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“Caitlyn!” Suzie shouted when the girl made a beeline towards the woods that bordered my home. She ran after the girl, scooping her up in her arms and twirling her around.

As I watched the two of them together, my heart panged a little; it was such an intimate moment between a mother and daughter. I brought the camera to my face and began snapping shots of them together. I decided I’d give them to Suzie as a special thank you for using me for every special event in her and her husband’s lives since the day they said, “I do.”

Lowering the camera, my eyes caught on something in the distance. Training the lens on the west side of the property, my breath caught when I saw the pool boy was getting his supplies out of my small pool house, which was really more of a shed than a house.

He looked yummy.

Thanks to the cold front that had come in, instead of his typical shorts he had on a pair of jeans that looked like they were made for him. The way they molded to every muscle in his lower body made my mouth water.

Not even thinking about it, I pressed the shutter button making it go off in quick bursts, taking picture after picture of his every move. It was like he was casting a spell over me through the lens. I couldn’t look away, and I couldn’t seem to stop taking his picture. It felt as though we were the only two people there as the world seemed to melt away.

I jumped slightly when Suzie joined me, saying, “Wow. He’s quite the looker. Isn’t he?”

“You have no idea,” I muttered from behind the lens. The spell was broken, and I lowered the camera, casting a smile at Suzie. If only she had seen his dick the week before when he pleasured himself on my patio. I had gotten myself off to that visual more times than I cared to admit.

“You look like you’re ready to eat him for dessert,” she teased, as Caitlyn picked tiny purple flowers growing in the grass in front of us.

“I wouldn’t mind,” I said under my breath but she still heard me. Laughing, she bumped me with her shoulder.

“Do you think you got enough shots of Little Miss here? It’s almost nap time. I’m hoping she sleeps on the way home.”

“Yeah. We’re good. I should have the proofs ready for you to look at by the end of next week. Will that work?”

“Sure thing. Thanks again.” Suzie gave me a quick hug before picking up her daughter to say goodbye.

“Bye, Caitlyn.” I stuck one of her flowers in the curls behind her ear.

“Bye, Emily.” She wrapped her tiny hands around my neck and squeezed. God, she was adorable.

I walked the two of them out to Suzie’s car in the driveway and waved as they drove away. Turning on my heel, I headed into the house and straight to the kitchen. Getting a glass of water, I stood in front of the French doors overlooking the pool and watched the man performing his chores.

It was amazing to me that something as mundane and innocent as watching him clean a pool seemed to get me in the mood. Then again, a lot of things had been getting me in the mood lately. It was as if a persistent ache had set up shop between my legs and nothing I did could satisfy it.

My heart started racing when he began making long strides towards the door where I was standing. This was new. We didn’t usually converse, even if I had been trying to draw him out of his hole to come play.

Maybe he finally wanted to talk to me after the shows we had put on for each other last week. If he propositioned me, I would jump on his pole so fast his head would spin. It was one of the many scenarios I had fantasized about recently.

Please let him be heading this way to tell me that he wants to rip my clothes off and fuck me until I can’t see straight.

His woodsy scent floated in on the breeze, and my nose itched to bury itself in his chest and inhale deeply.

“Are there any more bottles of chlorine?” His deep, gravelly voice washed over me and my skin broke out in goosebumps. It was the kind of voice that made a woman want to lie back and spread her legs. I know this because that was the exact reaction I had from hearing those seven simple words leave his mouth.

“Chlorine?” My voice was breathy as I stared in awe at his sheer, raw masculine beauty. He was so much more up close than I had pictured.

His mouth quirked in an amused smirk. “Yeah. Chlorine.”

Shaking myself from my stupor, I said, “There’s some in the garage.”

He put his hand on my arm when I moved towards the door leading out to the garage in order to show him where they were. It felt like a hot brand on my skin that I never wanted to fade.

“I’ll take care of it.”

“Okay,” I breathed. His eyes had locked on mine, and I found myself losing all rational thought as he drew me in with that same crazy spell from earlier. It was like a hot guy tractor beam reeling me in. I was powerless against it.

With one last smirk, he was gone. I watched dumbly as he entered the garage, located the box of chlorine and came back. The view of his ass in those jeans as he strutted past me and out towards the pool was utter perfection.

Needing to take the edge off from the encounter, I raced upstairs to my bedroom window. Peering through the set of French doors that opened up onto my balcony, I opened my jeans and slid my hand inside.

When I finally came with a groan, it was to visions of his cock pounding inside me and his gravelly voice in my ear.


A few hours later, the sun was just beginning to set, its rays peeking through the trees surrounding the house. I sat in the living room reading a book when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone in my backyard.

Instantly rattled, I sat stock still in my chair and pretended to be reading while trying to scope out the situation.

From my current angle, I couldn’t tell who was back there.

Was it a neighbor? Highly unlikely but still a slight possibility.

I prayed it wasn’t a crazy serial killer. The doors might have been locked, but there were always other ways to get inside a house, and I was very much alone all the way out here.

Leaning forward in my seat to grab my glass of water, I used the change in position to get a better look. My breath caught when I realized it was the pool boy. He leaned a shoulder against the trunk of an oak tree, his ankles crossed as he stared at my house. Or more specifically into the room where I was sitting.

Holy shit.

What was he doing there?

Shit. Was he a psychopath? Or was he here to finish the little game we had been playing?

The first option was too scary to comprehend, so in the sanctuary of my home, and in the interest of keeping my sanity, I chose to believe it was the second.

Ignorance is bliss.

Scooting forward in my seat, I continued to read my book with one eye while studying the man with my other. My heart raced as adrenaline pumped through my veins. I felt lightheaded and a little sick to my stomach. Nerves always did that to me.

The whole time I was watching him, he never moved. He was like a statue out there; just when I was beginning to think he was a hardcore creeper, he finally moved to stroke the bulge in his jeans. His movements were slow and methodical, like he had all the time in the world.

Heat rushed over me. My skin prickled with it. My breasts swelled in my bra and a dull ache set up shop inside my pussy.

Without giving it a thought, I stood and walked over to the window in front of where he stood. I was like a moth drawn to a flame. There was no keeping me away from him, even if he was a psychopath.

His posture straightened and his hand dropped from his groin when he realized I could see him there. My initial instinct was that he would leave, but thankfully he stayed and watched me with an intensity that made my insides burn.

The glass barrier of the window made me feel brave and safer than I probably should have. That’s why I stripped down to my birthday suit and did a slow twirl for him. Back at the point where I started from, I saw he now had his jeans undone and his hand stuffed into the front of his pants.