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“Brandi, what is with the metaphors? I fucking hate fishing, I called you up for advice… You’re not helping,” I said, whining.

“You didn’t call me for advice. Do I look like Dr. Phil? I’m a sounding board, Weezie. I know you. You’re going to do what you want. Mr. Stone has met his match, because you are a strong-ass independent woman with a weakness for plating—cock sucking. Nothing I could possibly say will change how you really feel. I hear it in your tone. It appears you too have met your equal. If you didn’t have brewing feelings for him, you wouldn’t have called me. You know I loathe romance and relationships, but you sound different. Let this gorgeous younger man love you. Accept it and what he has to offer. He’s allowing you the freedom to be yourself without any repercussions. I mean, this man is perfect. Hold on to him as long as you can.”

I heard what she was saying. I just wanted her to confirm what I already knew. I wasn’t going to walk away from him. I’d already invested too much time, and the sex was off the charts. It had definitely been worth waiting for.

Brandi and I spoke a while longer, then said our good-byes. I had lots to think about, including wondering if Keenan planned to see other women. I knew he wouldn’t have sex, but the thought of another woman kissing or going down on him… I felt unsettled as my entire body began to shake at the idea of him being intimate with someone else. We weren’t going to share our secrets. He’d said he didn’t want to know, and he knew how to be discreet after dealing with the reporters for years. Every time he kissed me or I took his cock in my mouth, I would wonder who’d been there prior to this moment.

I wasn’t sure now if I could do this. I’d been an only child. My parents had never taught me the golden rules of sharing. We were already allocating time, days, and weeks. Between photo shoots and business trips, distance continually separated us. That made it easy for us to have others on the side. And now that Keenan was going to become a movie star, he’d have more female fans than ever. He might love me now, but when his acting career took off and we were apart for months, I had a sneaking hunch what he felt would fade.

That was a good thing. Maybe all he needed was time. I wasn’t what he really wanted, and he didn’t need me. This was just a phase for him. All I had to do was sit back, enjoy our moments, and wait him out. Eventually, the not knowing would destroy him. Because wondering what other women he was with would eradicate me. But I’d made this bed and I would have to lie in it with or without him.

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Sixteen Months Later

As it turned out, our relationship wasn’t as abnormal as I thought it would be. As crazy as it sounded, it worked, at least for us. It had been almost two years now. The last sixteen months consisted of us now noted as a couple. We stayed pretty much the same. I worked. He worked. I saw him at least two to three times a week. There were occasions I went out of town with him.

He took me to fashion week in Paris. I ended up coming home with seven pairs of shoes. Two I got free because I had big feet, so they were samples. Two were because I was Keenan’s lady friend, and the other three he shelled out five grand for because I whined like a little girl. He wasn’t only gorgeous, but generous.

Even though we kept our relationship status low key, sometimes it ended up being futile. Kiwi was a major deal for the rags. Magazines were constantly speculating on what we were. One went so far as to rumor that Keenan was gay and us being together was just a ruse. He was furious. Not about what they were saying about him. He was used to the constant scrutiny. But what they where insinuating about me. It pissed him off enough to threaten legal action.

We celebrated his next birthday in Scotland with Haven and Latch.

As much as I adored seeing Haven, the event of Keenan’s birthday was a constant reminder that as he aged, I got older too. It never strayed far from my mind that he might wake up one day and want a younger woman. I tried to prepare for that possibility and kept my emotions at arm’s length. But the man was captivating.

He’d finally nailed down the part to play Jake Coy in the movie version of Blood Vestige. Which made both him and Latch extremely happy. It was the topic of conversation whenever we visited our friends. The salary offered was a meager two million dollars, which wasn’t a lot compared to what he made as a spokesperson and model, but he appeared content with it. He knew his days in that profession were numbered. He was getting too old. I also thought he enjoyed the challenge of acting and doing his own stunts when the studio allowed.

The magazine and television interviews were heating up, and so were we. In almost two years, he never once quizzed me about other men, but I nearly had to bite my tongue in half to refrain from grilling him concerning women, especially after a few weeks apart. I’d never been the jealous type, but with the sudden onslaught of attention, I felt uneasy.

I never believed he had someone else on the side. The paparazzi followed him everywhere, especially now that he was going to be an action star. Keenan wasn’t Latch. Well, the way Latch used to be before marriage. He lived a relatively quiet life. He was actually quite conservative for the most part. No flings. No fighting. But lots of fucking. Oh how the man loved to fuck. And orgasms—he was a skilled master. He was capable of making me come with his fingers, tongue, or cock. If we had time and he felt generous, I got all three.

He went out of his way to quench my sexual needs prior to any traveling. He always left me in a weakened state, unable to seek satisfaction anywhere else. I’d never considered phone sex or sexting until I met him. Sometimes he was gone for many weeks. I could have been with someone else—that was the deal we’d made. But the truth was I’d never been with another man since the night he told me he loved me.

His phone calls were so obscene I had to actually break down and get a vibrator. I’d given Haven shit about Earl for years. Now I knew why she used it. As Keenan got down and dirty with words, I could actually get myself off between the vibrator and mental stimulation. Granted, it was no puff chore, but it kept me linked to him.

He’d been away almost a month this time and was due to be home tonight. I knew once he was cleaned up, he’d come straight over. I’d planned a quiet dinner for us, focusing on the dessert. He’d been away so long, I might actually decide to eat dessert first. I’d taken a shower and put on a long floral halter dress. I’d purchased some very special lingerie just for the occasion. It felt decadent against my skin.

As I drained the pasta, my cell phone buzzed.

“Are you naked?”

I quietly snorted as his deep voice pierced me. “Yes, Kee. I’m naked while draining the pasta. It does make the food taste better.” I laughed as I rolled my eyes.

“Umm… let’s forgo the pasta. I can’t wait to get my cock in that hot, moist mouth of yours. I was literally hard all day at those damn meetings, just thinking about when I could coat your throat with my cream and have you suck me bone dry.”

Fuck. My new panties were now ruined. I could feel the heat and dampness generated by his words. “Jesus, Kee, you kiss your mother with that mouth? You do know anyone could be monitoring our phone calls. What would your public think?” I giggled as I waited for his response.

“If they knew how exceptional your blow—puff chores were, they’d give you a medal or a trophy, or they’d start tracing our calls to track you down.”