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“Do you think that’s possible?” I asked, hoping the tremble in my voice would go unnoticed.

“My momma always says anything is possible, but yeah. I caught them coming out of his office once. He had lipstick on his mouth and she was straightening her blouse. Anyway, I came for the McMahon files. Mr. Archer needs them for tomorrow.”

Locking down my growing fear, I grabbed the folders from my filing cabinet and handed them over to Cherise.

“Thanks, honey,” she said before heading towards the door. “Don’t forget what I told you. If you weren’t here, who would I have lunch with on paydays?”

“Don’t worry,” I assured her. “See you later.”

When the door shut behind Cherise, my head dropped to my desk. It had been a month since Marcus and I started up our office affair. So far we had christened every surface of his desk and washroom, both conference rooms, the stairs, the break room and all four elevators. There was something to be said for catching up with work on Saturdays considering it allowed us to be alone.

I hadn’t really thought much about a future with Marcus, but I had to admit that the more time I spent with him and the more intimately I got to know him, the more I wanted something bigger with him. The fact that he had never asked to see me outside the office was a big warning sign I hadn’t noticed before.

And if he really did fire the last secretary he slept with, who’s to say he wouldn’t do the same to me? What if she got clingy and he wanted to be rid of her? What if he thought I was clingy? Regardless of the fact that I was sleeping with my boss, I did thoroughly enjoy my job. The benefits were fantastic, and it paid well enough that I could afford to live on my own instead of with roommates.

The rest of the afternoon flew by as I obsessed about every little detail of my time with Marcus. By the end of the day, my nerves were frayed and I was on edge. Needing to make copies for Marcus’s morning board meeting, I headed for the copier noting that most of the staff had left for the day.

Inside the small room, I took a moment to collect myself now that I was alone. I wasn’t sure how I was going to move forward, but I knew that I needed to stop worrying about it. I could practically feel frown lines forming on my face after the day I had.

Setting the minutes from last month’s meeting into the feeder, I selected the number of copies I needed and hit start. The repetitive motion of the machine was soothing and allowed me to block out all the negative thoughts that had been on repeat all day. I was in such a state of meditation, I didn’t hear the door clicking behind me.

Strong hands on my waist had me coming out of my skin. I yelped just as warm, firm lips pressed to my neck. “Did I scare you?” Marcus’s deep voice sent a shiver up my spine like it always did.

“No,” I lied, instinctively tilting my head to the side to allow him better access.

“Liar,” he whispered. “You’ve been quiet this afternoon.”

I froze at his observation. I hadn’t even realized that I’d had no interactions with him at all since the morning.

“What is it?” he asked with a squeeze of my waist. “What’s got you so uptight?”

“What happened to your secretary before me?” I blurted out before I could think better of it.

This time his body tightened behind mine. “What did you hear?”

I turned in his arms, needing to see his face. A person’s body language and facial features often told you more than their words did. “Did you sleep with her?”

After a brief hesitation he nodded.

“Did you fire her?”

“Yes,” he readily admitted, but his blank face gave nothing away.

“And?” I demanded.

“And what?” He asked in confusion.

“Did you fire her because she became too attached? Or had you gotten your fill so you tossed her aside?” I hated how the shaking in my voice belied how I upset I was.

“I fired her because she fucked up a really big project I was working on. We had already ended our relationship when her ex moved back to town and they got back together.” He ran a hand through his hair and made a frustrated noise. “I should tan your hide for even questioning me. I’ve never given you a reason to.”

His words sent a jolt of electricity through my body. I loved it when he got rough. I still couldn’t believe how hard I could come after being spanked with a ruler.

“Turn around,” he barked out when he saw the acceptance in my eyes.

I spun around to face the copier and waited. Each second that ticked by where I could feel his heat at my back and his breath against my neck without him touching me was pure torture.

Finally I felt the zipper on my dress slowly being lowered, as cool air rushed across my bare back. Marcus’s hands glided up my skin and over my shoulders, pushing my dress down the front of my body where it caught at my hips. A hard tug had the red dress pooling at my feet.

My nipples pebbled in anticipation as I stood there in nothing but a white thong.

Marcus’s hand reached around me and raised the lid on the copier, his other one pressing on my back until my chest was pressed against the cool glass. I gulped when I realized he was making yet another fantasy I had told him about come true.

His fingers hooked in my panties and drew them slowly down my legs. On his journey back up, he ran his hands ever so lightly over my legs, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

“Spread your feet.” He kicked my feet apart without giving me a chance to comply with his order.

His finger dipped between my folds, teasing my clit with light brushes before inserting his thumb in my pussy.

“So very ready,” he praised, and I could hear him pulling his cock out of his pants.

A swat to my left ass cheek had me jumping. “Are you ever going to question me again?”

“No,” I moaned when his hand landed on my right cheek.

“No what?”

“No, sir,” I corrected, just as he landed two more blows in succession.

“I wouldn’t mind coming on your pink ass,” he whispered as his hands ran over the warm skin on both cheeks.

“Please,” I begged. I was dripping and my pussy was empty. I needed him to alleviate the ache inside me. The one that I knew only he could satisfy.

“Or do you want me to come inside you? You know, sometimes I jerk off thinking about you sitting at your desk after we’ve fucked. My cum still inside you. Slowly leaking out. Reminding you that your pussy is mine.” His words were like verbal porn, setting me on fire and making me more and more wet with each one.

With one swift thrust, he buried himself to the hilt. My hips slammed against the copier with each plunge of his thick shaft inside me.

After only a few thrusts, I found myself coming. My eyes closed as my inner muscles clenched his cock. Just then I saw the light of the copier behind my lids and heard the click of copies being forced out the side tray. A second orgasm followed closely to the first, milking Marcus’s from him.

He collapsed on my back and groaned in my ear on his final thrust, leaving us connected as my orgasm subsided. I couldn’t help but smile when he placed a tender kiss on the skin just behind my ear.

Eventually, his weight left my back and he pulled out. After tucking himself away, he knelt in front of me, holding my panties out. I stepped in and smiled down at him and as he raised them up my legs, he pressed several small kisses to my thighs before repeating the movements with my dress. We had never dressed each other before, and as I stood before him straightening his tie, I felt like we had achieved a new level of intimacy with one another. I was still concerned with what the future held and how things would play out between us, but a small piece of my soul had settled thanks to his caring gesture.

“Want to grab some dinner?” he asked as I grabbed the copies—both my business related ones and his sexy ones—from the machine.