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bleak future for, following Edessa conquest, 195

‘crusader state’, 115

extended borders of, 151–2

Holy Lance’s purported role in Battle of, 83

John II’s suzerainty over, 171

long march to, 59

Louis VII reaches, 233

Manuel rides into, 255

in Muslim histories, 112

Nur al-Din’s offensive against, 239

patriarch of, 9

expelled, 117

punitive raids against, 281

rejuvenation of, 252

remarkable prosperity in 13th century enjoyed by, 547

Roger of Salerno takes power in, 153–4

Saladin’s 1188

attack on, 396

scholars gather in, 184

Siege of, first, 61–74

Siege of, second, and Battle of, 74–82

famine during, 76–7

Tancred takes command of, 137

Tancred takes up regency of, 120

Antiochus, 63

Apamea, 153, 157, 166, 240, 242, 243

Aqaba, 159, 279, 324–5

Gulf of, 324

Aqtay, 594, 606, 612

Aquitaine, 207, 257, 372, 376–7, 384

Arabia, 19, 160, 325

Arabian Peninsular, 18, 19, 281

Arabic numerals, 666

Arab–Israeli conflict, 677, 678

Aragon, 649

al-Arish, 306, 324

Armenia, 421, 541, 559, 614, 635

Armenians, 23, 60, 66, 104, 137

marriage between Greeks and, 177–8

Arnulf of Chocques, 87, 92, 103–4, 117, 127

patriarch designate of Jerusalem, 103

reinstatement of, 120

Arqa, 86, 87, 148, 150

Arsuf, 90, 116, 117, 123, 632, 633

Baldwin I finds safety in, 132–3

Battle of, 466–76

significance of, 474–6

Forest of, 466

Saladin orders demolition of, 423

Artah, 139, 141, 259

Battle of, 142

Arthur, King, 374

Artois, 447

Artuqids, 157, 237

Asad, Hafez, 678

Asadiyya, 276

Ascalon, 104, 105–6, 117, 120, 125, 128, 130, 133, 135, 236, 251–2, 268, 306–7, 393, 453, 501, 502

Richard I’s insistence on keeping, 511

Richard I’s plan to seize, 479

Richard I’s rebuilding of, 492, 496, 511

Saladin’s razing of, 477, 478, 480

submission of, 354

al-Ashraf, 540, 554, 561

al-Ashraf Khalil, 652–5

Ashtara, 344,

Ashur, Sa‘id, 677

Asia Minor, 16, 22, 26, 34, 47, 50, 55, 74, 112, 218, 219, 257, 339, 382, 420, 531, 614, 627

Baybars’ attack on, 645

Crusade of 1101

crosses, 107

First Crusade’s armies amass in, 52

First Crusade crosses, 56–61

Greek recapturing of, 27

Kilij Arslan II’s ambitions in, 317

in Muslim histories, 112

Second Crusade crosses, 216

western, 218, 305

Askanian Lake, 53, 55

Assassins, 2, 156, 241, 245, 294–6, 495, 645

atabegs, 135n

al-Atharib, 152, 165

Aubery Clements, 440

Augustus Caesar, 48, 670

Austria, 551

Ayas the Tall, 456

Ayn al-Daulah, 272, 274

Ayn Jalut, 327, 328

Battle of, 616–19

Ayyub ibn Shadi, 192, 230, 248, 275–6

Ayyubid dynasty/empire, 275, 339–40, 514, 647

conflict limited by, 611

decline of, 589, 622

intelligence system of, 416

post-Saladin fate of, 540–1

strategy of, in 1192, 499–501

al-Azimi, 28, 112

Baalbek, 192, 230, 246, 249, 292, 309, 619

al-Babayn, 270

Baghdad, 20, 26, 66, 112, 191, 321, 615

Great Seljuq Sultanate of, 22

relief force raised by, 72

Tughrul appointed sultan of, 21

Baghras, 170, 396

Baha al-Din Ibn Shaddad, 286–7, 396–7, 407, 408, 410, 414, 422, 431, 434, 439, 452–3, 485

during Richard I’s march from Acre and Battle of Arsuf, 464, 465, 466, 470, 471, 475

on Saladin’s final illness, 514

during Third Crusade’s second advance on Jerusalem, 505, 506–7

Baldric of Bourgueil, 109, 110

Baldwin I, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin of Boulogne), 45–6, 52, 60–1, 69, 116–17, 118–36, 146, 148–9, 150–1, 154–6, 157, 575

