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crown rights to Germany and Sicily removed from, 577

Crusade of, 562–71

death of, 572

excommunications of, 567, 572, 579

Gregory IX calls for crusade against, 572

Gregory IX excommunicates, 567, 572

Gregory IX lifts excommunication of, 571

illness spreads through army of, 566

Jerusalem entered by, 570

Jerusalem recovered by, 569

return to Italy by, 571–2

weakened authority of, in Palestine, 568

see also Hohenstaufen dynasty/empire

Frederick of Swabia, 381, 421, 424

Freiburg, 209

Frisia, 381, 403

Fulcher, of Chartres, 56, 109, 118–19, 121, 129–30, 177, 183

Fulk V of Anjou, king of Jerusalem, 173, 174, 185, 193, 379

Fulk Nerra, count of Anjou, 4–5, 6–7, 11

monastery established by, 12

pilgrimage embraced by, 13

salvation sought by, 5, 12

Fulk of Neuilly, 525, 527

Fustat, 266, 269, 278, 279, 298

Gabriel, Archangel, 17

Galeran, bishop of Beirut, 576, 577–8, 580

Galilee, 117, 154, 260, 318, 342, 344, 345, 346, 393, 548

Baldwin I divides, 127

Ibn Jubayr’s description of, 181

Muslims raid, 127

Raymond’s plan to seize lordship of, 342

Saladin invades, 326

Saladin’s winter campaign in, 396

Sea of, 136, 310, 313, 408

strategic, political and economic significance of, for Ayyubid realm, 330

Tancred reinstated as lord of, 150

Gallipoli, 382

Garnier of Nablus, 471

Garnier of Rochefort, 469

Gascony, 12

Gaston IV of Béarn, 12

Gauclem Faidit, 373

Gaul, north-eastern, Franks take control of, 6

Gaza, 171, 251, 354, 575

Gazelle (warhorse), 129, 132

Geddington, 372

Genghis (Chinggis) Khan, 613

Genoa, 7, 182, 213, 298, 436, 547, 627–8, 649, 650, 652, 666

fleet from, 95, 122, 124, 147, 149, 394

St Lorenzo Cathedral in, 124

Geoffrey of Lusignan, 400, 405, 436, 437, 478

Georgia, 321, 541, 614

Gerard of Ridefort, 344, 346, 354

death of, 406

Gerbod of Windeke, 131, 133

Germany, 6, 45, 198, 215, 216, 369, 381, 534, 551, 615, 649, 667

call to cross in, 372

Empire of, 550

fighting aristocracy of, 43

internal rivalry racks, 198

involvement of, in Second Crusade, see Conrad III; Second Crusade

ongoing power struggle in, 526

polities in, 7

pressure on Rome from, 198

Rome’s acrimonious dispute with, 208

see also Frederick I of Germany; Frederick II of Germany; Hohenstaufen dynasty; Teutonic Knights; Welf dynasty

Gerold, patriarch of Jerusalem, 568, 570, 572

Gervase of Bazoches, 127

Gesta Francorum (Deeds of the Franks), 108–10, 111

Gibbon, Edward, 670

Gilbert of Lacy, 257

Gillingham, John, 375, 454, 490

Gisors, 380

Godfrey of Bouillon, 45–6, 50, 57, 86, 92, 97–8, 99–100, 106, 111, 116–18, 160, 575, 670, 672

Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre, 103

Arsuf assault by, 123

bear attacks, 60

bleak initial prospects of, as ruler of

Jerusalem, 116

contested nature of elevation of, 116

illness and death of, 117–18

pre-emptive strike against al-Afdal’s (vizier’s) Fatimids by, 104–5

regal title forgone by, 116

Godfrey, bishop of Langres, 219

Golan Heights, 136

Golden Horde, 614, 627, 628, 639

Golgotha, 90

Great Siege of Acre, see Acre: Great Siege of

Greek fire, 99, 413, 414, 417, 433, 595, 629, 632, 654, 595, 629, 632, 654

new version of, 418–19

Greeks, 19, 23, 27, 36, 44, 48, 52, 73, 75, 138, 142

Bohemond blackens name of, 143

dominion of, over Asia Minor, 63

Latakia retained by, 137–8

little contributed by, 171

marriage between Armenians and, 177–8

Gregory VII, Pope, 522

Christian tradition reinterpreted by, 16

early great military enterprise planned by, 16

exile of, 10

sacred violence sanctioned by, 16–17

‘supreme authority’ view espoused by, 10

Gregory VIII, Pope, 370

Audita Tremendi encyclical of, 370–1

Gregory IX, Pope, 567, 571, 572

Gregory X, Pope, 649

Grousset, René, 454, 673

Guibert of Nogent, 109, 110

Gulf Wars, 677

Gumushtegin, 289, 293–4, 295, 304, 317

Guy of Lusignan (later King Guy of Jerusalem), 323–4, 326–7, 328, 332, 379, 430, 474

