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Chase let out a guttural noise and braced his hand on the door behind me. I took a scarce second to realize that we never made it any farther into the room. Our need for each other had been too palpable to have waited that long. It was thrilling.

Looking down the length of my body, I was met with one of the most erotic sights of my life. Both our suit pants were pulled down over our hips, the head of Chase’s dick rested against mine. Our shafts lined up perfectly. The friction between the two completely out of this world.

Fuck, I didn’t think it could ever get any better than that. If you had told me it could, I probably wouldn’t have believed you.

My hand went down to cup my balls. I squeezed hard in an attempt to stop myself from coming, even though every nerve ending in my body was firing and pressing me towards my imminent release.

“Fuck… I…” Chase mumbled incoherently.

I felt his cock twitch right before his cum shot out over my hand, lubricating our connection. The sight of it sent me right over the edge. I growled as I came in a rush. It was hot, sticky and sure as fuck, it was messy.

It was also heaven.

I watched through my own release as Chase’s eyes closed and he bit his lip. The pained look of pleasure that softened his features had me falling in love with him right there in an empty bathroom on the third floor.

Actually, that was a lie.

To be honest, I had fallen in love with Chase a long time ago. When he had been just out of my reach. He’d been nothing more than a man I admired, who worked alongside me, and who had no idea of the effect he had on me.

Now he was mine. Well, sort of. I was okay with having to share him with Jessica for now. I would take him any way I could get him.

Chase’s other hand came up to rest on the door beside my head, effectively caging me in. His body leaned into mine and he brushed a soft kiss across my lips. “I had no idea you could do that.”

“Come that hard?” I asked, shaking off my post-orgasmic haze.

“No.” He let out a chuckle and pecked my lips with his. “Rub cocks like that. It felt fucking amazing.”

His forehead rested on mine for several seconds before he pulled away with a heavy sigh and began fixing his clothes.

Moving to the sink, I turned on the water and washed the remnants of us both from my hands. Once my hands were clean and dry, I pulled up my pants and tucked in my shirt. That’s when I noticed the wet spot on my shirt just above my belt buckle.

Good thing I kept spare shirts in my office.

“Looks like we got a little on you,” Chase teased with a smirk on his face when I joined him at the door. A quick glance at my watch told me we had just under five minutes left to be together.

“It’ll remind me of what we did every time I look at it.”

And it would. I was going to be remembering this bathroom interlude all week. It was going to have to satisfy my Chase craving while I was in Seattle.

“I’m going to miss you,” he murmured against my lips before tracing his tongue along the seam.

“Me too. Just when we’re finally together, I have to leave.”

“It’ll be good for your career,” he assured me. “My father wouldn’t have asked you to go if he didn’t think you could close the deal.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am. I better get going.”

With one last lingering kiss, he left me standing in the third floor bathroom with the image of his cocky grin as the door shut behind him.


A week is a long time to go without seeing the object of your affection. Especially when you were just starting out in a new relationship.

My plane touched down at nine o’clock that Saturday evening, and I was standing on Chase’s doorstep just before ten thirty. I rang the doorbell then bounced from foot to foot while I waited for him to answer. My hands were sweating from anticipation.

All in all it had been a great trip. The client was very pleased with our strategy for his representation. By Monday morning the paperwork would be signed and sitting on Burkett’s desk. This was a huge coup for not only the firm, but for myself as well. I wanted to make partner just like every other lawyer working there, and hopefully this win would put me on the radar.

The text I got from Chase asking me to come over that night was the icing on the cake. Spending some time getting hot and sweaty with him would be the perfect ending to my busy week.

When the front door opened, the last person I expected to see standing on the other side was Chase’s fiancée, Jessica. With her long blonde hair, blue eyes, perky tits, and legs that went on forever, she was the epitome of beauty. Even late at night she was all put together wearing a sundress with her hair curled around her perfect face.

I sort of hated her and couldn’t help but be jealous of her relationship with Chase. She was essentially standing in the spot where I wanted to be—Chase’s friend, lover, and confidant.

“Trevor,” she said in an aloof tone. “Please, come in.”

Until that point, my interactions with Jessica had been mostly in passing and superficial at best. I had gotten the impression she wasn’t a particularly warm and welcoming person. Now I knew firsthand that my instinct was right.

The large foyer of their colonial style house was beige with red accents. It seemed professionally designed, but at least the room felt warm and inviting even if the hostess wasn’t.

Why the hell would Chase have me come over with Jessica home? She was practically burning a hole through me with her glare. I suddenly felt fidgety and uncomfortable.

“Trev!” Chase shouted as he jogged down the stairs wearing nothing but a pair of lounge pants. His chest was nicely on display for me to drool over. “Man it’s good to see you.”

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly to his rock hard body. Painfully aware that Jessica was watching us, I returned the gesture but what I really wanted to do was kiss him with all the passion that had been building during the week.

“You too. Nice place.”

“Thanks. Hey, Jess? Can you get us a couple beers?” Chase nodded his head in the direction of what I assumed was the kitchen.

God, could this be any more awkward?

Jessica’s face turned pink and she rolled her eyes before strutting out of the room without saying a word. As soon as she was out of earshot, Chase turned toward me with eyes full of something… I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was though. Remorse? Apprehension? I wasn’t sure.

“Sorry if her being here caught you off guard. I wasn’t expecting you this quickly, otherwise I would have gotten to the door first and given you a heads up.”

“What’s going on, Chase? I feel like a third wheel or something.”

He gripped my hands with his strong ones and pulled me closer, so that only a few inches separated us. “I was afraid if I told you ahead of time you wouldn’t want to come over.”

“Told me what?” It was really hard to think when he was this close. Nearly impossible actually.

“Jess wants to have a threesome,” he admitted on a rush of breath.

My jaw fell open and I blinked at him once, twice, and again a third time. Did I just hear him right?

“A threesome?” I whispered in astonishment.

“Well yeah. I kind of want it too.” He scratched his head and let out a nervous chuckle. “I want it a lot actually.”

“I don’t fuck women.” Not even for you was implied with that statement.

“You wouldn’t fuck her!” he exclaimed, his arms raising before falling to his side.

My relief was only momentary when I realized what he was saying.

“I don’t want you fucking her either.”

My fists clenched in anger. Frustration was eating away at my insides, making me nauseous. We had never fully discussed his situation with Jessica and how it would affect our being together. I had thought I’d be okay with it, but now that it was in my face I didn’t like it one bit.