Watson, it seems to me that such way the biblical znakharstvo represents the period of idealistic atheism, which followed the period of materialistic atheism…

And which finished with the operation of liquidation of Trotsky, devoted to materialistic atheism? – I interrupted Holmes.

You’re right, Watson. This operation had a code name “Duck”, and I noticed it in my recordings, as I remember.

Excuse me, Holmes, I didn’t attach significance to it, or I could link it with the symbols of the third “picnic” by myself. Also I don’t know, what the sense of the dotted line is, going from the “White House” and returning to it. But after I’ve read your recordings, I came to the conclusion that it may mean the U-turn of the matrix-scenario, Galba told me about it on October 4.

Apparently, it’s true, Watson. And your investigation of “Antiquity vocabulary” concerning with two group sculptures – “Theseus and Minotaur” and “Murderers of a Tyrant” – completed the whole picture of the algorithm of returning of the catastrophe matrix towards its creators. The first figure composition on the background of dotted line loop can be called “Russian wrestling” (and it can be no way in “Antiquity vocabulary”). It was very popular in the beginning of 20th century and wrestlers met in circuses, as a rule. And that’s why two compositions – “Russian wrestling” and “Theseus and Minotaur” – are the symbols of two putsches in Russia – August, 1991 and October, 1993, after which in the post Soviet society really started the “Exchange of points of view”; and “Very revolutionary forces” – “Tyrant-murderers” (kamikaze-terrorists) – fall the America’s lot.

And what can be the meaning of the loop on the map in the place of “Russian wrestling”?

You, Watson, may row in the University eight, but you’re still far from sea affairs, and that’s why this loop says nothing to you. But I’ve been interested since my childhood in yachting, yachts and everything linked with aesthetic and romance of sailing. And I can comment this loop as following. When a sailing vessel manoeuvres, sometimes the circumstances are such, that the wearing may be dangerous in one of the phases, when the wind is blowing from the stern, because of the risk of nearly instant transfer of sails and movable part of masts and spars[115] from one board to another, which may lead to damages of yacht, to traumas and deaths of careless crewmembers. In this case for changing the course of the vessel the turn “overstag” is used instead of wearing, and in one of the phases of this turn the wind blows from the bow along the ship. In this case the whoop transfers the sails from one board to another smoothly, without the risk to hurt or kill someone of crewmembers, to damage the sails, rigging and masts and spars. Such “turn overstag”, which is made instead of wearing, got the nick on the slang of yachtsmen – “cow overstag”, because of its clumsiness and inner ill-coordination within the crew, which isn’t able to make the turn wearing.

For example, if such crew needs to make the turn to the right on 90 degrees, it will turn to the left on 270 degrees, making the “cow overstag” instead of swift wearing. When you follow the yacht race from the helicopter, you will notice, that the yacht making the “cow overstag” moves by loop-like trajectory. But if you know nothing about the fine points of yacht managing in hard weather conditions or within ill-coordinated crew, this manoeuvre will remain incomprehensible to you. Russia seems to make such “cow overstag”: the turn seemed to be “left” – perestroika, democratising; but the farther this turn goes, the more questions the supporters of “left trend” in policy have: “Russia, where are you going? – We don’t understand…”

And Russian newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” on the October 18, 1990, almost a year before the putsch, represent something similar in this very sense – political:

Essentially, Watson, the manoeuvre “cow overstag” is represented nearby “Russian wrestling” and is connected with the effect of “monkey’s paw”; its symbol we can see among other pictures of the “Post Historical Picnic” and you was told about it by Galba in “Woldorf” bar.

But the newspaper “Chas Pick” №21 (73) on the June 2, 1999, with the photo-collage under the article “About Harm and Use of Mythology”, that you had brought from India, has shown how the catastrophe matrix, directed against Russia originally, transformed and turned against USA. The monument of Peter I, the founder of St-Petersburg, – “Bronze Horseman” – on the background of New York sky-scrapers; St. Isaac’s Cathedral, reflected in the windows of one of them – all this symbolizes this turn of algorithmic course of matrix processes to USA.

It is very interesting to follow the connections between these collages-illustrations to the article “About Harm and Use of Mythology” with the “picnics”. Look: here, in the lowest running head of the newspaper, under the article, there’s a picture of Petersburg panorama, but on the place, where usually the dome of St. Isaac’s Cathedral is seen, there appeared towers of New York World Trading Centre:

On St-Petersburg plan in the “Post Historical Picnic” on the same place there’s a picture of “Indian militant elephant” with the signature “The place of the most important meetings”. In other words, the heirs of NSC-20/1 Directive of August 18, 1948 – have played their game to the end: he who digs a pit for others may fall himself therein.

You’re absolutely right, Watson, all the more, that the number of the news-paper – 21 – is the “point”, several times and in different modifications appearing on the picture in the 1994 calendar, on the picture with someone feeding birds on the embankment. And serial number – 73 – shows that two stages

of matrix algorithm have been completed and the third is on the threshold. It’s worth mentioning, that Hermann in “The Queen of spades” was striving to get the sum of 21, but got 13. And in addition, if to look on Petersburg map in mirror reflection, we will have the schematic map, resembling strongly the map of New York; but instead of Hudson River mouth we will have the Finnish Bay, called “Swan Lake” here somehow, and the Neva River, called “The River of Moscow”, may be analogically with famous cliché “the hand of Moscow”. By the way, New York was originally called “New Amsterdam” by its founders, Dutchmen, and St-Petersburg was called “New Amsterdam” too, in times of Peter the Great, because he built St-Petersburg imitating the architecture of Dutch seaside cities.

And that’s why everything happened according to catastrophe matrix, fed by biblical znakharstvo, but not with respect to Russia, but with respect to those who developed this cannibalistic USA NSC-20/1 Directive of August 18, 1948. Notice the number of the directive, Watson, it demonstrates, that its developers were limited by Pushkin’s matrix of “Queen of Spades” in their plans from the very beginning. Yes, the planes did what they were supposed to do sharply in time indicated in the third “picnic”, but they have ruined not the symbols of spiritual and secular power of Russia, but two towers of World Trading Centre – the symbol of biblical civilization. And then everything was like in Hollywood films: rescuers with helmets and respirators, piles of dust and frames of ruined buildings, resembling Pisa tower by their appearance. All this you can see on the pictures of the “Post Historical Picnic”, Watson.

And what can mean the word “trace”, written by hand under the slogan “Very revolutionary forces”?

You have answered this question by yourself, Watson, when you gave the assessment of New York events four days before the catastrophe – September 7 – in your notes. You have found the “Iran trace”, which might precede the events of “black Tuesday”. Now shocked world public considers terrorist acts in New York and Washington to be ideal by organization and completing. They a priori assert that everything planned was done completely. Of course, it’s not so, and the forth plane, fallen on cornfield, can serve the proof.