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“I wonder what I’ll do in the meantime,” I joke and make a show of touching my bare cock under the blanket.

Her cheeks turn pink and she grins at me. “How about you stay awake and keep yourself busy with that until I get back? I promise I’ll finish you up after.”

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“Wake up, Chase.”

I groan and yank a pillow over my face but then wince in pain. “Why?”

“Because you’ve been sleeping off and on for hours. If you don’t get your ass up, I’m going to take you to the hospital.”

Reluctantly, I toss the pillow onto the floor and smile at seeing her stand over me. She’s concerned and it’s written all over her face. It warms me that she still cares.

“Come here,” I say as I grab her hands and pull her on top of me.

She rests her elbows on either side of my head and stares at me with a frown on her lips. “What happened today?”

I drag my gaze from her blazing blue one and fixate on the window, which now reveals the moon in the sky. Shit, I really did sleep all damn day.

“I lost it.”

“No shit, Sherlock.” She presses a kiss to my cheek.

Turning my attention back to her, I sigh. “They were out of her flowers.”

She widens her eyes. “So why didn’t you pick some other ones?”

I scowl. “Because I wanted those.”

“I’m sure Ashley would just be happy that you—”

The name on her lips chills my veins. “I don’t give a fuck about Ashley,” I snap.

Tori gapes at me and guilt instantly pushes away my anger.

“Baby,” I groan, “I’m sorry. Today is just an unbelievably bad day.”

She drops a kiss on my lips. “Tell me what happened in the car. Why your glasses are broken? Why your nose almost was.”

I huff out my response, “A long time ago, after everything, I sort of lost sight of who I was. I wanted to punish myself. And today, when they didn’t have her flowers, those feelings resurfaced. I was angry. Memories of the hospital came flooding back.”

She sniffles and her bottom lip quivers. “So you hurt yourself. Again? Like back then?”

I nod. “Yeah. It was too much. Them not having her flowers. You pushing me out after I told you I loved you.”

She hovers her lips over mine. “Chase, I love you too.”

Her words soothe my soul and the heartache dissolves with one tiny phrase.

“I don’t understand. You seemed upset—angry even. You wouldn’t talk to me.”

“Because.” She laughs bitterly. “I was scared. I wasn’t supposed to love anyone ever again. And yet here you are, demanding that I love you. Chase, I do love you. Wholeheartedly. That’s what scares the ever living shit out of me. I didn’t think I was capable of loving again.”

“Why are you afraid of us, Tori? We get each other. We’re perfect for one another.”

Another tear rolls out. “Chase, honey, the truth is, I don’t get you. You know my story but you guard yours. Why can’t you share that with me?”

She gestures to my pec. “She dances with angels? What does that mean?”

Sick dread washes over me. I want to share everything with her but what if she hates me too? Like Ashley?

“I was engaged to Ashley a long time ago. She was everything to me. Or so I thought,” I bite out. “But when I was in the hospital, she came to see me. I thought I could lean on her. Instead, she called me a monster. She told me that she couldn’t even look at me anymore. I begged for her to understand I was hurting too—that I was a victim too. But she told me I was nothing but a menace to society. That day, she threw her goddamned ring at me and left me to my own devices. My mother, my father, my sister—nobody could understand the all-consuming, crushing devastation I felt. Ashley was the icing on the proverbial cake. Once she left, a part of me left with her.”

Tears stream down Tori’s cheeks and she kisses me softly. “I’m so sorry, Chase. I will never leave you. Do you understand me? I am so sorry I bailed on you mentally after the museum. It was just all too much. But, I was fucking miserable without you. I couldn’t focus on anything. If it’s any consolation, I was going to come over tonight and tell you all of this. But you just had to go and make a spectacle because you couldn’t wait any longer.” The last part she says in a teasing voice.

I tug at the bottom of her T-shirt and peel it from her body. She unsnaps her bra and I slide it down her arms. Her tits are fucking amazing and I admire them before speaking.

“Move in with me. I know it’s soon and I know we both struggle with our pasts, but baby, I need you. All of the time. My bed is more comfortable anyway,” I say with a laugh.

She shimmies out of her pants and panties before sliding under the covers with me. I groan when she straddles me and pushes her body down my hard cock.

“I will, Chase. I’m ready to admit that I want to move forward with you. Things haven’t always been easy for us, but it’s a good thing I love challenges. Because you,” she moans as she tosses her head back and rides me, “are the biggest damn challenge I’ve ever come across.”

I clutch her hips and urge her faster. Her tight body always grips me in the sexiest fucking way. The thought of having her in my bed every night—to fuck her whenever I please—nearly has me coming inside of her now.

“Jesus, Tori,” I say with a groan, my thumb sliding over to her clit. “Don’t ever fucking leave me again. I won’t be able to handle a life without you. You’re mine, baby.”

“Yours,” she agrees before splintering apart on my dick, her juices lubricating my cock even more so.

Seconds later, I explode within her and then yank her soft body to me. She snuggles against me and even though everything feels right, I can’t help but suffer the lingering effects from my episode earlier.

Dark, dread infects my veins and I’m nearly suffocated with the crippling idea of losing her too one day. Ashley did my head in. But losing Tori would crush my soul.

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“Just a little more foundation and you can hardly tell,” Tori says and smiles.

I roll my eyes at her and swat her away. “I already feel like a goddamned woman with this shit on my face.”

“Well,” she huffs. “Excuse me for trying to help you. You know, you can’t walk out on that stage and look like you got in a fist fight.”

Puffing out my shoulders, I pin her with a fierce glare. “Why not? Might make me seem tougher.”

Now she rolls her eyes. She’s looking fucking delectable in a pretty pink sundress and wedged heels. Her bare legs beg to be kissed and licked.

“Chase, you won’t be so badass if they find out you had a fight with your steering wheel and lost.”

I laugh as I tug on the gown before the ceremony. It’s been two days since my episode and even though my nose has healed some, the bruises have turned an ugly shade of yellowish green. Tori had a grand idea to doll me up and hide the bruising. Now I just feel like a damn chick. Especially in this gown.

“I can’t wait until this weekend,” I tell her with a grin.

She sashays over to me and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “Me neither. Are you sure we can’t just skip group and move my things then?” she teases. “I could throw in a blow job for a bonus.”

I chuckle and nibble on her bottom lip. “Always trying to skip out on group. Such a naughty girl. Maybe I’ll have to give you another spanking later since you’re such a fan.”

“I am not a fan,” she lies but her blazing cheeks give her away.

“Hmmm,” I tease. “If I remember correctly, you begged for me to do it until you screamed my name over and over. My neighbor called to check on me, remember? Your ass almost got the cops called on me for attempted homicide.”

She giggles and I steal her lips again. My hands roam all over her ass and the moan that spills from her mouth into mine has my cock at full mast. I’m three seconds from shoving her into the nearest bathroom and fucking her in a stall.