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I rose on my knees, and looked at the girl, who lay quite quiet with her thighs wide open, and her hand over her face. — A bloodier mass of spunk I never saw on a cunt. — Her blood had run down on to the counterpane, and lay in a red rim all round my prick near to its root. I was delighted beyond measure. She bled more than any virginity of her age which I ever yet have had, I think.

Betsy chuckled. — “Well, Moll — you've been fucked and no mistake, ain't you? — How do you like it? — It didn't hurt you, did it?” — The girl made no reply, but lay with her nice round thighs wide open, her eyes covered with the back of one hand. — Betsy got off the bed and put a towel under Molly's buttocks and thighs. “You've spent enough and you have spoiled the counterpane.” — The girl closed her legs on the towel, turned on one side, and began to cry. Betsy pulled her up and gave me the towel. I wiped my prick, and we all three got up — the girl ceased crying, and then sat on the sofa naked, in front of the fire; and we began drinking again.

Our talk was all about fucking, and we chaffed the former virgin, who sat without answering in a meditative way, seemingly wondering and upset by what had taken place. — At length, looking at Betsy. — “What will mother do if she finds it out?” she said. — “Find it out, how is she to find it out? — You won't tell her, and she does not look at your cunt, does she?” — “She might find it out.” — “You little fool, she can't — and if she asks you, tell her to ax your pooper — and come to me, I will get you on to earn your living.” — “She might find it out, tho,” said the girl, giving her head a hard shake, and looking at the fire and as if speaking to herself. — “Say it's one of the boys in the court who did it, but I'll tell you what to say tomorrow,” said Bet.

Betsy had had so much liquor that she was very jolly. The girl was on the sofa between us, when Bet put her hand across and began frigging my cock. “Is the next for her?” said she. — “Look Molly, that's what did it

— isn't it nice? — Tell us how does it feel when it's up you? — It didn't hurt you, did it?” — “It hurts me now,” said Molly sullenly. — “Wash it, Molly.” — I would not hear of that, — I wanted her as she was, I wanted her as she was, I liked to see the bloody smears on her belly and thighs, and know her cunt was full of my semen. “Don't you want to piddle” — “Yes,” said the girl in a whipser. — “Do it then.” — “I shan't”

— “Why you little fool, you must, we'll all go to bed directly, and you must before you go to sleep. I'm not going to bed with you, unless you do, you'll be pissing over us in the night.” — The girl piddled, singing out — “ooooho” in a whisper, as the piddle I suppose touched the torn edges of her virginity.

Time had passed on in this amusing and exhilarating conversation till again I wanted the lass. She would not consent, she would not be hurt again, but we persuaded her, got her on to the bed, and again I sent my pego up her. At first she gave little subdued cries, and then took the thrusts very quietly. — “Isn't it nice now?” “No.” — “Don't it give you pleasure?” — “No — no — no,” — was all I got out of her. But I raised my self upon my elbow to look at her, whilst I went on fucking. She laid so quiet and closed her eyes in such a manner, that I am sure it did give her pleasure, tho she might not have spent.

We got hungry, and did not like the woman to fetch it Betsy for her. I was fucked out. How many times I did it I don't know, but had rarely been baudier and stronger. I so enjoyed the girl, that my cock stood the moment I laid my hands on her thighs, and I parted with her longing to meet her again.

The next night but one I again had them both, and passed a delicious evening. — The baud no longer objected. The girl came naturally dressed and looked older than she did in her makeup, which was a failure. — This night was, if less exciting, more enjoyable in its lasciviousness. The lass raised no objections, and for some hours my eyes were feasted and my fingers or my prick were investigating her cunt. What a delicious satisfaction to push into the little tight tube, and compare it mentally with full grown capacious cunts, to compare the jagged, pink slit, with the open port of Betsy, who told us about the pricks she had seen and had up her, and of such baudy pranks, that the lass declared she did not believe them. I did. What pleasure I had when again the girl spent, and admitted that it was better than frigging — even if Betsy did it to her. — “You seem comfortabler after it,” said she, “than when you do it yourself, don't you Betsy.” — It was an evening of mental and physical enjoyment to Molly and myself, and even to Betsy, who kept frigging herself.

Night after night, almost without intermission, did I then have Molly. — One night, Betsy said it was a shame that I did not give her a turn, and Molly consenting, I fucked her whilst Molly looked on. — Molly seemed to think she had a right to all that would come out of my doodle.

I now get more whimsical in my lusts and more versatile in my enjoyments. Different poses suggest themselves to me continually. I have bent most women to obedience in these, of late years, those who would not obey I ceased to visit. But if a woman liked fucking, she takes as much pleasure in lasciviousness as a man does. — Betsy with her witty lewedness was fond of lascivious postures, but altho she did lewed things, she always seemed to do them with a certain witty gentility that was peculiar to her. The great pleasure she had in placing Molly, and shewing her how to move, and perform with me, was evident. — It was a baudy play, or a rehearsal.

I wanted to fuck Molly dog fashion. — When she leant over the bed she was too low when she knealt on the bed too high. Bet, who always watched our fuckings, was ready with a suggestion. — She threw herself on her back at the edge of the bed with her legs dangling. — “If she lays on me, her cunt will just be at the right height,” — “Nonsense.” — But I put Molly, laughing, on the top of Betsy and they were naked belly to belly, face to face. — Bet clutched her threw her heels up on to Molly's buttocks and jogged up and down for a minute, as if fucking. “Now you can see two cunts with one eye shut, said Bet, if you look.” — Puffing open the little ones' legs, I saw two cunts nearly meeting. Have I ever seen that before? — I forget.

I did not think of flat-cocking (tho I have often thought of it since) — but easing Molly down towards me a little, I got her cunt just at the right level, and drove my prick pretty well home, then holding her legs with difficulty on each side of my hips, began fucking.

Betsy threw her legs up high, when Molly's were so placed. I placed one of my hands between their two bellies, and could just feel with my knuckles the hairy surrounding of Betsy's split, whilst with my fingers I felt Molly's clitoris. Then with my hand thus, I fucked and spent. Then I shoved Molly up higher on to Betsy, stooped, and saw her cunt dripping out its sperm onto Betsy's cunt.

Betsy, thoroughly worked up, having felt every jog and my balls almost knocking against her, as I poked Molly, as she now felt the spunk drop on to her cunt, pushed Molly off of her, and shutting her eyes began frigging herself. — “You're not going to have all the pleasure, my darlings,” she said. — Molly and I looked whilst she frigged. “Let's feel your prick,” said she suddenly, I moved close to her — she seized it. — “It's sticky. The spunk's all over it.” She gasped out, squeezing it hard, — “Oh, ahar my God.” Her imagination as she felt my cock, helped her, and she spent. It is wonderful what ungainly attitudes and what difficult uncomfortable poses men and women will put themselves in, to get variety of attitudes in fucking.

“Do you often frig yourself?” I asked her. — “Yes she do,” said Molly, “she likes it.” — “Shut up you,” said Bet, “I frig when I can't get flicked and I haven't had much chance lately I've been with you every night — the other night I gave a Peeler a treat.” — “Where did he have you?” — “Against a shop door,” said Betsy, nothing abashed. — “I don't believe you.” But Molly told me that she saw Betsy and the Policeman at it. So the girl was training up very nicely in the way she should go.