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"I thought the drugs got to me."

I laugh, then worry she didn't mean it as a joke. "Are you in pain? Do you need something for it?"

She looks at the clock hanging over the door and shakes her head. "No. I still have half an hour."

"So what exactly happened at the pharmacy? The nurse mentioned you had a rough time."

"Oh, you mean the jerk off that held the place up? Yeah, I was in the bathroom the whole time. My water broke in there and I tried to clean myself up before I went back out, but it wasn't working."

"So he didn't hurt you?"

"No. But it all worked out because the cops were walking in when I came out. One look at me and it was pretty obvious I needed to get to the hospital ASAP, so the next thing I know I'm in the back of a police cruiser with lights and sirens blaring.

"This is the room," I hear my sister's voice. But I don't look back.

"Wait. So you weren't around at all when the guy was robbing the pharmacy? He didn't hurt you?"

"No." Selene is looking at me like I'm crazy,

Adrenaline shoots through my tensing body. I don't fucking believe it. My hands ball up into fists.

"So you weren't in any danger? Your life was never on the line?" I hear the anger tinging my tone.

"No," she says sounding confused. "Cooper, are you okay?"

"Um, I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom," I hear Lexi.

I kiss Selene's forehead. "I'll be back in a few."

I turn and Lexi's already gone. I dart to the door, and Noah reaches for my shoulder. We spend a moment staring each other down. My heart's racing. I need to get my hands on her!

"Go easy on her. For me."

"You're not going to stop me?"

He shakes his head. "She crossed a line. Just please, don't hurt her."

"You got it." I slap his shoulder and run out of the room and down the hall where my sister is pounding her finger into the elevator call buttons. I get there before the doors open. Just in time to wrap my fingers around her arms, drag her a few feet away, and back Lexi against the wall. I narrow my eyes at her, and I swear if it were anyone but her, I'd kill them.

"She was never in any danger. Imagine that. All that time on the plane, I was losing my mind, I even thought I was having a heart attack at one point, and she was never in any danger."

"Childbirth can be risky, and she did have a c-section."

"Lexi," I growl furious. "You knew she was fine, and still you had me think she might die. You had me worried for hours for no reason."

Lexi's eyes water. "You needed to realize that you love her before it was too late. She was going to leave you for good, and I knew you'd never forgive yourself. I just want to see you happy, Cooper. Is that so bad? For once in your life you were happy. I couldn't let you throw it away. I'm sorry."

"Oh yeah?" I yell making her jump.

Lexi nods her head.

"Thank you." I lean in and kiss her cheek before pulling her into my arms. "Thank you so much."


We've been entertaining visitors all day. I don't know how Selene's eyes are open, because all I want to do is crawl up in bed next to her and sleep. Once I help her adjust a very hungry Jaxson, I pick up the bag Stephan brought. He promised everything I asked for is inside.

"Hey, do you mind if I go get cleaned up a little in the bathroom? I've been in these clothes for over forty eight hours."

"About that. You look amazing in a tux."

I cross my arms over my chest. "Is that so Ms. Davis?"

"It is."

"Good. Enjoy the view. I don't know the next time you'll see me in one of these." I lean over and brush my lips against hers. When I get to the bathroom, I take one last look at the two people I love most in the world.

Ten minutes later, I come out feeling a little fresher, and smelling much better after washing up and putting on the new clothes Stephan picked up for me. He did a great job getting everything I asked for. And he did it all without making me feel like an undeserving shit. Selene is standing over the portable crib, settling our son down. I step up behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"Sick of me yet?"


"You sure?"

"Never been more sure of anything in my life." She turns to face me. "I don't need all those traditional things to be happy. As long as we have each other, that works for me."

"You mean the house and the white picket fence?"

She doesn't let her eyes meet mine. Instead, keeping her eyes downcast she nods.

"Are you saying you don't want to marry me and live happily ever after?"

"Not if it's going to make you unhappy. I'll settle for what we have right now."

"It's all about me then?"

"Isn't it always?" She jokes.

"No. Not anymore." I slip my hand into my pocket. I hoped I'd come up with some amazing way to do this, something that would blow her mind. But sometimes, like right now, less is more.

"If it's all about me," I take her left hand and pull the ring out of my pocket. "Nothing would make me happier than if you'll agree to be my wife."

She doesn't answer. Instead she cries. She smiles and cries harder than I've ever seen. I kiss away the salty tears as they stream down her face, knowing I achieved my goal. I did it. I wowed her.

Chapter 28

Two months later

"I have everything written down here," I hand Noah the list as Selene places Jaxson in Lexi's arms. "He doesn't get the antibiotic again until the morning. And when you feed him, don't bounce him around, I learned the hard way, he gets really gassy."

"Got it." Noah gives me a funny look.

"And you have to sing to him when you put him to bed for the night. And don't let him cry. He gets pissed when you do that."

"We got it, Coop," Lexi says.

"And the pediatrician's number is on the refrigerator."

"Oh my God, man, would you get out of here already!" Noah raises his voice.

“Bye, buddy. I’m going to miss you so much, Jax.” I say as I kiss his head.

"I really wish you guys could be there," Selene says giving my sister a hug.

"I know, but someone has to stay with Jaxson, and there's no way Cooper would let Mom take care of him."

We planned this since Selene and Jaxson came home from the hospital. I wanted to marry her right then and there, but Selene wanted the white dress and everything that goes along with it. As part of my resolution to make her the happiest woman in the world, I couldn't deny her, so we waited until we could get it all together.

We were leery about flying with a baby to begin with, but two days ago when he came down with an ear infection, we decided to cancel our Las Vegas ceremony. Unfortunately because it was so close to the date, and we paid to have our families flown out there to be with us, we would've lost all the money we put down in deposits. That and my family wanted this for me almost as much as I did, so Noah and Lexi agreed to stay behind and take care of Jaxson. There's no one else in the world I'd trust him with overnight.

"If anything's wrong, call us immediately and we'll come right home."

"Not until you get this done. Understand?" Noah gives me a stern look. He doesn't have to. Whether it's in Vegas or in the little chapel in my building, I'm going to marry Selene.