capture of, 351, 435

Conrad’s rivalry with, 435–6, 448, 493

crowning and anointing of, 342

at Great Siege of Acre, see Acre: Great Siege of

Jerusalem crown lost by, 494

Raymond reconciled with, 344

release of, 398

rift between Baldwin IV and, 329

right of, to Jerusalem throne, 435–6

Saladin’s 1187 invasion of Palestine and, see Palestine: Saladin’s 1187 offensive against

Saladin’s audience with, 351–2

status-loss compensation for, 494

hadith, 24, 25

Haifa, 118, 121, 126–7, 354, 401, 423, 425, 462, 463

Tancred reinstated as lord of, 150

Hainaut, 403

Hakim, Mad caliph of Egypt, 28

Hama, 192, 292, 306, 338

Hamas, 679

Harim, 240, 242, 243, 252, 254, 258–9, 260, 270, 306, 618, 643

Harran, 500

Battle of, 138–40, 166

Hartmann of Dillingen, Count, 79

Hattin, 347

Battle of, 343–53, 363, 370, 371, 378, 435, 513, 631, 663, 677

Horns of, 350, 353

Hauran, 136, 247, 344

Hebron, 505

Hellespont, 382, 420

Helmold of Bosau, 211–12

Henry I of Cyprus, 568

Henry II of Champagne, 385, 415, 417, 449, 468, 472, 492, 494, 504, 510, 512

death of, 538

titular monarch, 496, 510

Henry II of England (formerly Henry of Anjou), 323, 345, 369–70, 376, 377–8, 379, 380, 382–4, 385, 390, 448

death of, 383

Eleanor marries, 369

Saladin Tithe’s gains for, 386

Henry II of Jerusalem, 653, 655

Henry III of England, 570, 577–8, 580, 640

Henry VI of Germany and Sicily, 381, 522

Henry VII of Sicily, 551

Henry of Albano, Cardinal, 372

Henry of Anjou, see Henry II of England

Henry of Germany, Prince, 213

Henry the Lion, 381

Henry the Younger, 376

death of, 377

Heraclea, 60

Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem, 342, 356, 360

Herman of Salza, 564, 566–7

Hethum, king of Cilician Armenia, 616

Hezbollah, 679

Hijaz, 18

Hisn Kifr, 258

Hohenstaufen dynasty/empire, 198, 381, 522, 551, 562

Gregory IX’s disdain for, 567

papacy’s open warfare against, 577

see also Frederick I of Germany; Frederick II of Germany

Holy Sepulchre, Church of, 28, 90–1, 104, 161, 175, 185–6, 361–2, 512, 569, 570, 575, 645

Fulk’s plea for forgiveness at, 5

Godfrey becomes Advocate of, 103

homosexuality, 412

Homs, 192, 193, 248, 292, 334, 618

Honorius III, Pope, 536, 551, 559–60, 563, 564

death of, 567

Hospitallers (Hospital of St John), 169–71, 185, 271, 344, 353, 386, 463, 468, 489, 541–5, 560, 568, 572, 576, 595, 634–5, 641–2, 650, 655, 658

at Great Siege of Acre, 400

political influence of, 170

supranational nature of, 170, 663

see also Krak des Chevaliers; Templars

House of Sorrow, see Jacob’s Ford

Hubert Walter, bishop of Salisbury, 415, 425, 512

Hugh III of Burgundy, Duke, 323, 431, 448, 449, 451, 454, 460, 461, 468, 579, 491, 492, 494, 496, 503, 508, 510

Richard I’s right to command acknowledged by, 456

rumour spread by, 495

Hugh of Brulis, 132

Hugh of Falchenberg, 119, 127, 133

Hugh of Lusignan, 131, 632, 634

Hugh of Payns, 168, 199

Hugh of Vermandois, 210

Hülegü Khan, 615–18, 620

Humphrey of Toron, 260, 328, 342, 435–6, 483, 493, 512

Hungary, 218, 382, 534, 551, 615

Ibelin dynasty, 323, 539