Holmes rummaged through his papers on the table, found what he needed and continued.

Why did Galba cite these very words, when there is such place on Lermontov’s drama that is more close to the situation in Russia in October of 1993?

Holmes took the sheet of paper and read: “I had to say you yesterday, that our picnic has been shattered”. The count says it in the second act, and in the final scene he declares essentially, that “The Queen of Spades” matrix embraces the “Defence Picnic” too: “He keeps in silence, doesn’t hear me, or may be he has gone mad”. And it doesn’t matter that these words are addressed to Arbenin, they can be equally corresponded to Hermann from “The Queen of Spades”.

Holmes took the list of 13 films on the back side of the “Defence Picnic” from his table, handed it to Watson and asked him:

What’s the title of the last, thirteenth film from the list, Watson?

“Business Woman”.

Well, Watson, going in for investigation of “picnics” enigma, once I had to learn the symbolic of Tarot cards. According to this symbolic, “queen of spades is active, business woman, widow or independently acting woman.” In other words, the “Queen of Spades” matrix embraces the matrix-scenario of the second “picnic”. Finally, in the “Defence Picnic” there mentioned the speech of Peter I before the Poltava battle. What do you think, Watson, about this speech?

Nothing at all, Holmes, because I have never read the poem “Poltava”.

Neither have I, but I had to get acquainted with its translation and learnt, that Peter’s[112]

[113] The Russian Emperor Peter I the Great is meant. speech before the battle with Swedes was as brief as possible: “Go, and God with us!” – Just a few words, but they are extremely important for understanding the principle of matrix managing. I noticed that you, Watson, distinguished the utmost matrix of God’s Predetermination in the notion of mutual enclosed of matrixes, when you were reading the analytical note about the film “Matrix”. As you have seen for yourself, there are a lot of indications on mutual enclosing of matrixes in the “picnics”, and one of these matrixes lead to the catastrophe in New York and Washington. These matrixes got different lexical definitions in different times; it means, that everyone, who encountered them, called them according to the comprehension of general current of events and objective morality characteristic to him: Galba in his own way, Lermontov and Pushkin in other ways, but for them all, and for you and me too, every matrix is embraced by the matrix of God’s Predetermination, or God’s Providence, as Russians say. But why do I tell you about it, you have learnt it for yourself through the text of the “Marshal’s Song”, where all the mentioned cities – Santiago, Syracuse[113], Pisa, Toulouse – informatively cross this way or that in matrix-scenarios of all three “picnics”.

Notice, Watson, that the “Defence Picnic” appeared in the newspaper two weeks before the August putsch of 1991, and two years before the October putsch of 1993. How do you think, what can happen on matrix level during these two weeks, if the correlation of image and lexical components has been changed in favour of the latter?

I thought about it too, Holmes, and came to the conclusion, that the matrix of catastrophes, which was perfectly described by the count on the villa “Askania-Nova”, started transforming intensively, and those who felt it and didn’t like it, reacted on these matrix changes by using lexicon, i.e., roughly speaking, tried to rape it. But they had no power over it any more.

Watson, all what you have said is correct, but still: why does the matrix of catastrophes started transforming in that exactly period of time?

This I don’t know, Holmes. I can only guess that in this period exactly something very important happened in the informational state of Russia.

You’re right, Watson. And in our further investigation we will go by the second, chronological priority. This very period, approximately in May-June of 1991, in former USSR, the handwriting of the conception, alternative to the biblical administrative conception, has been finished. As I knew from people I met in Spain and Egypt, then The Conception of Social Security hadn’t its contemporary title “Dead Water”, and in its name there was something recommendation-like: “How you should reorganize Bnai-Brit”, appealed to their opponents, ruling the world by biblical conception. Obviously, the collective of authors, giving such a name, hoped to solve the conceptual crisis without catastrophes and tried to speak with leaders of biblical conception in their terminology. The name was originally made by the analogy with Lenin’s work “How you should reorganize Rabkrin”, but however their opponents considered that the developers of new conception were still under the rule of Marxism-Trotskyism. That’s why the orientation of the “Defence Picnic” is Trotskyite, and there’s much lexicon in it, because the inspirers of the “Defence Picnic” were not sure, that their symbols would work properly on the unconscious psychical levels and gave the explanations to them in definite lexicon according to their understanding of goals of country development.

And still, Holmes, I can’t understand, what reasons do you have to speak about their uncertainty?

Well, they are not fools, and understood, that the Conception of Social Security has only the Trotskyite-Leninist name, but anti-Trotskyite content. In other words, the representatives of biblical znakharstvo decided to use this new conception in their own interests, and this lead to their personal conceptual uncertainty, but among mutually enclosed matrixes only that matrix gets the support from Above which is more corresponds to the matrix of God’s Predetermination. Only after that I understood, why did the “Post Historical Picnic” appeared on August 17, 1992 in the newspaper “Chas Pick” №33 (130).

I wonder, Holmes, why did the third “picnic” appear a year later really?

I knew from Andrei Verov in Spain, that it was the time, when the first edition of Conception of Social Security has been prepared, and after long discussions the collective of authors decided to give it Russian epic name of “Dead Water” by one of postscript phrases in almost nameless work. Perhaps, it was their involuntary reaction on anticipating lexicon of the “Defence Picnic”; the third part in it is devoted to the fairy-tale “Three sons”, borrowed from the magazine “Ogonyek” of 1940. I think that it wasn’t easy for the authors of CPS to dare to give their conception such frightening (for many people) name – “Dead Water”. It would be simpler to call it “Live Water”, but it was right what the representatives of biblical znakharstvo persuaded them to do in the “Defence Picnic”. I hope, Watson, you have paid proper attention to my recordings of conversations on this theme in Spain?

Yes, Holmes, I’ve read this place several times and with special attention, and the name of the conception became clearer for me. Indeed, there’s no mentioning of “dead water” in the fairy-tale “Three sons”, but it’s said about the youngest brother that he was “cut”. That means, that the “brothers” brought stumps back to life, and if to say about the situation in USSR after the August putsch, then Russia after the December of 1991 can be considered the “cut youngest brother”.

That was what the West wanted to see in Russia after 1993. But the collective of authors were supported powerfully by matrix of Pushkin himself, when they were choosing the name of their conception. Pushkin continued in 19th century Russian national tradition of life-speaking.

Holmes took again the paper with his recordings from the table and read to Watson the following:

“You will get my “Sovremennik”; I wish it would deserve your approval. Let you be my contributor definitely. (…) Your poems are live water, ours are dead water; we doused “Sovremennik” with it; now you sprinkle it with your ebullient drops”.