Come in, Watson, I don’t sleep. I’m studying your recordings thoroughly. I’m interested especially in your conversation with Galba in the bar of “Woldorf”. I have no doubts, that you have met real contemporary Trotskyite.

Holmes, have you heard the last news?

Another plane falling in New York?

No, according to the picture with someone feeding birds on the shore of the black Sea, it will follow later. It was reported few minutes ago about night explosion on the central square of Madrid. I was just studying the copy of strange map with a hand-shaped wrench and reading you comments to it. What does it mean? It can’t be true.

You see now, Watson, fellow, – it can. This is matrix, and matrix is everywhere! Don’t worry. I felt the same, as you feel now, on the October 4, the day after that, when we with Andrew Verov and Paolo Riego were discussing the calendars for 1994 in El Escorial. As you understood from my recordings, the flat-owner gave the most precious forecast of the day of Russian liner collapse, though he saw these maps for the first time, as well as I. And what concerns loud words about new planes falling in New York – be careful, dear Watson, if you don’t really want them to fall down. Words can be overpowering matrixes, if those matrixes appear to be enclosed to the matrixes, which an orator works on. Tomorrow well talk about matrixes more thoroughly, while solving the riddles of Russian “rebuses”. I think we have enough material for making the decision of every “picnic”. And how did you like, Watson, the note “About tandem principle of activity”?

The strangest thing, Holmes, is that I thought about principles of our joint activity for the fist time on the day of your departure to Switzerland. Never before we have raised these questions, but after I’ve read the note, I felt that I was a rider who turned the pedals idly.

Don’t go in for self-humiliation, dear Watson. Each of us does that part of work, which he is more predisposed to. Your approach to “picnics” analysis is rather peculiar. But what concerns the results of tandem activity they don’t belong to any of two partners privately. And such conclusion is rather new for me and, may be not unacceptable, but requiring new comprehension, beyond frequent stereotypes of our culture. Frankly speaking, I have nothing essential to contradict to the conception of “copyright” of the note. Now only one thing is clear: such ideas couldn’t arise in the body of western establishment and consequently we deal with law conscience of new culture. But, excuse me, Watson, I’d like to read your analysis to the end, and then, tomorrow, we will discuss thoroughly both variants, and, as it seems to me, we’ll come to new level of tandem activity.

Tomorrow, after the breakfast, we met in Holmes’s study. He has put on the table three “picnics” in chronological order, calendars from “Chas Pick” and copies of some other papers, which were dealt with “picnics”. And I took the book with A.S. Pushkin’s stories with me.

What’s that with you, Watson?

Before we start the discussing Russian “picnics”, I’d like to read you one extract from Pushkin: “Two fixed ideas can no more exist together in the moral world than two bodies can occupy one and the same place in the physical world”.

“The Queen of Spades”?

You’re absolutely right, Holmes, this is the beginning of the sixth chapter. While studying the analytical note about the film “Matrix”, and also after I’ve read your notes I began to have a picture in my mind of global opposition of two administrative conceptions: biblical and alternative to it – Conception of Social Security. And it seemed to me, that Pushkin in this phrase yet in the beginning of the 19th century expressed very preciously this opposition. And if in this phrase Pushkin paid his attention to informational and material components of the conceptions, then his story in the whole is devoted to its measure component. And therefore – when speaking about matrix-scenarios of the “picnics”, we can found everywhere the traces of “Queen of Spades” numerical measure. And by the way, the numerical measure of queen of spades by Tarot is 51. It’s enough to have one look on calendars in “Chas Pick” №51 (200), on 29.12.93, and №1 (201), on 5.01.94, and the numerical measure of “queen of spades” can be found at once there.

I agree, Watson, though in the paper of 1993 this numerical measure is expressed in its number itself, and on the paper of 1994 it is in the date, if omit “0” between the day and the month. Once I’ve noticed the numerical measure of “picnics” and its similarity to the numerical measure of “Queen of Spades” too. And when in 1995 I encountered with the book “Esoteric tradition in Russian romantic literature” by Lorain Leiton, Illinois University professor, I decided that it will help me in revealing the secret of Russian “picnics”, because more than the half of this book was devoted to numerology[110] of this amazing Pushkin’s story. But nothing of the kind, I’ve found nothing in this book, besides some general speculations about the relations between literature and esoteric doctrines and Cabbala researches. Moreover, I had an impression, that Pushkin in his “queen of Spades” poked fun at his contemporaries-masons infatuation with mystics of Caliostro, Saint-Germain and Svedenborg. Even the biographer of my great-grandfather, Arthur Conan Doyle, didn’t pass these fascinations and became engrossed in spiritualism in the end of his life. So, Watson, in order not to return to the “Queen of Spades” during the analysis of “picnics”, let us distinguish the numerical measure of two conceptions, which appeared indeed in the sixth chapter of the story.

Holmes took a sheet of paper and drew the following table on it:

The “faro” game

Hermann – the symbol of biblical conception

Tchekalinsky – the symbol of COBa

The first phase of the game – the “Historical Picnic”

To the left – 3

To the right – 9

The second phase of the game – the “Defence Picnic”

To the left – 7

To the right – jack (2)

The third phase of the game – the “Post Historical Picnic”

To the left – ace (11), but instead of the ace Hermann[111]

To the right – queen (3)




Well, Watson, let’s follow the game of “faro”, as it’s described in Pushkin’s story. There are some circumstances, by which we can determine that matrix formed by Pushkin through the symbols of “Queen of spades” is embraces the matrix-scenarios of the “picnics”. On the first day of the game Hermann somehow staked 47000. Tchekalinsky notices: “nobody here has ever staked more than two hundred and seventy five roubles at once”. In other words, Tchekalinsky predicts the numerical measure of winnings , but Hermann is oriented towards .

And how does it deal with the “Historical Picnic”?

Let’s have a glance at the first “picnic”, Watson. I’ve read your recordings about your conversation with Galba, where you slaved over the question: “Does he know about “picnics” or not?” No, Galba knew nothing about “picnics” and simply was telling you about August putsch, which was developing in the framework of the “Historical Picnic” matrix. The matrix has ripened, i.e. filled with information and energy, much earlier, and the artist, who has created this rebus from five pictures, has played the function of printer, subjecting to computer, where, in the informational base, the matrix of the first “picnic” already existed. Why did Natalya Chaplina, the chief-editor of “Chas Pick”, give the copy of matrix of the “Historical Picnic in a Name of Artemis” in her newspaper №25 (70) on 24.06.91? – This is another question. Masons all over the world are well informed, that on June 24, 1717 the blue, or John’s, Masonry was legalized, and Chaplina might have done it, subjecting to mason’s discipline, to notify all other masons about the existing plan-script of USSR destroying. By the moment I’ve only learnt, that she, an editor of provincial and, frankly speaking, tabloid paper, was sitting to the left of Gorbachev – the last president of USSR, on the conference of central papers editors of former USSR, on September 17, 1991, one month after the August putsch. The conference was broadcasted by Central television, and she was allowed to be the first who asked questions to Gorbachev – the last USSR president and the last General Secretary of CC CPSU.