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Again we went in. We had been a longish time now in and out, and were getting saturated, and my prick wouldn't stand. — In vain she frigged it under the water, so I rose up on my knees, and frigged it stiff, sank down, entered her orifice, but I couldn't do it. I got up angry and swearing, she rose laughing. Then I turned her arse towards me kneeling, and knelt my-self, trying it from behind, but both cunt and ballocks were above the water then, but I pierced her and shoved for a minute or so up her, and got it well stiff again.

But having come to fuck under the water and not out of it, I began readjusting the water level, so as to cover her arse and my prick. Then it was too cold, then too hot, and it took time to get it right, but at length it was. With difficulty I then got my prick up her when just under the water, when the cushion on which her hands were placed as she knelt, slipped away. A little only, but anyone floats so easily, that directly she had lost her pose, down she went on her belly, her head clean under water again, down I sank on the top of her, out slipped my prick of course, and out of the bath both got again.

“I told you it took a good man to do it in the water,” said she. — So I found, but was determined to do it, for I knew the spunk was in my balls ready for issue. Again I tried various positions. Her cunt had lost all its lubricity, the water had acted on my cock prejudi- daily, and tho wanting it, I had to frig it up each time to stiffen it, and at length I could not get it into her when under the water at all.

She began to feel chilly, so did I. We stirred the fire, and made the water hotter. I got furious. She wanted to frig me under the water, I would not let her. Had she ever frigged herself under it? — No, but she would try, and she began, the water surging all about, as her hand moved. “I can,” said she. But I pulled her hand away, and suspended the operation for I wanted her to spend with me.

At length determined to do it somehow, we put the water very shallow, I turned her arse again towards me, and we fucked kneeling, until our mutual pleasure was just increasing. Then, uncunting, I turned her on her back, and myself on to her belly, and my throbbing prick went up her as she lay with the water just touching her arsehole. Then we shagged on, till I felt that nothing could take the stiffness out of my prick, but a spermatic discharge, and she seconding me with intelligence (for she wanted to fuck under water, as well as me), she lifted her arse and me up with her slightly, I withdrew the pillow, her arse then sank under the water, which just covered her cunt and my balls, and in a few pushes my spunk filled her cunt, and restored its smoothness. — We lay with our organs in the water, her breasts and my back out of it, and so we lay till my prick slunk out of her cunt, which it soon did.

There was a bed in the room, and a warmer in it. Rapidly drying ourselves, we jumped into the bed. The woman brought us some warm brandy and water, and we laid in bed talking over our adventure, and the difficulties of aquatic copulation, till we wanted each other. Then letcherously we flicked between the warm sheets, and fell asleep.

Before we left the bath, I had felt up her cunt. The water followed my fingers, which in retiring brought with it my sperm, which we saw laying on a cushion, when we looked in the bath afterwards.

Betsy spent with me in the bath. “I was as lewed as you. — Lord God! ... One fuck in a bed is worth fifty in a bath, me dear, but you did fuck and finish in it. — You're the fourth man who has been in the water with me, but the only one who spent under the water, the others flicked just outside it. — You've something to be proud of. I'll tell Mary S**m**rs.”

Mary S**m**s was a big woman whom I also had at the time I knew Mavis. She was about twenty-four years old, and weighed fourteen stone I think. She was big all over, but had no undue stomach, no over fat arse, but the flesh was evenly distributed about her. She had the loveliest eyes I ever saw, of the lightest hazel, and a large easy cunt. I recollect that cunt well. She was very handsome, and was always in the Quad-rant in daylight, I don't recollect seeing her of an evening. She tried to attach me, and used to say I was the loveliest poke she ever had, but there was something about her which I didn't like, and could not at first comprehend. I thought she was lazy and dirty, from an oppressive odour about her. At last I discovered that her feet had a strong smell, and avoided her. But when she saw me she would follow me. — Women spoke much more importunely in those days to men. “Come along with me dear, I haven't seen you such a time.” “I can't, I'm in a hurry and am poor today.” — “Never mind the money, I want to see you so.”

Chapter VIII

Promiscuous whorings. • Mrs. Eliza F***m**g. • Her fling. • An expensive establishment. • Mutual likings. • I am her fancy. • Lord E**t*r. • Caught by her with a woman. • My gift. • She marries. • A Rotterdam saloon. • A flaxen-haired North Hollander. • The young Englishman. • An Amsterdam bitch. • A difficult poke and queer cunt. • A Dutch sailor's whore. • Polyglot baudiness. • A pomatum pot. • At B***s**s. • Mrs. W***t*r again. • Acquaintance renewed. • A shallow cupboard. • A cough and a fart. • Four brothels and eight whores. • A larkish maid-servant. • Unsuccessful attempts.

Then I went promiscuously with women, until one night when quite early in the year, going to the A*g**e rooms, I saw on entering Eliza F***m**g. — Ten minutes afterwards I was in her brougham, soon at her house at C***s*a, and within an hour after had fucked her twice, and we were at supper together. I found my way home at 3 o'clock next morning.

She had quarrelled with Mr. F***m**g, left him, and turned gay. He had given her a house full of handsome furniture, had paid the rent for one year of a handsome house, and had gone abroad. I don't think that he expected her to turn on to the town — but rather that some other man would take her as mistress, for she had a good class of male acquaintances thro their visiting him. Moreover, she was altogether a superior woman for her class, and had been very well educated indeed. I have met but few who have been much educated at all, altho most of them pretend a lot. I never got the facts of her birth and relations, nor very much about F***m**g, for she was reserved on all those topics.

However, there she was, going as she said “to have a fling” and was doing well. Expecting ten pounds for giving a man “a night's lodging and breakfast,” she said jocosely, and getting it, but she didn't tell me that that night, I learnt it afterwards.

She was just as exquisite in form, and in sexual pleasures. I had been unusually unhappy just before I met her again, and drowned my sorrow with women, and said I would stop with her a week. — “Oh — do — but wait until Monday. I have promised Lord E**t*r on Saturday, but on Monday next I shall be disengaged.” — On that day I took up my quarters with her, and such a week's fucking I have rarely had. I was insatiable, and she was willing to indulge in love frolics to any extent. At the end of the week I was hollow eyed and hollow cheeked, and she much the same. She was one I found who when her passions were roused, could keep on spending twice to my once, till she was half dead with pleasure, and her eye sockets were blue with sexual exhaustion; yet still she could not keep her hand from my prick when I was near her. This prick which I once thought so small.

Then I learnt how very heavy her expenses were. — She had several servants, and a brougham to keep. It made me anxious, for I could not bear to give her less than others. Speaking delicately about it — “I don't want any money from you. — Give me another bracelet some day (She had the one already given her.) but you had better now leave me for a week, then come and stay with me again” — and I did. Eliza liked me much tho I don't say she loved me, and I began to like her too much as well as liking her cunt, and at the end of another week, I had so exhausted both her and myself, that I felt nearly in the same condition that I was in, when with Mrs. O*b***e at the hotel in Switzerland, a few years ago.