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I’d always thought of myself as strong and resilient. I had felt fulfilled in the past. I’d been accomplished in business as well as my personal life. I never yearned for anything more. I was content with my life. Until I met him. Hell. It was only supposed to be one night of sexual debauchery, but somehow he kept coming back. Somehow, Keenan Stone had managed to occupy my heart. I’d never love him, but I cared for him more than I ever thought possible.

In a month, we’d be flying to Scotland. It was Latch’s birthday, and Haven had planned a big celebration. Latch’s mother, Fiona, would also be attending. Because she now had a grandson, she’d changed. She was no longer the intolerable cruel bitch from the gala. I’d heard she and Logan were inseparable.

Keenan had been gone for two weeks this time, doing his press tour. They’d already begun prepping for the next movie. He seemed exhausted at the idea. Haven’s words haunted me—that being a movie star wasn’t his real dream. He’d never made me question that. He hadn’t confided in me. And I wouldn’t be the one to squash his vision.

I dressed accordingly, since he’d made reservations for us. In the years we had been together, he’d never taken me to Ilessa, a very private and secluded restaurant set on a high cliff above the ocean. Haven had spoken about it. That had been were Latch had taken her for their first date. I remembered it well and the little black dress of mine she’d borrowed to wear. I found an equally sexy deep-violet dress in my closet and paired it with silver heels. I rarely wore my hair up, but tonight I clipped it into a messy bun.

Keenan showed up an hour later.

“You look beautiful,” he said as he tossed his jacket on the sofa. “Let me shower and change. Reservation is at eight. The car will be here at seven thirty.”

My eyes flashed with surprise “You hired a car?”

“I thought we might want to drink some wine or champagne. The establishment is known for their rare vintages,” he answered as he took the stairs two at a time.

He made me chuckle. I padded behind him as he disrobed at every other step. I picked up his jacket, tie, and then his shirt. I stopped at the bedroom where he’d dropped his pants and taken off his briefs. If I’d stayed there, a very naked Keenan would have entertained me. I could hear him singing as he showered. He sounded happy.

He came downstairs thirty minutes later combing his damp hair. He had on a charcoal suit with a pale-gray shirt and a dark-blue tie. The car arrived just as he was fastening his cufflinks. We appeared awful fancy for a dinner out.

Haven hadn’t exaggerated. The restaurant was stunning. I could hardly catch my breath as I witnessed the view from our balcony. Keenan had secured a private area for us to dine. The scent of rich foods and ocean salt permeated the air. Soft music played in the background as a waiter took our drink order. He ordered a Napa Valley bottle of wine for us. I knew my wines, and that particular bottle was close to five hundred dollars.

What the hell was going on? It wasn’t my birthday; we skipped those. I hoped this was about the second movie.

The waiter returned and poured us both a glass of wine, then left. Keenan traced his finger around the rim. Then he stood, taking the glass with him. He walked over to edge of the balcony where he could look down and watch the ocean crash onto the shore. I grabbed my wine and strolled over to join him.

“What is it, Kee? You seem anxious.” I touched his arm as he held his glass.

He seemed lost in thought as he stared out into the sea. “I guess I’m preoccupied and nervous. I never want to lose you, but I’m at my wit’s end.”

Wait. What? He’s scaring me. Maybe he’d been sensing my restlessness. Maybe he was walking away. “What’s going on? Tell me, because now you’re freaking me out.”

His rich blue eyes turned toward me, soulful and gentle but filled with purpose. “I need more. I want more, Weezie. I’m tired. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m sick of this pseudo relationship.”

The hand holding my wine glass began to shake. I felt that empty hole in my stomach begin to stir as it opened up to swallow me. “I… I don’t understand,” I stammered. I took my eyes away from his because I knew the day of reckoning was here. This actually isn’t what I’d expected. Maybe I should have been glad he had finally given up and recognized he and I couldn’t continue.

He set his glass on the stone edge of the lookout point as I began to walk back to my chair. I needed to be sitting for our next exchange of words.

“Stop. Right. There.” His voice had an authoritative tone that I’d never heard before.

I spun around abruptly just in time to see him fumbling in his pants pocket. He stared at me intensely as he produced a box.

Fuck. No. My entire body began to shake and I had to place my glass down. I suddenly felt cold and flushed at the same time. Yes, every little girl dreams of this moment. Dreams. For me, it was a nightmare.

I watched as if in slow motion while Keenan fell to one knee. I almost wanted to laugh because it felt like a reality show moment. And I glanced around to see if we weren’t indeed being filmed. I lifted my eyes to his, wondering if maybe he’d crouched on one knee due to injury. I mean, he wasn’t getting any younger, and doing some of his own stunts might have taken a toll on that gorgeous body. After all, it had been a while since he hit the gym. Then he popped open the lid of the box. I saw light so bright it was almost blinding.

I sighed. The man had bought me a diamond the size of his cock. I pondered what that equaled in carat weight.

I moved a little closer, as if I were hypnotized by the excessive size and beauty of the ring. I revered, in order, cocks, shoes, clothes, and jewelry. And because this man loved and knew me, he purchased a diamond parallel to the magnitude of his shaft. I was currently trying to relieve the pressure in my brain by amusing myself. I was sure he was uncomfortable as hell being on one knee for two minutes. After all, it was concrete. Maybe he’d have more compassion for me the next time I sucked his dick. “I want to marry you,” he said, his voice dripping with sincerity and tenderness.

“Stop. Don’t say it. I so do not want to hear the M-word. What has gotten into you, Kee? Jesus.” I backed away from him and the glare of brightness reflected by the ring, thinking, Do not walk toward the light.

He stood and dusted himself off. I heard the ring box snap closed. Loudly.

“This isn’t what I want anymore. I want to have a life with you.”

“What the hell, Kee? We do have a life. I’ve given you more. Five fucking years. I moved in with you, and now what? You want to ruin it all by us getting married? Are you insane?” I spit out, following it with a huge gulp of my expensive wine. “It’s a piece of paper. That’s all. It’s a contract that basically says you own me.”

“I do own you,” he roared.

I was taken aback. Keenan rarely raised his voice and never like this. He was livid.

“Not all of me,” I mumbled.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair. “Let’s go. I’ve lost my appetite.”

I drank the last of my wine, wishing I could snake the bottle and sneak it out. He had my hand gripped tightly as he led me to the car. The ride home was silent. His anger rolled off him in waves. I’d pushed him too far. But I couldn’t marry him. He’d known that. I had no idea what put the thought of marriage into his head.

Fucking Latch.

Fucking Haven.

Did we really have to be a matched set of goddamn bookends? Now I wished I’d been privy to all those Skype sessions. My bestie had to know how this would end. She could have warned me. But then again, I was grasping at straws. Haven should have given me a heads-up. I trusted her.

Keenan marched into the house ahead of me. I kicked off my heels and padded to the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of chips and poured myself a glass of wine, keeping the bottle nearby. For what tonight held, I needed more than just one glass.