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“Tori?” Chase calls. I look up at him feeling like a deer in headlights. “How about you share an experience from your week.”

What the fuck is he doing? He can’t possibly want me to share what happened this weekend. I’m not going to admit to all these healing strangers that I had the motherlode of all breakdowns. He nods encouragingly and my eyes narrow at him, glaring. He wants me to share private experiences and emotions? Careful what you wish for, punk.

“Um, yes, I had a deep experience this weekend, then later again this week.” I look at Chase and he is watching me, his eyes twinkling with approval.

“I spent the weekend and a lot of this week being fucked by my—” I swallow hard, “boyfriend. It was definitely deep.”

The room is silent, everyone looking shell shocked. Maybe I went a little far with that. You think? Then the quiet is broken by a bark of laughter from Bill, and giggling from Glenda, until, slowly but surely, the rest of the room is rolling with amusement. Except Chase, he’s chuckling, but I can see the disappointment in his eyes and I suddenly feel like a student who misbehaved in class.

“I saw my family this weekend,” I blurt out.

I fight the urge to hide behind my hands; I can’t believe I just admitted that. My eyes connect with Chase again, his disappointment turned to admiration. It gives me the courage to continue.

“I haven’t spent much time with them since I lost my husband and daughter. It was really hard for me and I’m still not sure it was a positive experience, other than the hard fucking, of course.”

There is laughter again, but as I look around, I see a mix of sympathy and admiration on their face for having shared. It makes me feel lighter, as though a small burden has been lifted. The best part though, is the pink that has crept up on Chase’s face. Totally worth it.

We wrap up the meeting and I surprise myself when I end up chatting with a couple of people about my job and hobbies. It seems like talking to a…friend. Chase catches my eye from the door and lifts his chin toward the exit. I say goodbye and follow him out. Walking down the hall, I look for him but he seems to have disappeared. Then I’m yanked around the corner of the hallway I’m passing and slammed up against a muscular chest, my mouth covered and ravished.

When Chase finally tears his lips away from mine, I’m lost in a daze and almost stumble, but Chase catches me. He always catches me. A clatter draws our attention to the mouth of the hall, but we don’t see anything. Chase grasps my chin and turns it so that I meet his eyes, “I’m so damn proud of you, Tori.”

He kisses me fast and hard. “Although, I could have done without you telling the world how hard I fuck you.” A wicked grin slides across his face. “However, I feel the need to make sure that the next time you make an announcement like that, it’s more like, a spectacular fuck.”

He’s so damn sexy, but so cute at the same time. I lo—like this man so much. My laughter rings through the hall and Chase’s face lights up like he’s just won the lottery. He grabs my hand and I find myself being dragged down the hall again, not because I’m reluctant this time, but because my man is clearly eager to get started on my lesson.

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My body is a limp, useless mass this morning. Last night, by the time Chase and I passed out, he’d definitely made his point. I’d been spectacularly fucked. Repeatedly. I also received a few spankings for being such a smart-ass in group.

The sun is streaming through the window and I gather just enough energy to flop onto my stomach and throw a pillow over my head. A warm hand comes to rest on my butt cheek and I shiver when I feel soft, wet kisses trailing down my spine.

“Chase, knock it off,” I grumble, trying to sound stern. I completely fail when I shiver again, and I hear his deep chuckle.

“Good morning, baby,” he mumbles in between kisses.

“Nothing good about morning.”

“Hmmmm, is that a challenge?”

“Seriously Chase,” I sigh, “I don’t have energy. You wore me the hell out.”

The pillow is whipped from my head, and I’m suddenly covered from head to toe in heat, hands sliding underneath me to cover my breasts. Kisses now being placed on the back of my neck, behind my ears, on my cheeks.

“Have I told you how much I love your tits, babe?” he whispers, punctuated with a strong squeeze. A moan slips out and I wiggle as tingles spread from where his hands touch down to my now drenched pussy. His cock is hard, long and thick, nestled against the crack of my ass. One hand glides down until he’s cupping me, one finger pressing into my wetness. “Or how much I love this delicious pussy, and how wet it always is for me.”

Damn his dirty mouth! I’m so turned on I can barely think straight. One long finger enters me, then up to circle my clit and back inside.

“Chase,” I whimper.

“Do you want me inside you, Tori?” he growls, plunging his finger in and out. I’m moaning in earnest now, desperate, my ass pressing back into his erection. “I think someone found some energy.” His lips move against my skin and I just know the bastard is smirking.

The warmth of his body is abruptly gone, as well as the finger that was working me into a frenzy. I want to cry at the loss, until his hands grip my hips, roughly lifting my ass in the air. When he drives deep into my pussy, I cry out, mingling with his shout of pleasure.

He doesn’t waste any time. He starts thrusting roughly, our skin slapping each time it connects. “Shit, you’re amazing, woman.”

He pounds into me, getting faster and more powerful, until I have to put my hands against the headboard so I don’t hit my head. The bed is shoved up against the wall with every drive of his hips, the bed squeaking in protest.

“Chase!” I cry. “Now, Chase.”

I’m desperate, my orgasm so close.

He slows enough so that he can clasp onto my chin, and bring my mouth around for a deep kiss. “You want to come, baby?”

I answer by shoving my hips back on his next thrust, causing him to go so deep, he bruises me from within. “Yes, please!”

He returns to his punishing rhythm, reaching down with one hand to pinch my clit, and I fly off into oblivion, above the clouds, the sun, into heaven. Chase follows me over the edge with a roar, before collapsing on top of me. I can’t really breathe and I sincerely don’t give a shit. It feels too good, and I think he killed me anyway. After a minute, he rolls off of me, and I take a deep breath.

He sits up, still panting, and shakes his head as though to clear away the fog. Then he turns to me, his eyes glowing with emotion.

“Tori, you’re better than morning coffee. I’m addicted now. You’ll just have to move in so I can get my fix every morning.”

I stop breathing again. He winks at me and swings his feet to the floor, standing and stretching. I’m almost distracted from his words by the sight of all that golden skin and the sinewy muscles moving under it, and that unbelievably fine ass.

He walks around the bed and smacks my ass. “Time to get up. We’ve got somewhere to be.”

Then he strides to the bathroom and I hear the shower start. He was so casual about it; I’m trying to figure out if Chase just asked me to move in with him, or if he was joking. He was joking, he wouldn’t—just joking. I tell myself this as I make the bed, I tell myself this when I join him in the shower, I tell myself as I get dressed, and I tell myself this as we leave the apartment.

I’m finally distracted from obsessing over his casual comment when I see where we are going. He pulls his Challenger into the garage under The Museum of Science and Industry. A frown creases my face, annoyance bubbling up. I don’t like places like this. They are full of children, laughing, running around, and having a good time. Like I used to do with my dad. Like my daughter will never do with me. This museum is for families.