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“Oh, I felt it, and trust me; I’ll probably be feeling it for days. You may have to get me a wheelchair.”

He snickered. “You know damn well I wasn’t talking about my cock. Jesus, Weezie, you do love avoiding feelings.”

I wiggled underneath him. “No, I just think there are more important things to consider. Let me up. I have to pee,” I said as I pushed up against him.

His body was slippery and glistened with sweat. I felt his release trickle down my thighs as he pulled out. The sudden loss of having him inside me so deeply left me with a cold hollowness. I sighed as I grabbed a sheet and wrapped it around me. I padded to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I choked back a snort as I viewed my hair in a chaotic mess, my lips swollen, along with chafing on my chin. My pussy was throbbing, not out of need, but out of abuse. Granted, I had enjoyed that “abuse,” but I could still feel the tightness and friction. Maybe a couple more times and I’d be one of two things: dead or stretched.

I used the toilet, then washed my face. I ran a brush through my hair as I snatched a washcloth. I came back into the bedroom and found Keenan stretched out on the full length of my bed. Naked and hard—again. Now it was my turn to savor what my inner voice kept saying was mine. I’d waited many months. Now it was all about what I wanted—and I wanted him.

He sighed deeply as he realized what was coming. It would be his turn shortly.

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I knelt beside him and took what was mine. Well, at least for tonight. I washed him gently with the cloth as he continued to swell and harden. Good God, I think this thing has a life of its own. He wasn’t prepared for me, not by a long shot. While he might have been swinging a big cock… I had a mouth that could most likely accommodate it. I bet he’d never had a proper puff chore. I wasn’t even sure if I could deep throat it, but I was more than willing to try. Keenan’s body trembled in anticipation as his hand pressed on top of mine.

“You don’t have to do this. I wasn’t expecting it. I wanted tonight to be all about you.”

I looked up with a grin as I caressed him with the wet cloth. “Oh, this is for me. You really don’t get it, do you? Sucking a man’s cock is never about them. I love the power and the control it gives me.”

He took a pregnant pause as he tossed the cloth to the floor. “It’s clean enough I believe. You want to own me, Weezie? Control me? You do, you know. You own my heart, and when you take me in your mouth, I’ll wager you’ll possess my soul.”

Now it was my turn to shiver. His words had merit. I hated the fact that he made me yearn for so many things. This was my only way of showing him who was in charge. I held the power of ownership.

I pushed myself up and sat on the bed. I began to stroke him, root to tip. His cock was smooth and hot to my touch. A tiny crystal bead surfaced at the slit as I flicked my tongue across his crown. I felt Keenan’s body instantly go stiff as he groaned loudly.

Out of my peripheral vision, I could see his body straining to recover just from one taste. His brow was furrowed, and I noticed his breathing had gone shallow. I trailed my fingers down his thick length to his balls and sack. They too were heavy in weight and full. Both were drawn up. I was fascinated that in less than a minute, Keenan was ready. His release was imminent, although I could tell he was fighting it with great difficulty. Surely, he had fellatio before.

“You want me to stop so you can catch your breath?” I asked in amusement.

Sensing my merriment, his reply was rather drier than usual for an Englishman. “Hell no, I don’t need to catch my breath.”

“Calm down, Kee. I was just asking. Not one of those plastic piranha boy-looking models ever suck your cock?”

“Jesus Christ, Weezie. Yes, I’ve had fellatio before, but not by the woman I just professed my love to.”

I snapped my lips together tightly. How did I react to those words? This man could be so literary and proper. I couldn't imagine what he was thinking when I said the things I did. I wasn’t trying to test him, although he might have thought that. I’d never been with a man that was so responsive to my touch.

He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. His shaft looked like it was made of steel and hard enough to cut a diamond, and it was begging me to continue. The engorged head wept lubrication as I began massaging it. I traced my finger slowly around the rim of the crown and tongued the slit while blowing a wisp of air across it. Keenan’s response was to squirm and moan. I teased his balls gently with the tip of a fingernail, then reached below to cup his sack. I curled as much of my hand as I could around his cock and began to stroke him. His body shuddered as I continued to slide my hand up and down, lingering on every vein and contour.

He let out a gasp as I sucked him deep into my mouth. My cheeks hallowed out as I tried to take him in fully. Even for me, it was impossible. I felt him at the back of my throat, his crown skimming across the roof of my mouth. The salty drops of precum tasted rich against my tongue as I held him at the base and continued to lick and nibble. I could feel a slight thumping. His shaft swelled larger, and my mouth knew it was only moments until he came. I teased every inch I could by swirling my tongue and grazing my teeth against him. His entire body went taut as his hand went to my head and he began to pump in my mouth. I suctioned my lips securely as I felt him pull back.

“I need to come,” he groaned in a breathy voice.

I looked up at him briefly, and our eyes captured each other’s long enough for me to signal I wanted him to release. He acknowledged my wishes by thrusting into my mouth with a fury that took me by surprise. For a moment, I almost gagged. As if he could sense my discomfort, he withdrew slightly.

“Jesus, holy hell, and—”

I could no longer hear him verbalize anything as his body convulsed and shuddered. He erupted into my mouth with a heavy stream of hot come. I attempted to swallow it, but it was too much. He pumped a few more times, then pulled out. I tried to catch his release as it dripped from the corners of my lips.

“Sorry, baby, I got carried away.”

I stared at him with a crooked grin. “Other women gave you blowjobs, aka puff chores? Seriously?”

“Not like that. Never like that. I can see why—never mind. I don’t want to think about that right now.”

I knew exactly what he meant and what he was saying. The other men. The ones I’d given blowjobs too. I could sense he wanted exclusivity. I couldn’t do that. It would be going against my character. Even though his cock was exceptional. Breathtaking and unrestrained just like the man. Oh, Keenan was self-controlled and genteel, but in the bedroom, he was unbridled. That was the man that mesmerized me. The scary thing was I found myself rather infatuated with the straight-laced version too. It was like the best of both worlds. Unfortunately, I wasn’t like him. I was the same in both worlds.

But he loved me, or he thought he did. He had no idea how I could fuck with his head, and not in a sexual way. I had no experience with love and romance. I’d never made it a priority. Attachments served no purpose, at least to me. I’d seen what giving her heart to a man had done to Haven, twice. Regardless of how happy she was now, I’d witnessed firsthand the drama and anguish. It didn’t inspire me to want to follow in her footsteps. Besides, men didn’t love me. I wasn’t the woman you took home to your family. I was the one who sucked your cock. My one true quality.

“Can we share our feelings tomorrow?” I said as I rolled onto my side.

I felt his hand as he pulled up the sheet to cover me. “I have no issue with that. Just know the way I feel right now isn’t going to change in eight hours. Besides, I don’t think I’m done with you yet. I plan to fuck you again. It’s only midnight. I’ll wager I can squeeze out two or three more orgasms before sunrise,” he whispered as he pressed a kiss to the side of my neck.