And now, Watson, translate, please the title of the article to the left. Under it there’s the photo of Konchalovski, Russian cinema-director, famous in the West.

“Konchalovski take pictures in “mad house”. And soothing lower: “Yesterday Andrei Konchalovski, the cinema-director, has called press-conference in the object of shooting the film “House of fools”. Shooting takes place in one of Moscow psychiatric clinics”.

And commentaries to the photo?

“Andrei Konchalovski makes the report from mad house”.

Well, Watson, everything is clear enough. Russians call mad houses “yellow houses”. There’s “Yellow house” in the third “picnic”. I was told about this object in Spain, and Galba enlightened you on this point, obviously. And now, Watson, let’s turn to the sixth page: look at this photo of Bush in Congress, and at the slogan above his head: “IN GOD WE TRUST”. Translate, please, the title of the article and what’s printed under it.

“Boundless justice” or “Who is not with us, he is against us” – President Bush declared.” And under it there’s brief annotation to the article:

“USA President George Bush addressed Congress with a speech, which could be ascribed to the category of annual messages “About the state of the country”. However, this time the speech concerned the state of America, as well as of the world in whole. Bush said that foreign countries had only two alternatives: “to be with America, or with terrorists. A third is not given.”

To the right there’s little note to the article:

“The original name of the future operation – “Boundless justice” – can be changed. One of reporters, accredited by Pentagon, said during the press conference of USA Defence Minister Donald Ramsfeld: some American scientists, Muslims, are against such name of the operation. The opponents insist that it doesn’t accord to the truth, because only God (or Allah) can decide such justice. “I understand, I understand” – said Ramsfeld. This is the second linguistic conflict in Washington for the last week. Before it many Muslims categorically against the expression “the crusade against terrorism”, used by Bush, and his assistants quickly swept away this epithet from President’s lexicon”.

And the caption under the photo speaks as following: “By Congressmen’s opinion, it was the best speech of President Bush during the time of his rule”.

Watson; and what interesting does the author notice in that speech?

Nothing special, besides two places, worth paying attention, to my mind. The first: “Speaking about talib regime, Bush used such expressions, which no American leader used since fascism times”. And the second:

“During his speech the President said about important official appointment. He initiated new post in the country, which could be called “National Safety and Defence Minister”. New member of the Cabinet should control all questions, dealing with overcoming the threats to America from the outside. This post was given to State Pennsylvania governor, energetic and popular in his country, Tom Ridge. He will coordinate the activity of 40 federal agencies, and also of according state governments. The special feature of this office is that its appointment doesn’t need the approval of Senate, and neither any special law.”

Holmes listened to me attentively and asked to translate the title of the article and the caption to the photo below.

“Generals offered three bases to America”, and the subtitle: “Marxists and Muslims don’t want to help “imperialists””. The caption under the picture: “Indian solders are frequent to war”.

And is there something interesting in the text of the article, Watson?

It seems, that nothing special: Indian government offers USA their bases for struggling against terrorists, and the leaders of Indian Muslims are against such decision of their government. I can’t find anywhere any word about Indian Marxists, if not to consider “Indian National congress” to be Marxist, and it’s against too, by the way, as well as Indian Muslims. And by the way, “Indian national congress” is discontented with educational programs in Indian schools: they say that Hinduism is not represented attractively in them. But essentially, Indian caste system is not only one of Hinduism manifestation, but, as you told, one of fascism forms. And what’s the result: according to the “Post Historical Picnic”, Russia withstood the attack of “Indian battle elephant” – very old “battle elephant” – and now it’s the turn of USA to encounter with it.

Yes, Watson, it seems like that. May be, Galba was right, when he was speaking about international-socialism, impending to USA, and about forming of American Gestapo, which would be more powerful than Stalin’s NKVD and Hitler’s Gestapo together. According to the title “National Safety and Defence Minister”, power of new American minister exceeds that of Heinrich Himmler, who was the leader of SS and, besides that, the head of criminal police of the Reich. And the slogan “Who is not with us, he is against us!” famous in the times of Russian Revolution of 1917 is Trotskyites’ but not Bolsheviks’ slogan. It seems, that permanent revolution goes on, but in new conditions; and the subtitle of the article devoted to the reaction of different circles to Bush’s speech in Congress – “Marxists and Muslims don’t want to help to «imperialists»” – has double sense on the matrix level: from the one side, it is a sign that Trotskyism uses Islam in its own interests, and from the other side, it is a defence from probable accusation of America in stepping Trotskyism and fascism up.

Why do you think so, Holmes?

You see by your own, Watson, that the word “imperialists” in the subtitle goes with the quotation marks. It allows thinking that this word means the bourgeois democrats ruling USA, when shifting to the ideological sense row, where “Muslims” and “Marxists” belong. And what we have in whole – our suspicions about Trotskyism, expressed right on the day of this news-paper appearing, have had certain base under them, and the sixth page is devoted essentially to the “Defence Picnic”, if to follow the Trotskyite Galba in its interpretation. But in this case there should be a sign on this page, which would prove its connection with the second “picnic”. I have no other ideas about the “pictures”, so you, Watson, should seek for this sign in the other articles of this page independently.

I started reading the text of other three articles on the page six. Holmes began puffing his pipe and became absorbed in texts and pictures of the “Defence Picnic” one more time.

It seems to me, I’ve found it. There’s the article by Georgy Stepanov – “Explosion, but not terrorist act”. I’ll read the brief annotation of it to you, Holmes, and you’ll see:

“Yesterday in Toulouse (South France) terrible explosion took place. An oil-chemistry plant AZF exploded; it was located in the industrial zone of 900-thousand city. 15 were killed, and 200 damaged. 50 wounded are in hard condition.”

May be also, that the article by Georgy Ilyin, “Old Acquaintance”, can be useful for us. It reports about 72-years-old Arnold Ruitel, ex-member of CC of Estonian Communistic Party, who became the second president of Estonia in post-Soviet era.

Well, Watson, it’s enough for maintaining the matrix-level connection between sixth page and the “Defence Picnic”, where Pisa and Toulouse are mentioned in the “Song about Marshals”. And Marxists-Trotskyites in contemporary history are “old acquaintances” indeed. Thus, the next page is 7. What’s there?

“Contemporary Stories”.

What does it mean, Watson?

It is the heading of the seventh page, and it is devoted to the trial as such: the vessel “Petr Vasev” rammed the passenger ship “Admiral Nakhimov” in the Black Sea on the August 31, 1986. “Admiral Nakhimov” sank in eight minutes. There were 1243 passengers on the board, 423 perished.