Acre besieged by, 124

anointed first king of Jerusalem, 120

autocratic rule of, 174

Caesarea attacked by, 123–4

council of arbitration called by, 150

declared new ruler of Jerusalem, 119

fake death of, 133

Fatimid raiding party attacks, 122

flight of, from Ramla, 132

forceful governance displayed by, 126

general council convened by, 149

Genoese fleet and, 122–3

illness and death of, 160

last years of, 159–60, 162

Maudud and Tughtegin’s lightning assault on, 155

Sidon besieged by, 125

Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin of Bourcq), 119, 146–7, 149, 150–1, 158, 166, 172, 243

Antioch’s losses recouped by, 167

autocratic rule of, 174

Battle of Harran and, 138–9

captive, 139, 146, 167

count of Edessa, 138

daughters of, 173

death of, 168, 173

Jerusalem crown assumed by, 163

tax cuts by, 183

Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem, 173, 243, 245–6, 247, 251–3, 254, 255

death of, 256–7

invasion of Nile region threatened by, 268

Theodora marries, 254

Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem, 299–305, 306, 310–14, 318–19, 323, 368

choice of new heir to, 328–9

death of, 332

early reign of, 303–4

leprosy suffered by, 301–3, 326, 331

rift between Guy of Lusignan and, 329, 332

Baldwin V, king of Jerusalem, 303, 328–9

death of, 342

Baldwin, archbishop of Caesarea, 124

Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury, 372, 424

Baldwin of Carew, 472

Baldwin of Flanders (later Emperor), 527, 531–2

crowned sovereign of Romania, 530

Baldwin of Ibelin, 323, 342

Balearic Islands, 200

Balian of Ibelin, 350, 356–7, 358, 360, 361, 492, 512

Baltic, 197, 211, 212, 213, 533, 541

Livs of, 532

Banyas, 167, 193, 234, 253, 260, 270, 289, 290

siege of, 299

Barada River, 234

Baraka, 626, 646, 647

barid (postal system), 625

Barin, 193

Barons’ Crusade, 573–4, 580

Bartholomew, Peter, 77–8, 83–4

trial by fire of, 87

visionary ravings of, 86–7

Basel, 209

Basil of Ani, 422

Basilius, 174

Baybars, 2, 606, 612–13, 618, 620–39, 641–7, 665, 670

Antioch sacked by, 636–7

appointed commander, 619

becomes sultan, 621

illness and death of, 646

war against Franks by, 630–7

Beatrice of Edessa, 237

Beaufort, 397, 398

Beaulieu, Fulk’s monastery at, 12

Bedouins, 23

Beirut, 125, 319, 320, 354, 412, 416, 433, 448, 538, 649, 656

Jean of Ibelin awarded lordship of, 539

remarkable prosperity in 13th century enjoyed by, 547

Beit Nuba, 481, 488

Third Crusade’s first retreat from, 489–91, 499

Third Crusade’s second retreat from, 507–9

Belen Pass, 64

Belgium, 672

Belus Hills, 152, 163, 240, 243

Belus River, 404, 408, 461, 549

Belvoir, 396

Berengaria, Princess, 389, 390, 429, 435

Richard I marries, 429

Berke Khan, 574–5, 627

Bernard of Clairvaux, 168–9, 196, 200–1, 206–9, 212–4 passim, 215, 217, 368

Bernard, patriarch of Antioch, 138, 147

Berry, 377

Bertrand of Moncontour, 47

Bertrand of Toulouse, 148, 149–50

death of, 154

bestiality, 412

Bethlehem, 121

al-Kamil surrenders, 569

Church of the Nativity in, 120

Bethsan, 318–19, 326


Commandments, 14

New Testament, 14, 110

Old Testament, 14–15, 110

Revelation, 111

Bilbais, 268, 270, 271–2

bin Laden, Osama, 668, 677, 679

Biqa valley, 304, 309

al-Bira, 628, 629, 631

Blachernae, Palace of, 50

Black Mountain, 187

Blanche of Castile, 578, 582, 607

Blondel, 516

Bohemond II of Antioch, 166, 167

Bohemond III of Antioch, 245, 256, 259, 323, 344–5

Nur al-din releases, 260

Saladin’s truce with, 322

surrender of, 259

Bohemond IV of Antioch, 539

Bohemond VI of Antioch, 616, 618, 635, 636, 642–3