Did she know anything about the?

I doubt it strongly, as well as I doubt the capacity of editorial staff members to organize the material of news-paper such way, that it has on its backside the repertoire of six films, which you, Watson, underlined in your investigation.

And then, Holmes, how could those films appear on that very place and give so sharp names to every of five days of the putsch?

All these, Watson, are matrix manifestations, in the framework of which everyone, who was evolved in putsch, acted then, to this or that extent. In this sense the action s of Chapli-na is also the result of matrix manifestations of the “Queen of Spades” matrix, enclosing the “picnics”, because in the first chapter of the story someone mentions about someone named Chapli-tsky, whom the Countess gave the secret of three cards, obviously taking pity on him. But Chaplitsky, unlike Hermann, as I remember, staked not 47000, but 50000 and won three times in a row; he has got 400000 in total, paid his debt of 300000 and so won 100000 at last.

Thus, did Pushkin show what the conception of Hermann’s game “matrix” lacked, by the numerical measure?

You’re right, Watson! 50 – 47 = 3. This is what was called “the trinity of matter, information and measure” in the conception, alternative to biblical. And a little I can add to the story of Galba, who put the “stones” of the first “picnic” in such chronological order, that “treacherous nobody” managed to put the statue of Zeus-Eltsin on the top of power pyramid. However, this doll-statue too in its activity couldn’t go beyond the bounds of Pushkin’s matrix, expressed in certain symbols of “queen of Spades”.

Holmes took the volume with Pushkin’s stories from the table, opened it on the page he needed and started reading:

“He was a man of about sixty years of age, of a very dignified appearance; his head was covered with silvery-white hair; his full, florid countenance expressed good nature; and his eyes twinkled with a perpetual smile”.

Don’t you think, Watson, that this portrait of Tchekalinsky, given by Pushkin in the beginning of sixth chapter, resembles Eltsin very much, as he was shown to West few years after the putsch? And now – there’s this place in the beginning of sixth chapter: “Tchekalinsky began to deal; his hands trembled. On the right a queen turned up, and on the left an ace”. Whom does this description resemble you, Watson?

The head of GKChP, vice-president of USSR, Janaev, during his speech on TV.

Correct, Watson. And it means that Pushkin’s matrix embraces the actions of Eltsin, as well as quasi-opposite to him GKChP. There’s nothing astonishing in it: they all belong to one and the same administrative “elite”, which was called by the abbreviation CC CPSU, which is deciphered (as I was told in Spain recently) as – Central Committee of Capitulating Party of Self-liquidation of Socialism (The words “Union” and “Socialism” both start with “C” in Russian). And Galba was right: their “masters of puppets”, if not they themselves, simply agreed, who would rule in new conditions, and who, after short time in prison, would retire properly; and the last previously have provided themselves with the halo of “strugglers for people’s happiness”, and their “masters of puppets” were supported by the possibility to return legitimately to the script of “socialistic” politics in future. Don’t you agree that if after Eltsin’s victory the lawyers proved the illegality of GKChP then if it’s needed the other lawyers will prove as strictly the fact of state treason of Gorbachev and his followers, and accordingly – the legality and competency of GKChP, whose only fault lies in their un-success. And after we have learnt everything about the conceptual power, we can say, that any legislature is a border of defence, where one conception defends itself from realizing the other conception, incompatible with the first, within the same society. But in conceptually undefined society, as the USSR was during the last years of its life, the contradictory conceptions meet in the same legislature. That’s why on its base, when conceptually defining in addition, one can perfectly prove the accusation of Gorbachev, as well as of GKChP, as well as of Eltsin and the command of reformers of the epoch “Gaidar – Chernomyrdin”. But, frankly speaking, we should be humbler, and remember, that we’re speaking about it basing only on the fact that Russia starts defining itself conceptually, and this is a globally important phenomenon.

And what about the coincidence of numerical measures of the “Historical Picnic” and “The Queen of Spades”?

Oh! As much as you like, Watson. It’s enough to look at the number of order of this newspaper – № 9113. And in addition, Watson, five pictures of the “Historical Picnic” contain 9 palms.

But still I can’t understand, Holmes, what these pictures were published for? Even now, ten years later, their sense is not clear enough, and, I think, then, two months before the putsch, nobody comprehended them.

Dear Watson, I’ve told already, that the “picnic” pictures are the embodied manifestation of the matrix, which has been formed by that time and in the stream of which the following Russian events went. Accordingly, if some event took place in the reality, it means, that in fact it has happened earlier in measure – matrix – component of Life at that moment, when the corresponding matrix-scenario of aggregorial algorithm was formed as the result of people’s psychical activity, and then it lead to this event in the reality.

If some event is not predetermined by God as inevitable, it can be prevented by two ways: the matrix can be split up to incompatible fragments and abandoned energetically, or it can be transformed in such way, that the results of realizing of the matrix-scenario would be acceptable, or better – desirable. After matrix has been formed, and till the moment of appearing of some events according to it, some time takes place, during which the matrix-scenario is filling energetically, and the participants are evolved in it, and it is synchronized with enclosing and just existing matrix-scenarios and so on. During this time the matrix-scenario and processes of realizing its characteristic events can be influenced and subjected by morally conditioned advisability.

Excuse me, Holmes, but there’s nothing if the kind in your notes.

In my notes, Watson, there’s only what I understood at the moment of comprehension of what I have been told. But after the conversations in different countries so many new events, and I had time to think them over and to compare them with my ideas about them. And in that case something was proved by life itself, and something required critical approach and new comprehension. What about “picnic” pictures, to my mind, they played a role of synchronizers of unconscious psychical activity of many participants of those events. The density of information packing within symbols and images much exceeds the density of lexicon information; the circulation of news-paper is several thousands copies; the readers of the news-paper looked through it automatically, and the “picnic” pictures imprinted in the unconscious part of their psyche. Any images, when coming to the light from the unconscious levels of psyche to conscious level, need the adequate lexicon, as you, Watson, need it from me now, for transforming into the concept, joining with the word and this way gaining the sense loading. People walk, drive through the city, they see movie bills, and some of films names can be suitable, for example, to some pictures of the “Historical Picnic”. Happens something like locking of the informative (image) component of trinity on its measure (lexical) component, and as a result people do “unmotivated acts” (as psychologists call that), but in fact they are motivated in the matrix of probable events, which may be filled energetically by them themselves. That’s approximately how I see the events of August of 1991. And, at that, Watson, notice – in the first “picnic” there’s more pictures (Ancient Egypt symbols plus USSR symbols) than text, but in the “Defence Picnic”, on the contrary, lexicon takes much greater part, and there’s minimum of symbols-pictures and them all belong to USSR epoch. The number of movies corresponds to the number of October putsch days in 1993. And here your acquainted Galba has revealed the matrix-scenario of the second “picnic” in the main. He hasn’t only commented the picture in the left corner of the “picnic”, where to the left of the cannon there are the words “behind the bump” and then, to the left of it, the explosion is drawn. This rebus in whole may be read as “There will be explosion behind the bump”. In the lexicon of common Soviet people “behind the bump” means “abroad”. In other words, the algorithm of New York “black Tuesday”, on matrix level, is expressed in the second “picnic”; New York can be considered the greatest “behind-the-bump” symbol. And we all are extremely lucky, that this picture hasn’t been realized in full measure: it represents the “mushroom” of nuclear blast, and, as it’s known, one of the planes hasn’t reached the atomic station in Pennsylvania. And moreover: Galba said, that putsch has gone the wrong way, and cited the words of the Unknown” from Lermontov’s “Masquerade” to illustrate his idea.