counter, his fingers drumming on the edge and his legs crossed at the ankles. His biceps flexed in his pale blue dress shirt that was rolled up on his forearms. He gave me a shy smile and crooked his finger at me, beckoning me into the room.

I nearly came on the spot.

I took a few steps in and let the door shut behind me. Chase took slow, confident strides in my direction, stopping with only a few inches separating us. His arm brushed mine as he reached behind me and flicked the lock.

“We have fifteen minutes,” he warned. “But I’m so fucking primed I could come in two.”

I never got a chance to respond. Instantly, his mouth was on mine in a hungry kiss that took my breath away. Within seconds, Chase had my belt undone, my fly open and his hand in my pants. He was a man on a mission, and I wholeheartedly embraced his enthusiasm.

“God, I love your dick,” he murmured after pulling me from the confines of my suit pants.

“Not as much as I love yours,” I panted. The way his hand fit perfectly around my length would never get old.

Reaching out, I grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled Chase to me. He let out a groan as I quickly went to work undressing him. Pulling him out of his boxer briefs, I dropped to my knees. Taking him all the way in until he bumped the back of my throat, I hummed my satisfaction around his length. When he cursed and his hands gripped my hair, I sucked harder and moved my head faster.

Reaching down, I gripped my cock and began to pump in time with the movements of my mouth. I was so strung out just from being with him, I needed to take the edge off.

Recognizing the sexy little sound Chase made in the back of his throat right before he came, I pulled my head back, releasing his length with a pop.

I stood in front of him as his chest rose and fell with harsh breaths. His pupils were so dilated they were mostly black. The blue of his irises all but erased by his desire. He was fucking beautiful.

My hand wrapped around both of our cocks and started stroking. The feel of his dick against mine was beyond words. He was hot and smooth and felt like satin against my skin.