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He laughs again, his eyes twinkling. Stop swooning! He leans down for a quick kiss. “You look amazing, babe.”

“Chase! Get your lazy ass in here!” I hear yelled from the next room. The house is small, but it looks cozy and lived in, with photos and mementos scattered everywhere. We enter the kitchen, which is attached to an open living room. Both spaces are packed with people, all of whom call out to him when we enter. A young guy in his early twenties, with shagging blond hair, and a face that must bring the chicks in droves, walks up and slaps Chase on the back. “Took you long enough, asshole. You stop for—” He stops speaking when he sees me, then a knowing look comes over his face. “I see you were distracted with dessert.” He looks at me intently. “Tell me, are the rumors true? Is his junk as—ow! Fuck!” Chase punches him in the arm and after he swears, an older woman—his mother I assume—whacks him on the back of the head.

Chase pulls me tightly into his side, glaring at the guy. “Cort, this is my girlfriend, Tori. Tori, this pathetic excuse for a man is Cort.”

Cort grins at me and stretches out his hand, but Chase slaps it away. Cort’s grin gets bigger. “You’re not a stalker, are you?” he asks, and Chase groans.

“Shut it, Cort. Or I’ll shut it for you.”

Cort laughs and then he snatches the hand of a beautiful girl with long brown hair and caramel skin, as she walks by, bringing her over to us. “This is Blair, the love of my life.” Blair blushes, and gives me a tiny wave.

Chase gives her a one armed hug, and a kiss on the forehead. “Hey, Blair. I guess the brainwashing hasn’t worn off yet. You realize that if this goes on much longer, I’ll have to kill him, right? It’s for your own—ow!” Cort socks Chase in the arm.

“Alright, knock it off asshole,” he says, earning himself another slap to the head from his mom and Blair. “Geeze! You girls are mean,” he whines playfully. “Grab some food, relax, have fun, show this buffoon what it means to party.” Then with a reciprocated chin lift and a fist bump, he follows his girl into the throng of people.

Chase keeps his arm around my shoulder as we wade our way through a crowd of freshly graduated kids, standing around in their gowns like they want to make sure anyone who looks at them knows, for sure, that they graduated earlier today. Chase keeps me tucked into his side and as he introduces me, it’s always the same, “This is Tori, my girlfriend.” Emphasis on the my girlfriend part like he’s staking a claim. I should probably be annoyed. I think it’s in the girl handbook to be, but he’s so damn cute, I throw the girl code out the window.

Finally, we reach an older man with dark brown hair, a tall lean stature, and chocolate eyes I would recognize anywhere. This has to be Chase’s dad. Standing next to him is a beautiful woman that is practically the female carbon copy of Chase, with the same brown hair and eyes, only her glasses are red, almost heart shaped, and she’s slightly older. He embraces each of them warmly, then tugs me forward to stand in front of him, his arms looped around my waist.

“Tori, this is my dad, and that beautiful pain in the ass, is my sister, Penelope.”

I shake their hands confidently, despite the butterflies in my stomach.

Penelope smiles with genuine warmth and it sets aside some of my nerves. “We’ve been anxious to meet you, Tori. I’ve never seen my brother act like such a lovesick fool and I wanted to meet the woman who could take the place of that stupid car in his heart.”

Chase gasps and my hand flies to my mouth to stifle a giggle. I fail miserably and start laughing. He leans down, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “Traitor.”

We chit chat with them for a while and I learn that Penelope is a riot. She almost seems eccentric, but underneath the wild exterior is a solid mom, wife, and sister. She and Chase rib each other a lot, but his admiration and love for his sister are written all over his face. I instantly fall in love with them and they put me at ease, making me feel safe, and free to be myself.

Eventually Cort and Blair wander over to join us, and we talk until we realize that the room has emptied. Cort leads us out to their tiny back yard, where they’ve set up one of those small round fire pits. There are comfortable patio chairs positioned around it and the group of us, now including Cort’s mom, Sandy, sit around the fire. Sandy breaks out the makings for S’mores and I almost clap my hands with glee.

I haven’t had this treat since I was in high school, but I can still remember what it tastes like and my mouth is watering. Chase makes a couple of S’mores, then returns to his seat. Before he sits, he hauls me up, plops down and settles me on his lap. I feel my cheeks heat up and I surreptitiously glance around, hoping no one is paying us any attention. Of course, to my utter mortification, everyone is watching us, but Chase doesn’t seem to care. He instead lifts a S’more to my lips, tapping to get me to open my mouth.

He leans forward and kisses me, hiding a little lick to the side of my mouth. “Chocolate,” he explains, his voice smoldering. That voice, it turns me the fuck on. Not the time, Tori. Not the time. Chase’s hand slips stealthily down my back, all the way to my ass, giving it a covert squeeze. I throw him a warning glare, but he just smiles innocently at me. That damn panty melting smile.

“I have an announcement.” Chase says this to the group, but his eyes remain locked on mine. All the talking ceases and I can feel the proverbial spotlight on us. It’s definitely not like being in court. Well, okay it is, but this time I’m on the witness stand. Yeah, I’m not a fan of the role reversal.

He finally looks out at the people around us, while I stare at my hands. When the hell did you get so self-conscious, woman? Excellent question.

“Tori and I are moving in together.”

His statement is met with a mixture of gasps and catcalls, and I look up to see who the sounds came from, really hoping it wasn’t his sister and dad. My eyes connect with his sister’s and her hand is covering her mouth, indicating that she’s one of the gaspers. Great. Then she removes her hand and she’s wearing a big smile, her eyes sparkling.

“Chase, that’s great.” She breathes excitedly. “I’m glad a girl has finally tamed you.” She winks at me and I laugh.

“Joining the land of the whipped, huh, Chase?” Cort chortles.

Chase makes a face at him. “We’re just moving in together, Cort. Not all of us have your fetish for leather and whips.”

“Says the man with leather seats in his car that have seen more action than James Bond.”

I bury my face in my hands. This can’t go anywhere good. I lift my head and narrow my eyes in censure. “Are you two twelve today? Think you could put on your big boy pants and act like an adult?”

“He started it,” Cort retorts, and I assume he’s getting a similar lecture from Blair.

Chase is grinning at me unrepentantly. “What’s the fun in that?” Then he nuzzles his face in my neck and as I’m sure was his intention, I get all gooey inside and forget that I was annoyed.

The rest of the night is full of fun and laughter. Before we know it, we’re creeping up on two o’clock in the morning. Luckily, I had Stacey clear my Friday schedule after finding Chase the way I did. We say our goodbyes and when Penelope hugs me, she smiles brightly. “We’ve got our Chase back. Thank you, Tori. I’ve never seen him so happy, even before the accident.” Her words warm me, knowing that I’ve succeeded in helping Chase, just as he has for me.

When we get back to Chase’s—our home—he lifts me up and carries me inside. I laugh, “What are you doing, crazy?”

“Carrying you over the threshold of your new home,” he practically sings.

“That’s for a bride and groom, silly.”

Chase’s eyes glitter. “I’ll do it then, too.”