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This was where I normally would take a selfie with that ginormous prick and share it, but somehow, right now was different. I didn’t want to allocate this moment. Keenan was mine. What? Mine? Where in the hell did that come from? I saw one oversized cock (XXXL at least), and all of a sudden, I decided he was mine.

Frankly, I considered it might be too big for penetration. At least vaginally. I’d seriously want to throw that dick back if the only thing it was going to be good for was making holiday chocolate molds and fellatio. There was a time when blowing him would have been enough. Now he’d gone and made me crave more. The bastard.

He turned away as he removed his briefs. Life really wasn’t fair. His ass was perfect. The man was flawless—front to back. Could I get him… clothing optional? He turned back toward me, and I swear I almost began to hyperventilate.

Regardless of the size, it was exquisite. His cock made every inch of him… perfection. Everything on this man was formidable. It was as though it were a separate living entity. A marbled tower of pulsing veins. Thick and statuesque. The engorged head spilled tiny drops of precum. God, my tongue yearned to lick across his crown. No matter the beauty of his length, I had to consider the ramifications of actually having sex with this man. He could seriously injure me with that… tool.

“Um, Kee, I thought you were exaggerating.”

“You should know by now I’m nothing if not truthful. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not on the receiving end. Have you seen… you?”

He laughed as he came closer while stroking himself. Fuck me. That was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. All of a sudden, Romeo and Juliet popped into my head. Oh to be a glove on that hand. I had clearly gone insane. The man had fucking possessed me. Was this what happened to Haven? Did the Scottish and English have mojo in their pricks?

“Did you get tested like we agreed?” he asked.

Honestly, I’m supposed to think of any rational answers while you’re touching yourself? You expect me to verbalize a response? I can’t think of anything else while you’re fondling yourself. How about you bring that magnificent specimen over to me and let me play with it for a while? Clearly, the size of his cock had affected my gray matter.

“Yeah, open the drawer in the nightstand by you. The report’s in there.”

“I don’t need to see it. I trust you, baby. It’s urgent I am inside you right now,” he cooed as he came over to the bed.

“I’m not used to you being, you know… so out in the open,” I squeaked as my eyes darted to his cock.

“The bedroom relaxes me. You’re not the only one who can be dirty. I have more than enough for us both, and I have full intentions of getting you soiled.”

He was too close now. Every time I moved back toward my headboard, he appeared to get closer. And his damn dick kept watching me. “So… a question.”


“Do the women you fuck live long? And how in the hell did you keep that under wraps? If I’d been one of the recipients of your unnatural, oversized appendage, I would have taken pictures, posted them to Facebook, or sang praises about it on American Idol,” I inquired as my gaze bent downward, staring at his length and its one eye.

He grinned at me. “Yes, I do believe most of them still walk, although I have heard one or two might have to crawl now.” He snickered. “I have women sign a non-disclosure. Unfortunately, I’ve had to shell out money to silence a few. It’s very important to me to keep my personal life private.” He paused as he sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re not planning to advertise tonight, are you? No hidden cameras I should worry about?” I could tell by his expression he was joking.

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, just asking. Don’t kill the messenger. Please, do not kill me!”

“If you’re truly worried…” he said, easing off the bed.

I pulled him back with one hand on his arm and my other brushing against his shaft. I heard him hiss as though I’d burned him. His eyes were rabid with hunger.

“Keep touching me. I love the feel of your hands. So soft.” With that sentence, he pounced on me. Gently. His elbows kept his full weight off me. He dragged his cock up and down my center. It felt so good I had the urge to push upward. I was no longer concerned. I just wanted him to fill me.

He let his length sit at my entrance as he pressed his lips to mine. I could taste myself on him. The kiss startled me because it was frantic. After a moment, he seemed to calm and his tongue began to probe both sides of my mouth. We hungrily taunted each other as our lips drifted apart.

“I have to admit I was jealous of Latch’s feelings for Haven. In the beginning, I tried to discourage him from pursuing her. Now I realize he knew all along. Loving someone isn’t weakness; it’s strength. I feel that with you. You look at me differently than any other woman. You see me. And you never steer away from what you think. You’re beautiful, charming, and brazen. I never thought I’d ever fall in love with anyone. And it wasn’t just anyone; it was you. God, I do love you, Weezie.”

I tried not to let his words affect me. But my heart swelled as those pesky tears attempted an appearance. The last time I felt this emotional was when Haven announced she was pregnant. So I had no excuse other than he was getting to me. I was never going to love him. I’d only ever loved my parents and Haven. Okay, I did love Logan, and maybe I had carved out a little for Latch, but only when he wasn’t being an asshat.

I’m not sure if my silence bothered him, but he began peppering my neck with kisses, then sucking on my nipples at the same time as he prodded my entrance with his cock. I was soaked to the hilt. He pushed in little by little.

“Baby, you’re extremely tight. Let me know if it gets painful. I don’t want to hurt you.” He sounded surprised and confused.

I wasn’t concerned about the pain, but death had occurred to me. What a way to go. Being impaled by Cockzilla. I mumbled something incoherent. My body was in the throes of passion, and I didn’t care about the discomfort or tearing. I wanted him to immerse himself inside me. I gripped both his hips, signaling him to go deeper.

“Please, Kee. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me deep.”

He thrust all the way in, causing me to blurt out a few more expletives along with a prayer. He stroked slowly as I began to duplicate his rhythm. The room became strong with the scent of musk and the sounds of sex. His breathing became labored as mine went fast and hard. He was deep within me, and it bordered on painful pressure that felt pleasurable. I’d never equated pain with sex, but I was beginning to see how some people might find it alluring.

My pussy began to clench as my muscles began squeezing Keenan’s cock. I could feel him swell and then throb, and I knew he was about to come. My own climax was verging. Our bodies slid along each other as he continued to pound into me. I dug my fingers into his ass, trying to get closer. His thrusts became faster and faster. His body went taut as I heard a wild yell along with my name. My own orgasm erupted as my body bowed, and I felt hot semen spill into me. I was still convulsing as he gripped me tighter and his lips pressed into my neck. I sensed this was emotional for him too. I could feel his heart pounding with mine. Our bodies in sync.

“I could never explain to you the depths of what you made me feel right now. It has never been like that with anyone,” he said in a hushed tone as he rested his head on my chest.

“It was incredible. I’ve always used a condom. Maybe that’s why it felt different… and so good.”

Keenan propped himself up and pinned me with one of the sexiest looks I’d ever seen. “Baby, what I just experienced had nothing to do with being bare. It had to do with how you make me feel. Can you not sense it?”