What do we have on the eighth page, Watson?

According to the headings, Holmes, nothing. But there’s something interesting on the ninth page – I mean this picture, where two are sawing someone hanged upside down. It resembles something in your notes, Holmes, doesn’t it?

Yes, Watson, there was a conversation about Isaiah-prophet, who was sawed by wooden saw by the order of Judea ruler Manasseh. The Count remembered this story by association with the day of “truncating of John the Baptist’s head”, which takes its place on September 11. So, there is a warning about the impending catastrophe, expressed in the “Post Historical Picnic”, on the 7th page on the matrix level, and on the 9th page there’s information about the very day of catastrophe. Well, Watson, everything is true. As I remember, on the 10th page we will find the proof that we are dealing with the matrix-scenario of the third “picnic”.

With these words Holmes unfolded the tenth page, and I actually saw the photo of the monkey from the third “picnic”.

What about are the headings of the articles, connected with the photo of the monkey?

“Chimpanzee can read”, with the subheading below – “And the skilled prestidigitator doesn’t know the secrets of his tricks”. Under the photo there’s the caption: “Let me read!”, and under it there’s very strange report in the department “Inappropriate”: “Terrorist didn’t like circus”. Should I translate it?

Yes, Watson, please.

“63-years-old pensioner was detained in Saint-Petersburg, suspected of knowingly false call about the bomb in the building of Circus upon Fontanka. The call to police was made on September 9. Policemen surrounded the building and evacuated all visitors and performers. As the result of searches the carton box with the caption “Bomb” on its side was found. On the base of the fact of anonymous report about bomb it was brought a lawsuit on the paragraph about knowingly false report about the act of terrorism, providing for the confinement of 3 years or less.”

And what does it mean, Holmes, to your opinion?

Watson, don’t you remember when was the Iranian from the German jail trying to warn Washington about probable terrorist act?

It seems to me, that it happened on the September 9.

And who is the “chief prestidigitator” today, susceptible to the effect of “monkey’s paw”, as the result of which he ceased to understand secrets of his own tricks?

If I’m correct in understanding the meaning of “circus shapito”, then the chief prestidigitator is Global Predictor – biblical znakharstvo.

But the most interesting thing, Watson, is this photo on the 11th page, which explains, why the “chief prestidigitator” doesn’t know and doesn’t understand his tricks. Translate, please, the text under the picture.

“Football-players were fighting for a ball blindly: “Torpedo”-players were in white T-shirts, British were in dark.”

Yes, Watson, light “Atonists” and dark “Amonists” seem to have been playing too much. You know from the note “About tandem principle of activity”, that 22 hierophants, having hidden in Levi’s generation, couldn’t vanish totally from matrixes of existence, and so they should mark themselves symbolically. How do you think, Watson, what can associate the activity of hierophants and football?

The first, as well as second, are divided into two groups, 11 men in each, and the subject of their attention is a “round object”. The difference is that the hierophants were not struggling in teams for undivided possessing it, while Egypt ruling was based on the tandem principle, and each of football teams are fighting for it – in order to send it to the goal, in the gates, past the goal-keeper of the other team[122]. So, the football game symbolizes the schism in Egyptian branch of global conceptual power, doesn’t it?

Correct, Watson, and now – look at the football ball above the heads of “blind” players. Can you see Western and Eastern hemispheres and the Atlantic Ocean between them on its surface, though in rudely stylised form? And – laugh at it or not – but there are sharply 4 football players on the photo: according to the number of the most general categories in the Amen’s set: space, time, matter, energy (or spirit). And the headings to the left and below the photograph – what does they mean?

To the left – “Game in the wind”, and below – “Kutuzov’s glory”. What is it about, how do you think, Holmes?

Holmes took the “Defence Picnic” once more and pointed to the picture with solder in helmet and caption to it “Where does the wind blow?” and then – to the words from “The song about Marshals” – “Kutuzov’s offspring Puzo and Jago.”

This is the sign of association of the third “picnic with the second and third days of GKChP: Pugo is the surname of USSR Domestic Minister that period of time, and Jazov was the Defence Minister in the times of GKChP. Watson, and then please let’s look at the last, twelfth page of this paper.

It seems to return us to the first, the “Historical Picnic”, and at the same time to sum up three rebuses in whole. Look at the article in the right column, entitled “Feel the Resemblance”, by Yuri Bogomolov. I’ll read the annotation first:

“The landscape of New York after the catastrophe turned into almost emblematic picture: the cut skeleton of the building on the background of blue sky – it’s the view from the lower point. The upper foreshortening: uncoloured piles of concrete, iron and glass, and people in bright orange clothes and glittering red helmets between them. This site of fire turned into speaker’s rostrum for a moment. It happened when President Bush stood upon it and addressed to nation through his megaphone. They (President and people) were united in this historic minute. As we were some time. When Eltsin stood on the tank. People on the other side of the ocean understand everything. Crime was committed, and inevitable punishment must follow. In our country, we continue discussing”.

Well, Watson, and what about are discussions on the other side of the ocean?

Mainly, Holmes, they discuss a problem: “Why has it happened with America?”

And what conclusions do they come to, Watson?

The range of versions is alike in or country: from “America is too greedy” to “there’s too many democracy in the world”. But the most interesting point in this discussion, called “Brain storm” by author for some reasons, is the assessment of Russian liberal views. If you don’t mind, Holmes, I will translate this paragraph wholly.

Of course, Watson. The paper is pro-western, liberal, and self-assessments are always interesting.

“The most popular answer is – there are too many “hungry and slaves”[123]. Social inequality in the West is too obvious and class approach triumphs. And not only in left heads. Respectable liberal heads are occupied with it as well. He seems to be clever man, liberal, moreover, western-supporter, but look thoroughly – he is no more than Marxist. To the question about Chechnya he would answer that people there struggle for its national independence. Being asked about terrorism, he would say, that it is a sequence of social inequality in the world”.

Yes, Watson, it’s really interesting conclusion about the essence of contemporary liberalism in Russia, and it coincides with Inner Predictor’s conclusions: Liberals, ruling the country today, and Marxists, opposite to them, are concealed or potential Trotskyites by their essence, though the author of the article didn’t want to call things their names. Why didn’t Galba understand that, I wonder?

I think, Holmes, that Galba is an overt Trotskyite, though, as I understood from the conception materials, hidden and open Trotskyites are united by psychical Trotskyism.

And what does it mean, Watson?