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My release was on the edge. That familiar tingling began at my toes, shifting to my sex. I whimpered as I bit down on my lip. The more he ground into me, the more I eased back onto his cock. My legs could hardly hold me up they were shaking so bad, and my body began to spasm and splinter into pleasure. I could feel my climax rush to meet his. Our bodies seemed to meld together the moment he exploded into me, filling me with his heat. My body tingled with satisfaction. I desperately wanted to hold on to this moment. I had too many emotions coursing through me right then as I sucked in a breath and eased back into Keenan.

“Damn, that was—” I spit out, barely able to make my words audible.

“Earth shattering?” he said as he brushed his hands against my back.

He paused, then pressed a kiss to my shoulder before pulling out. I bit back a quiet sob, trying not to appear desperate at the loss. Our bodies fit together so well, even considering his girth. I had convinced myself that, eventually, my pussy would become sufficient to fit his proportions. I’d also mentally ascertained because he’d already bared his soul and told me he loved me, all our feelings were now exposed.

Keenan knew how I felt, and I hoped he understood with clarity that loving him would never be a possibility. I did adore being with him, and the sex—holy shit, I really loved it. Yes, waiting four months had been brutal, but regardless, it had been worth it. So in retrospect, I had a super hot-as-hell model boyfriend, a gargantuan cock, and he was giving me the green light to do my thing as long as no other man did his thing. I might need Keenan to clarify all this. I didn’t want to lose him… or this. He wasn’t pushing me to give more or to be more. The man didn’t want to change me. But I did feel different. He had altered something.

“Hungry, baby?” he asked while he pulled on his briefs and handed me his polo.

I slipped it over my head. “Yeah, I am. Eggs but no sausage.” I chuckled as I gave him a heated glance.

“Very well. Your wish is my command.”

How I wished that were true. Then he would just be a fuck buddy and not a man who loved me. I watched as he turned the stove back on and began to heat a clean pan. I leaned against the sink as I watched him cook. I wished I could take pictures and post them on Twitter. But the paparazzi was bad enough without a million female followers sending out death threats to the woman who got lucky enough to have Keenan Stone scramble her eggs (among other things) and feed her his sausage.

We ate breakfast—well, actually brunch—out on the veranda. I struggled through drinking my coffee because all I could think about was him. I wanted—no, I needed to taste him again. This had never happened to me. I had rules. I hated revisiting the same cock. It was all about the unfamiliar and untouched territory. But Keenan was unique. His region was absolutely worth exploring again and again.

My condominium was extremely secluded, well hidden in the hills. Nothing below but valley with empty terrain. I strolled into the kitchen and retrieved a towel, then went back outside. I placed it by his feet and got on my knees as I watched him arch an eyebrow. He turned his chair toward me, allowing my hand to cup his already substantial bulge.

“We could go inside. I’m not sure I want to give your neighbors or a passing plane a show.”

I laughed greedily as I released his cock from his briefs. It jutted outward, firm and ready. “You’re big, Kee, but I seriously doubt a plane would see us. Besides, I have no neighbors.”

I dragged his briefs down to his ankles and watched as he kicked them off. I swept my hands up and down along his thighs as I nudged them apart with a kiss. There was the lingering scent of myself on him. I’d always given fellatio before, never after. I wrapped my hand around the base and began to lick from his balls up to his crown.

“Christ, that feels amazing.” Keenan’s body swiveled as I darted my tongue across the head and teased the small slit.

His entire body shivered as I trailed back down his length, going from side to side with long licks. As I came to his balls again, I caressed both with a kiss as I cradled them in my hand. His body went stiff. I knew he was attempting to keep himself in check. Both my hands kneaded him as I worked my way back up to his swollen head. I watched through observant eyes as he began white-knuckling the chair. He looked pensive. The crown glistened. Seeing it made my mouth water. I centered my mouth over it and covered him slowly with my lips. It must have been excruciating for him, because he exhaled with a loud moan. I held on to the base of his length as I sucked. I methodically cupped my other hand tighter, and using the lubricants from his precum as well as my saliva, I began using my tongue in a swirling motion, covering as much of his cock as possible.

“Baby, you’re killing me—in a good way. This is going to be ov—aw, fuck.”

I felt his balls tighten as I rolled them between my fingers and his dick expand as I stroked it. More fluid leaked out of the tip as I continued to suck. I gripped him as I pumped him faster between my lips. I was wet and my thighs slippery. It almost felt as though another wave of release was coming. I’d never felt this empowered. Keenan was putty. Well, mentally; his lower half was like concrete. It was sudden and caught me off guard when he came. His cock was so deep in my mouth I felt the head make contact with the back of my throat. Rich, thick seed burst from him as I tried to consume it all. He almost pitched forward out of the chair. He pumped furiously, holding on to my hair. I kept swallowing until nothing lingered except a few stray droplets.

“There are no words in any language. Your mouth is stellar. It should be worshipped…”

And there it was. That moment. The one where Keenan paused to think about what he’d meant to say and realized it was true. My mouth was worshipped—by many. I refused to feel guilty about what I enjoyed. I wondered how many times he'd admonished Latch for being a man whore. And he even told me he’d been no saint. So should I feel contrite or be chastised because I loved sucking cock? What? Because I was a woman? Because I was his? Because he loved me?

I sighed as I got up off my knees. There was no eye contact between us. I knew this was a mistake, regardless of how good it had felt. Now we’d probably ruined our friendship too.

I walked back into the house, leaving Keenan still sitting naked in the chair on the veranda. I took a quick swig of orange juice, then headed for the shower. Twenty minutes later, I came into my bedroom with a towel wrapped around my body and hair. He was resting on the bed, dressed and appearing suddenly more stoic than usual.

“Don’t say anything, Kee. I knew from the beginning this would never work.” I paused as I walked into the closet to get dressed. “You knew when we met how I was. I never hid anything from you,” I said wearily as I slipped into a robe.

“I never asked you to change. I gave you free rein with just a few restrictions. I think I’ve been quite a lenient man, considering. Did it mean nothing when I said I loved you?”

I sat next to him as I undid the towel from my head. He’d already changed me and I didn’t like it or want it. All of this was uncharacteristic for me. “Honestly, it pains me that you love me. I don’t want to hurt you. I like you, Kee, very much, but I can’t be that woman. The one that follows you around like a puppy and drools all the time. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. You said you didn’t want to transform me. You already have. The fact that I was with you for months without sex, that’s huge for me. The fact I sucked your cock twice, I never do that. I’ve done so many things for you and with you that are out of my comfort zone.”