After little pause Holmes offered to return to the newspaper “Izvestiya”, which he picked up in Zurich airport.

Look on the number of the newspaper “Chas Pick” with the “Post Historical Picnic”, Watson.

The number of 1992 is 33.

And the serial number from the beginning of newspaper’s registration?

130! I seem to understand, Holmes. The representatives of biblical znakharstvo were trying to appeal to the highest degrees of Mason consecration – 33, and got into the enclosing matrix of “Queen of Spades” at once, and in addition – into the Hermann’s variant, when the sum of his pips after three days of game was 13.

Yes, Watson, they were doomed to absolute defeat on the matrix level, in spite of all cabbalistic tricks of the third “picnic”. Notice the date when the newspaper was published and remember the epilogue of “Queen of Spades” one more time.

Holmes took the sheet of paper with his notes and read: “Hermann went out of his mind, and he sits now confined in room Number 17 of the Obuhov Hospital. He never answers any questions, but he constantly mutters with unusual rapidity: “Three, seven, ace! Three, seven, queen!..”

And still I can’t understand, Holmes, who could select such cabbalistic numbers, that when common people encounter with this phenomenon, they feel that this …

…is either the manifestation of incomprehensible God’s Providence, or the trace of someone’s devilishly perverted mind, – Holmes ended my phrase.

Yes, Holmes, I’ve told such words really on the first day of our discussion about “picnics”, although then they were dealt with numerical mystics of planes-kamikaze. But know I met it once more, studying “picnics”, and I can’t say that it became more comprehensible to me.

But, Watson, besides it, we were talking about numerical measure, which we should work on. The mystics of numbers in New York and Washington events of September11 and the mystics of numbers in “picnics” have something in common, uniting them, and it can be called the matrix numerical measure. Chronology is the numerical measure of history; in the same way matrixes have their own numerical measure, and it is much larger by informational content than chronological numerical measure. It is the matrix numerical measure that is considered and described by cabbalists and mystics as cabbalism and mysticism of numbers. But there’s no mysticism for those who understand the nature of the phenomenon. And such person, who consider matrixes as objective thing, he not only understands the role of numerical measure in nature of matrixes, but studies to use the numerical measure for practical goals.

I would be very grateful to you, Holmes, if you gave something like practical lesson to me on the theme “Matrixes and their numerical measures”.

Dear Watson, I has been diving such practical lesson to you from the first minutes of my returning from India, and I must say that I’ve prepared to it properly.

What do you mean, Holmes?

Your reaction to the Russian newspaper “Izvestiya”.

Holmes took “Izvestiya” №175 (26013) of September 22 from the table.

I had a look on this newspaper in my spare time; I looked through all other pictures of this 12-pages newspaper and came to the conclusion that almost all of them are connected with symbolism of the “picnics”, besides the photo of Anna Kurnikova, which resembles Aphrodite Callipyga from the third “picnic” by the foreshortening indeed. I think that texts of the articles and titles can also help us in finding the answer to the Russian rebus. Watson, but what concerns the numerical measure, you have discovered it by yourself in the coincidence of the newspaper number and number of the flight, which attacked the northern tower of WTC. But now, Watson, look at the serial number of the paper. What do you see?

The number 13.

Correct, Watson. And if to add to this, that the sum of numbers in 175 is 13, we will come to the conclusion, that editorial staff of this newspaper from September 22 (11 days after the catastrophe), re-translated unconsciously some reaction of biblical aggregor to the “picnic” matrix reconstruction, which you’ve noticed too. But at the same time this collective was under influence of “Queen of Spades” matrix, that part of it, which reflected Hermann’s activity. Don’t forget, that 22 is a number of hierophants. But let’s look through the titles of articles and “pictures” to them at first. For example, there’s the picture of fisherman with spinning on the third page. Watson, translate the title of the article, please.

“Fish has become much cleverer by the championship of fishing by spinning”. I don’t quite understand, Holmes, why are interested in this article?

Look at the third “picnic”, Watson, here’s the dead fish in the “Swan Lake” – the symbol of biblical conception. I think that this article is a matrix reaction to this symbol. Translate further, Watson, please.

A little introduction in the beginning:

“Yesterday sixty bearded men sailed into the water area “Orlovskaya Volozhka[116]” in the Saratov region. All of them have only one goal: to catch as more fish as possible: pikes, roaches, perches – everything they could catch. It was the beginning of Russian Spinning Championship. Spinning-fishers consider themselves real aesthetes – they call fishermen with ordinary fishing rods “the primitives with sticks”.

Then there are author’s name and surname: Anton Elin. Should I continue?

Yes, Watson, please.

“Cunning spinning-fishers occupied the resort hotel “Chaika[117]” – woman-administrator has been settling persons with huge rucksacks and hanks of fishing lines then. Now their rooms are piled with fly-spoon baits, voblers, terrible jerk-baits and foam-rubber mutants like squids and vibrating tails. They will spend two days, seven hours each, in their boats with piles of these devices. Gennady Filin[118], famous spinninger, is very skilled in treating with vibrating tails and voblers, but he doesn’t take part in the championship: he wasn’t invited.

— I don’t like mass hysteric fishing, – he said to “Izvestiya”, – there’s no pleasure in this case. Spinning is the most aesthetic fishing. Its charm includes your aims to large loot. The zeal appears then, and vanishes, when trifles go.

— To Filin’s opinion, nowadays fish became cleverer. The days had passed, when a fisherman with primitive “stick” with “Nevskaya” reel and fishing line-cable could catch dozen kilos of “tails”. Now fish pecks only on such perversions as jerk-baits – it is a lure looking like pike disfigured by life. Many professionals spend winters with their cutlasses, trying to deceive clever fish with hand-made baits. Filin has caught his first ruff, when he was three years old. And “went mad” since then, as he says. The mate of Chairman of association “Ros-ohot-rybolov-soyuz”[119], Alexander Clushin[120], on the contrary, can’t stand fishing – but it was he, who invented this championship. According to him, such species as pikes, breams, perches, and even pikeperches are expected in “Volozhka”. After two days of fishing all fish will be weighted and the winner will be awarded with the medal of Russian championship. There are rumours, that the last year winner, Vyacheslav Golubev[121], is not in good form now and will let other participant have his title this year”.

Well, what can you say about this article, Watson?

It’s rather strange, I think, Holmes, it seems to have some double sense. It’s surprisingly enough, that all fishermen’s surnames and places have bird species in their base: Eagle-owl, Brood hen, Dove, Eagle Lake, “Gull”. And the opposition between spinningers and “primitives with sticks” is not comprehensible, and neither the bait in the form of “pike disfigured by life”.

What concerns “bird names”, you can remember, that in the third “picnic” dead fish was placed in the lake with “bird name” too – the “Swan lake”.