It’s beyond any doubts, that there’s some difference, unknown to us, in sophisticated plan of terrorist operation, from one side, and its realization in practice, from the other side. It would be appropriate to suggest, (theist sign is the “nuclear mushroom” in the “Defence Picnic”), that the fallen (or shot down) plane was trying to achieve the nuclear object; and the declaration, prepared in advance, allegedly on behalf of “Japanese Red Army” would connect this unsuccessful terrorist act with revenge for atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, if the operation would be realized successfully. And in that case USA together with, probably, the half of the globe would now withstand the results of radioactive pollution…

There may be some more unrealised points of terrorist act, which has been planned and prepared for several years, by expert’s opinions. If these points have been realized, the world history could go another way. For understanding the essence of what had happened, it would be useful to know what hadn’t happened. And we have much to think about here, Watson.

In your notes you’ve paid your attention to coincidence of numerical measure of the date, when the Iran plane hasn’t fallen down on London, – 7, with number of passengers on its board – 430; and you suggested, that this case is an unsuccessful hijacking of the liner, which could be directed to London. Islam terrorist, or those who stood behind them, could have developed such plan indeed. Thus, for example, it’s wide known, that Algerian terrorists yet in 1994 were going to drive an aero bus down to Paris, and then only the activity of French intelligence helped to prevent this act. Also it’s known, that 6 years ago the project of hijacking of several American passenger planes in order to attack the building of CIA and other American objects of greatest importance was found in the computer of someone named Abdul Murada, arrested in Manila, who was the participant of famous terrorist act in WTC in 1993.

And now try to imagine, what could have happened if this terrorist act had taken place indeed. So, on September 7 the Iran plane is falling down, for example, on Westminster Abbey, and destroys in addition the tower-symbol of good old England – Big Ben. Even if there have been no declarations about responsibility, the terrorists would have been indicated as Iranians at once (the plane, I remind you, belonged to the company “Iran Air”). And the same time, as we’ve got to know recently, some Iranian, jailed in Germany, makes a fuss with administration of the jail, requiring making a call to the White House. He wants to warn about terrorist acts in New York and Washington. We can suggest, that he has a certain task – to make a fuss over information about a plot against USA, allegedly famous to him, and even if he speaks nothing about “Iran trace”, being an Iranian, he is “Iran trace” himself.

While our compatriots rake the piles aside and count people killed on September 7, the planned terrorist acts take place on September 11 in New York, Washington and, perhaps, in some other city of USA.

I doubt that Americans would have closed their air zone for the period between 7th and 11th of September and would have abolished all domestic flights; the real events of September11 have shown that USA considered them invulnerable and expected danger not from those sides, where they really came from. And what happens in Europe for many years, including destroying terrorist acts and military operations, not only don’t touch them, or, more exactly, didn’t touch, but they themselves never cared about that. Even in USA NSC-20/1 Directive of August 18, 1948, which I’ve mentioned already, and which describes the complex of measures in USA policy, aimed to destroy USSR from inside, they declared, that they bear no moral responsibility for calamities of Russia, if they will take place.

Notice the fact that the terrorists in one of the planes tied not green, but red ribbons around their heads (one of passengers reported about it by his mobile phone). Red colour is significant for Shiites (Iranians, as well as members of organizations under their control are Shiites), and it symbolizes the blood of martyrs Hasan and Hussein (the second and the third of Shiite imams). Frankly speaking, the same colour is important for Trotskyites too, including left in Arabian countries.

Now let’s try to imagine the reaction of USA in the case, when clear “Iran trace” is found.

Nothing to think about, – reacted I, – USA would inflict a crippling blow to Iran as “state-outcast”. I remember that exactly after the attacks of September 11 Iran was called the first candidate for retribution. But speaking the truth, some time later Americans started to call some other countries too.

You’re right, Watson, but, as you understand, in the case of quick and crippling blow to Iran the world would have turned to witness the other history of humankind, and that will never happen, thanks Lord. The role of Afghanistan in this never-have-been history can be discovered, and it will differ from what we have today. Since Pakistan and Saudi Arabia together with USA were involved in creating talibs, it can’t excluded, that they would join USA at once in destroying the bases of international terrorism, because in that case their enemy – Iran – would be appointed as its source.

There may be only one reason of such attitude to Iran, after everything you’ve known about Trotskyites of every kind. Islam revolution in Iran came to such stage, that the question of its further development could be posed as following: will it come to nothing, and as a result of it Iran will resemble bourgeois-democratic Turkey? Will the Trotskyite wing win, hiding under Muslim doctrine? Or will the Iran society awake the ideals of Mohammad within itself, and will start developing, realizing them in practice?

That’s why Trotskyites, as well as bourgeois democrats, are willing to make every effort for turning this uncertain situation in their favour, misusing the fact, that few understand this in Iran itself. And that’s why USA and other Western countries protest so much against collaboration between Russia and Iran.

If Iran has become the victim of retribution action, Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, supported by Russia, would have got it too. Also it’s worth mentioning, that two days before the “terrorist act of the century” the authoritative leader of Northern Alliance, Ahmad Shah Masud, was mortally wounded, and after that “Taliban” could have been declared the only real power, able to defend stability in Afghanistan and the whole region from “Iran terrorists”.

So, much is fallen to mention that the events of the beginning of September were not the full realization of the plan. And this might happen because of some specific features of this complex operation; the participants were uncoordinated, they knew nothing about the tasks and even about existence of other branches of the script and its executors. That means, that everyone made his own part of the work, but in this case it was impossible to make the terrorists stop, if something went wrong (for example, the “Iranian terrorist act” wasn’t committed in London), not revealing some part or the whole combination. Someone should kill Masud, someone should call to the white House, and another one should attack WTC, and so on. But the unsuccessful discovery of false “Iran trace” has made something like alibi for Iran.

USA made a pause. It was impossible to discover two false traces (for example, one “Iran” and one “Bin Ladin”); and FBI has got (they couldn’t help it) real documents, proving that some other terrorists (not Iranian and not Afghan) took part in the organization of terrorist acts. These documents could have stayed unclaimed, if USA and Great Britain (and perhaps other NATO countries) have been ironing the territory of Iran instead of Afghanistan by their “tomahawks”. But it would have been World War III, and it is not here only thanks to some unknown Iranian security officer, who was vigilant and didn’t let passengers come into the pilot’s cabin. Yes, Watson, may be, sometime later the world would establish monument to him.