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Bohemond VII of Antioch, 649, 650

Bohemond of Taranto, 44–5, 46, 48, 50, 52, 57–9, 63, 69, 70, 73–4, 75–6, 80–1, 82–4 passim, 85–6, 116–17, 137, 142, 146, 147

Anatolian Turks capture, 117

appearance of, 44

Battle of Harran and, 138–40, 166

Constance marries, 143

Crusade (1106–8) of, 142–5

death of, 145

elected army commander-in-chief, 79

Firuz’s betrayal and, 72–3

fleeting later historical records of, 145

Godfrey’s wishes concerning, 118

Boniface of Montferrat, 528, 529

Book of Contemplation (Usama ibn Munqidh), 179–

Book of Holy War (Kitab al-Jihad), 113

Bosphorus Strait, 50, 52, 219, 530

Bosra, 232

Bouqia, 171, 257, 259, 545

Bourzey, 396

Brindisi, 565

British Library, 174

Bursuq of Hamadan, 157–8, 159

Bush, George W., 668, 679

Byzantium, 6, 16, 26, 34, 36, 103, 117, 143

Antioch’s reconquest secured by, 63

crusade failed by, 74–5

First Crusade and, 47–56

focus of civilisation, 48

Islam’s quarrelsome respect for, 27

Jerusalem captured from, 19

Manuel takes control of, 216

re-emerged force in Near East, 254

Roger of Sicily’s expansionist policies threaten, 216

Sicily’s tension with, 216

see also Constantinople

Caesarea, 90, 117, 127, 354, 464, 632, 633, 643

Baldwin I’s 1101

attack on, 123–4

Louis IX’s refortification of, 607

Saladin orders demolition of, 423

Cairo, 21, 251, 266, 267, 271, 273, 618, 278, 279, 559, 594

al-Azhar mosque in, 624

hostility between Damascus and, 283

Mamluks in, see Mamluk dynasty

military garrison in, 277

Saladin extends authority over, 339

union of Damascus and, 298

Calixtus II, Pope, 172, 199, 200

Capetian dynasty, 198, 369–70, 377

Richard I’s post-Crusade campaigns against, 516

see also France; Philip II Augustus of France

Carolingians, 6–7

conquest campaigns sponsored by, 15

decline of, 9

Carpinel, Geldemar, 118, 127, 129

carrier pigeons, 297, 416, 625

Castile, 564

catapults, see siege engines, projectile-launching

Cathars, 521

Albigensian Crusade launched against, 532

Cave de Sueth, 318, 324

Cecilia of France, 143, 154

Chahine, Youseff, 678

Châlons-sur-Marne, 215, 218

Chalus, 516

Chanson d’Antioche, 110–11

Charlemagne, 6, 8, 376

Godfrey’s lineage to, 45

Charles of Anjou, 581, 606, 627, 640, 641

Charles the Hammer, 19

Chastel Neuf, 260

Chavli of Mosul, 146, 147

Children’s Crusade, 533, 534, 536


Islam reaches, 19

northern, Mongols subjugate, 614


continued unabated commerce between Islam and, 331

drive to rejuvenate, 10

Fourth Lateran Council discussion of, 535

Latin, establishment of, 8

secular world’s influence on, 10

see also Christianity


all-embracing nature of, 10–11

challenges to, around 1200, 520

coexistence of Muslims and followers of, see Outremer: life in

Constantine’s conversion to, 6, 8

Dominicans within, 521

Europe converted to, 8

European, Islam and, on eve of Crusades, 26–9

Franciscans within, 521

heresy within, 520–1

horrors of damnation evoked by, 11

Islam’s poll tax on, 18

Islam seen as ‘refinement’ of, 18

Nestorian, 614

paganism in Roman empire displaced by, 8

punishments for sex between Muslims and followers of, 178

Urban’s dire warning concerning, 33

warrior saints celebrated by, 15

weapons come to be blessed by, 15

see also Christendom

Cilicia, 60, 69, 137, 138, 139, 142, 145, 167, 317, 539, 633

Cistercian order, 206

Cîteaux, 206

Clement IV, Pope, 639, 640

Clermont, 33, 35, 110

Cluniac movement, 11

Cluny, 11, 206

Cologne, 381

Conon de Béthune, 373

Conrad III of Germany, 208–9, 214–17, 218–21 passim, 233, 235–6, 303

crusading precedent set by, 214

wounding of, 220

Conrad, constable of Germany, 131, 134

Conrad of Montferrat, 393–4, 395, 398, 403, 407, 410, 412, 430, 449, 451, 484, 492–3, 528

