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“I want to fuck you so badly, but we really need to sort out this shit first. Stop doing that,” he quips as he pulls me off him. His hand goes to his crotch to attempt manual arranging of his junk.

My pussy is at defcon one, along with my nipples. “I don’t want us to fuck anymore, Kee. I need you to make love to me, please.” I am pleading.

Keenan shakes his head. I can tell his body is fighting him. His brain might want a logical conversation, but his cock has a mind of its own—and it doesn’t want to talk.

“Tell me again. Tell me you love me,” he says as he backs away toward the sofa.

I rub my red, swollen eyes with one hand. “I love you, Keenan Stone.”

The sexiest, most beautiful man in the world rests his head in his hands as he sits on the sofa. When I hear his soft sobs, my immediate thought is to comfort this man. I move over to him and place a kiss on the top of his head. He looks up as our eyes meet.

I slide his shirt over his head, then pull him to me. I pepper his bare chest with kisses, as I bend to circle my tongue around his belly button. I continue tracing a path down to his waistband. I unbuckle his belt, then his jeans. I can hear his breathing begin to deepen. I tug down his jeans until he kicks them off. I grasp his jutting cock with both hands as I hear him hiss. Prominent veins bulge as an engorged crown leaks pearly drops of goodness, tempting me to taste him. But what I want is a connection.

“Make love to me.” I moan.

“Anything for you, baby. But I have conditions.”

“I figured as much,” I say, struggling to pull down my boy shorts. Once they’re on the floor, we both stand in front of each other naked.

“I’m going to ask you again. Will you marry me, Louisa Ann Miller,” he asks, falling once again to one knee.

It’s hard to be mad at a man who calls you by your given name while on one knee, proposing marriage. A naked Keenan Stone is nothing to sneeze at. But seeing him kneeling and nude—that would make a proud selfie.

“Yes, a million time yes—but I have stipulations too,” I reply.

“And they are?”

It’s hard to think clearly when the man you thought you lost is now standing in front of you sans clothing. I’ll have plenty of time post fucking to come up with my requirements. But for right now, as much as I enjoy the view, we need the ring. I pad over to the bar and grab my purse. Once I find the box, I hand it to Keenan. He quickly pulls out the cock-sized jewel and slides it onto my left hand.

I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as I kiss him. He carries me to the bedroom.

“Loving you has never been easy, but it is worth it. I knew the minute we met at the gala you would be a force of nature. A force that would influence my life forever.”

I snicker. I’ve been referred to as many things, but never a force of nature.

“Yeah, well, I knew you would be a pain in my ass and a thorn in my side. But somehow I fell in love with you regardless,” I said, teasing.

“You were supposed to fuck me and go home, Kee. I never imagined you’d hang around for five years. I was always worried you’d leave me for a younger model. I mean, what’s going to happen when I’m eighty?”

A flash of humor crosses his face. “Baby, when you’re eighty, I’ll be sixty-nine.”

My mouth forms an O. “Very good year. Do you think we’ll still be having sex?”

He laughs as he lays me on the bed. I stare as he begins to stroke himself attentively. I will never grow tired of watching him. “Will you still be able to get on your knees?”

Jesus, I hadn’t thought about that. Maybe I’d better start practicing more agile positions for giving puff chores. I stare at the diamond glittering on my finger.

“You know, I could always purchase you some blinged-out kneepads to go with that ring.” He smiles as he moves toward the bed, letting his hands glide between my thighs. I spread my legs wide to accommodate his body as he positions himself between them.

“Maybe,” I murmur as my fingertips skim along his length. I watch as his eyes roll back and he groans. “But I could always find alternative ways to lip lock that herculean mass you call your cock.”

“I love you, baby,” he croons as he slips into me.

He satiates me completely. He’s right. It does feel like home. I can’t imagine a life without him. I’ve put him through so many ordeals to get to this point. I never thought I’d ever be worth loving, especially by someone like him. I no longer fear what’s coming, but embrace it. Because my destiny is with him and I have no doubt a future without Keenan would make my present unbearable.

I feel him swell as my muscles clench him tightly. My release is met with endearing words of love from my future husband.

“I love you too, Kee. I never totally shared myself with you. I only gave you a fraction. The rest I hid because I never believed you and I could be more. I fought these feelings for so long and I pushed you away so many times. But you never gave up on me—us. I can’t imagine how you found the strength to stay or why you bothered. But I’m glad you did. Because now I want you to have all of me. Everything you were denied is now yours. I belong to only you. I always will."

The End


It always takes many to write a book. I pen the story. Robin Harper/Wicked by Design creates a cover that brings my idea to life. She’s an actual magician. My talented and patient editor Cassie McCown or as I think of her (Miracle worker: Extraordinaire)—it’s her job to take that sensual tale I’ve written and make sure that all the T’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted. In reality, she is the person that makes sure, what you read makes sense. My formatter Sharon Kay––She takes everything and somehow turns the interior into a work of art.

My author buds: Ahren Sanders, Kathy Coopmans, Cambria Hebert, Mary Ting, Desiree A. Cox, Arie Lane and Tracey Champion. You all inspire me daily. I want to be you when I grow up! You listen to my vents, answer questions and offer me support.

My friends: Lori, Ben, Dee Dee, Jan, Jo and Katrina: I love you all.

I have many in my fan group but I need to shout out to Dusty Summerfield, Lynne White, Jeanna Salazar, Laura Lee and many more who spend their time making sure everyone knows who I am and what I write. They do it all week long, without compensation—just because they are fans. I appreciate their constant support more than I can say. Melissa Darling, you are the best! Thank you for taking the “temporary” PA position and deciding to keep it. I feel like my “Dream Team” is now complete.

Danielle Green Linhart, thank you for the awesome swag you create every time I release a book. Christopher John, we will meet one day, I swear. You’re such a great photographer and a virtual BFF. Thank you for photographing Derek Poole and allowing him to make Keenan a reality.

I could write ten more pages regarding all the bloggers, authors, and Facebook friends that have helped me along the way to make my dreams come true. Even if you haven’t been mentioned, I know who you are and your support is valued and appreciated.

Ruby Barrera. I hope you love your character. She became a very prominent figure in just one chapter.

Brandy Defires-Swendt: You are the ULTIMATE Reviving Haven fan. No matter what is going on in your life-you are always there to support me. Until I met you, I thought I was strong. I had no idea what being resilient meant until you became a part of my life. You are a freaking WARRIOR!

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Bite & Release

Reviving Haven
