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I was now quite flabbergasted. His coolness and his tale of picking his teeth free of semen, made me actually shudder. — Then the pestels. — Fancy two men to-gether in a stable, one shoving a pestle up the other's bum. — How curious I thought, yet how abominable — it's incredible. Yet still I felt curious. — “Does it make him spend” I asked — “His prick stands after I have worked it up and down in the brown for a while, then I go on gently, and suck his prick, till he spends,” — he replied coolly. Again I frigged him curious to see his emotions, and watched his face when with difficulty he spent slightly. — But my cock would not stand. — So I went into the room to Betsy, determined to try her cunt. — She had been, she told me afterwards, looking thro, and listening at the door all the time. “Don't come near me” said she to the sod. — After much ado she made my cock stand, I mounted her, and fucked, feeling his prick whilst I did so — that either suggested itself to me, or he suggested it — and it seemed to increase my pleasure.

Then as I rammed up Betsy's cunt I became conscious he was feeling me behind, and that his thumb or finger was intruding into my bum hole. — “Feel her brown,” said he. — I was in the height of my pleasure. “You beast,” said Betsy. — Whether I obeyed his ad-vice or not, I can't say. I spent, and fetched her and then we quickly parted. — I gave him a sovereign, no more, and her two, before each other. — They made no remark. — I promised to see him again but had no intention of doing so, and never did.

I met her soon afterwards, and she was curious. “Did his arsehole seem large?” I was unable to tell her, disliked even to refer to it, yet my curiosity seemed unsatisfied and I had a sort of desire to learn more, yet a dislike to myself for desiring it. — When she asked me if she should get him again, I refused point blank, yet all the time longing to try, and dissatisfied at not having put my prick up him to see if it gave some unknown pleasure or not.

But I spoke to Betsy again about an unfledged virgin cunt. — She shook her head — did not know where to get one — the boys had all the girls when quite young. — Didn't she know what games boys and girls were up to when quite young. — She had lived at ***** — and there was not there a girl over fourteen who had not had it done to her — and by the boys — boys not men and in the fields, tho sometimes at home. I had heard similar accounts from women years before, and believed her. — “I'll get you half a dozen little ones without hair, but they all know as much as I do about fucking.” — That offer I declined, for I knew there were plenty like that about the streets, whom I could get without her assistance. — “A virgin, a virgin, and with no hair on her cunt, or nothing.” — Well she would if she could, but she shook her head. — Her last words were “Just a little hair on it you wouldn't mind, would you?” — “Perhaps if only just shewing, but mind, I'll have a good look at her cunt, with thighs open, before I have her. No virgin no pay. I won't be gammoned.” — “All right, me dear, but you'll have to wait pretty long.”

I met Betsy a little time afterwards by mere chance, and was going to pass her, but somehow she recognized me and touched me on the elbow, saying hastily, — “Come here, come here I've been looking for you for a week.” — We turned up a side street. — “Oh if you mean it, I think I've got such a nice girl for you, but I shall run a risk.” — We had a long conversation, I gave her money to make presents to the girl, and some for herself, but not much. — “I think she will, but if I can't get her, I can't, and then you'll think I've chiselled you.” — “No I shan't,” and we parted.

I looked for Betsy and a few days after saw her. — “She's a virgin,” — said she, “but I don't see my way to it yet.” — “Ah, the old game.” — “Thought you'd say so, you old fox.” — Betsy tried hard to make me go to a house with her but I would not, tho I made her again a little present, and agreed also the price for her services if they were of use. — “I fear I can't manage it,” said she, “tho she is a randy little bitch, and is longing to know what fucking is like, the boys have felt her cunt and she their pricks — she's told me so — ah! she is a regular hot-arsed one and you may as well have her whilst she's got it to give, and you'll give me the money on the night you have her first?” — “Yes, if she be a virgin, not otherwise, and I'll see her cunt well before I do her.” — “All right, you old fox she was a virgin last night I'll take my oath.”

More than a week passed. Then I looked out for and saw Betsy. — I passed her, touched her lightly, said “hish” — and passed on, turning up the next convenient by street. — Betsy followed me and began breathless. — “Oh! It's such a chance, — I've walked up and down here for three nights, and never left the street till midnight, nor left with a man, for fear of missing you.”

“She is a virgin.” — Then she told me that the lass had only the signs of hair on her cunt. — Yes, she had seen her cunt, and had looked at it well. — “Yes — wide — wide — open — and you can scarcely get your little finger up the hole, me dear — it's just large enough to let her monthlies through — and she's only had her monthlies twice, — you've got a rare chance — and such a plump, fine, little divel, I'd like to do her myself. But give me a sovereign to rig her out you'd like to see her look nice. Honor bright — did I ever deceive you? Oh no, not next week, meet us tomorrow night, don't lose a night, or you may miss your chance, she has been sleeping with me three nights and I don't let her out of my sight. She is such a hot-cunted little devil, that God knows what she'll be up to. — I'll give her boots and stockings, and say you sent the money for them — and you tell her you'll give her a silk dress — and a crinoline — don't forget the crinoline, she is mad for one (they were just in fashion), you'll be pleased, she is as well shaped as I am. — I'm only frightened they won't let her in the house, but they know you well there in J***s St., and that's a good deal. — If they do object you must come to my garret, tho I fear they'd hear us there.” — Thus she talked on energetically, without stopping, and saw her ten pounds almost in her pocket.

Next night was dark and cold, and they met me in L**c**t*r S****e. — The girl looked young and a little object. — Betsy told me to say the girl had been in with me before if they objected. — We entered. The door sounded the warning click. I went in first, feeling a little nervous, and had gone up a few stairs, when the door-woman said, — “She can't go in Miss, I can't let her — she is very young.” — “Oh, she's not young at it — she has been half a dozen times before with me and my friend — hasn't she sir? —For she is sixteen, tho she looks so young,” said Betsy in a low tone.

“She looks very young,” said the woman hesitating and standing at the door. I turned round. “It's all right, she's been in here with me before, why object now?” — “She looks very young,” the woman said again — just then another couple pushed open the street door. — “Go on, go on,” — said the woman — “first floor front,” and up Betsy and the young one came with me. — The door-keeper was anxious to get us out of sight of the couple just entering, they helped to settle the question.

The woman soon followed us into the room, and staring hard at the young one, — “If it's all right, I've nothing to say,” said she. I put a sovereign into her hand. “We shall stop all night.” “Two ladies sir.” I gave her another, shut the door in her face, and bolted it. — Betsy winked at me. “I knew she would if you spoke, and you've stumped up handsome.” I had in-deed, and had never been charged for two ladies before in that house.

Betsy had made up the girl in the oddest way with a big bonnet, and she looked almost a bundle of clothes too big for her. — It was an error in the disguise I saw at a glance. — But there we were, all three snugly in the best room in the house. Betsy pulled off her bonnet and shawl as quickly as possible. Then she pulled a great shawl off the little one, and a bonnet big enough for a grenadier, and I saw a lovely girl of about fifteen, looking up earnestly from rather deep-set eyes. — “This is the friend who sent you the boots and stockings, and he'll give you a lovely crinoline,” said Betsy. — “Won't you, sir?” — “Yes,” — said I.