assassination of, 495–6

Guy’s rivalry with, 435–6, 448, 493

Jerusalem crown offered to, 494

Jerusalem throne and, 435–6, 448, 493

‘king elect’, 436

Richard I’s parley with, 492

Richard I’s right to command acknowledged by, 456

Saladin’s attempt to exploit rift between

Richard I and, 487

Saladin’s contact with, 487

Saladin seeks diplomatic re-engagement with, 501

telling advantages of, over Richard, 492

ultimatum of, to Saladin, 495

Constance of Antioch, 167–8, 173, 245, 252

death of, 304,

Constance of France, 143, 145

Constantine the Great, 5–6, 8, 48, 90

Constantinople, 5, 19, 26, 48–9, 52, 107, 382, 546

exorbitant taxation in, 34

exposed to attack, 216

Fourth Crusade’s offensive against, 529–32

massacre in, 317

patriarch in, 9

see also Byzantium

Convent of Our Lady, Saidnaya, 187

Copts, 23, 104, 266

Coxon, 60

Cresson, 344

Crusade of 1101, 107–8

Asia Minor crossed by, 107

crusade, etymology of, 372

crusader castles, 544–6

Crusader States, 161, 537

creation of, 115–62

discussion of crisis facing, 172

in early 13th century, 537; see also Outremer: in 13th century

instability in, following Field of Blood, 167

martial expertise provided by, 170

Military Orders focus on protection of, 170

northern, watershed in history of, 142

see also Antioch; Edessa; Jerusalem; Outremer; Tripoli


bias in scholars’ interpretations of, 3n

causes and outcomes of, 658–64

chronology of, 685–7

consequences of, in medieval world, 664–8

in eastern Mediterranean, 665–6

in Western Europe, 667–8

debate fuelled by, 2

etymology concerning, 40, 669

in history, 680–1

indulgences for participation in, 40, 199, 204, 211, 524, 525, 534, 579

justification for, 15

legacy of, 657–81

longer shadow cast by, 668–80

Arab Nationalism and Islamism, 677–9

later medieval and early-modern perceptions, 670–1

modern Islam and, 674–5

modern parallelism and, 675–80

in Western history and memory, 671–4

modern conflicts equated with, 2

overview of, 1–2

prayer-book treasure from, 174–5, 185

salvation offered by participation in, 10, 38, 40, 42–3, 200, 520, 523, 659, 661

see also Albigensian Crusade; Barons’ Crusade; Crusade of 1101; Crusader States; Damascus expedition; First Crusade; Second Crusade; Third Crusade; Fourth Crusade; Fifth Crusade; Frederick II of Germany and Sicily: Crusade of; Louis IX of France: first crusade of; Louis IX of France: second crusade of; Venetian crusade

Cumans, 612

Cursat, 636

Cyprus, 69, 103, 252, 255, 304, 429–30, 436, 494, 513, 531, 568, 576, 657

imperial rights asserted over, 572

Jerusalem’s crown shifts to, 574

Louis IX’s staging post, 581, 584

Daimbert of Pisa, Archbishop, 116–17, 118, 120

Baldwin of Boulogne outmanoeuvres, 119

deposing of, 120

Damascus, 19, 21, 22, 66, 71, 114, 134–6, 183, 231–2, 233–5, 244–51, 288, 500, 451, 558, 574, 568, 589, 613, 624, 648

al-Adil seizes power in, 540

Aleppo forms new relationship with, 231

Baybars’ regional governor in, 622

building programme in, 261

cave shrines near, 250

Court of Justice in, 261

Duqaq takes, 22

Galilee the greatest threat to, 330