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I nearly choke at her question. Shaking my head, I squint my eyes, as I glare back toward her. “Oh all right,” biting my lip, I slightly hesitate. “It was over the top, fantastic. He was amazingly sweet and knows how to make a girl scream.” Meeting her gaze, I’m silently asking her ‘does that answer your question,’ but all I get is bug eyes.

She mouths the word “wow," before whistling. “My oh my. Now that is what I’m talking about. So are all the cobwebs cleaned out? Five years is a long ass time to go without getting any action. How sore are you, by the way?”

I’m about to open my mouth with a smart ass response when I freeze, realizing we are no longer alone.

“Hello ladies, talking shop are we?” Nick saunters in, grabs a mug and kisses me on the cheek. “Good morning, beautiful.”

Closing my eyes, I breathe him in. My thoughts drift back to last night, even with my mental breakdown, he never once made me feel bad. He never wavered, he stood strong and showed me how much he wanted me. The second time around, he was just as sweet, if not more. I’m a lucky girl.

He must comprehend my daydream, because he lets out a soft laugh. “I am that awesome, aren’t I?”

I’m somewhat shocked at how comfortable I feel around him this morning. Seeing how confident and funny, he is, I accidentally spit out my coffee all over him.

He jumps back, shouting out, “Damn that’s hot.”

Wiping my chin, I can’t help chuckling. “Serves you right, sneaking up on us knowing full well we are most likely talking about you. Just be glad my aim hit your arm and not your johnson.” My eyes leisurely linger down his body.

Liza laughs, holding her belly. “Pip, who the hell says johnson anymore? You are not some old lady, call it what it is, a dick.”

“A ‘large dick’ or ‘johnson’ in Pip’s case.” Nick just has to add in his two cents. It’s funny because he only addresses me by my nickname when Liza’s around.

Horrified with them laughing at me, I decide to leave the room. “Oh God, you both are sick. I’m off to shower.”

Slowly closing the bathroom door, I can hear Liza’s soft voice grilling Nick.

“How was she last night?” Liza’s trying her best to talk softly, but instead, her voice carries rather loudly.

Nick’s voice softens, “She was nervous and upset at first, like I knew she would be. I was patient, took it slow, and had the best night of my life with the girl I’m crazy about.”

I can hear what sounds like a slap on someone’s back. “You’re a good man Nick, not many guys would put up with that shit from a girl.”

Liza’s words sting even though she’s right. What guy would want to sleep with a girl who was crying over another guy when she was naked with him? Yeah, not many.

Sighing, I closed the door to take my shower. While I’m rinsing my hair, an idea hits me. It’s more of a way to symbolize my new life without ever forgetting my past.

Shopping with Liza today, just got a whole lot busier.

An hour later, showered up we’re heading out for our day of shopping. We both got paid yesterday, so we are eager to spend some of our hard-earned money.

Nick left at the same time we did after an awkward goodbye. He grabbed me by my hips, pulled me against him, and crushed his lips to mine to cement last night’s activities. The kiss differed from the one’s he gave me last night. Long gone were the slow, sweet kisses, this kiss was more urgent and compelling. Fisting my hair in a firm grip, his intense gaze pleads to me.

“Don’t forget last night, and don’t you dare forget how much it meant.”

The sincere honesty in his words meant so much. The only thing I wanted to do was reassure him. “Last night was amazing for me, you were amazing. I should be thanking you for being so patient with me, it had to be weird for you.” It hurt admitting this to him.

With a shake of his head, Nick sighed with a one-sided grin. “It was perfect. No regrets. Last night was bigger than just us, I knew that, El. I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks,” I said snuggling into his big arms.

Liza then interrupts our little love fest. “Christ you two, can you maul each other later? Shopping awaits, chop chop.” The girl has zero patience.

Pulling out of his arms, I tell him I’ll call him later. He simply replies, “you better.”

Liza and I then head off for the Mall, but I had yet to mention the other little thing I decided to do today. Not sure how she’ll take it either.

“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND?” Liza is beyond shocked.

I’m calmly hold up my finger. “Umm, no. I’m doing this with or without you. Are you going to come with me?” I say to give her the opportunity to leave.

“Shit, you are serious.”

“Dead.” My facial expression never changes.

Realizing she will not change my mind, she tosses her hands up in the air. “Well, let’s go find a good guy then. Do you know what you want?”

Smiling. “Absolutely.”

I’m on a mission trying to locate a man named Jack Daniels. I kid you not, I got his name from a girl at the Gap. Generally speaking, it’s pretty odd to get a referral for what I need from a lady who sells clothes for a living. But from the looks of her arms, I would say she is the perfect person to help me out.

Finally, after tracking him down, I’m now sitting in the chair of Jack Daniels, a tattoo guru according to Violet, my sales lady from the Gap. Her arms are a walking advertisement for his work. Quite impressed, I excitedly took his name and number. Lucky for me, he had time, so here I sit.

Getting his equipment ready, he then asks, “Okay, so you’re sure this is what you want?”

I’m a bundle of nerves bouncing in the chair, nervous as hell. Grasping the sides of the chair, I hang on with an iron clad grip. Even though I’m anxious, I also know this is what I need to do. “Yeah, it’s personal, and it stands for something lost but never forgotten.”

He lets out a laugh. “Babe, if you knew how many something lost but not forgotten tattoos I’ve done in my lifetime, let’s just say you’d be amazed. I get it, you know. It’s cool, you doing this. It’s your way to remember without ever letting go.” He keeps his eyes locked on mine. I could not have said it better myself.

Looking over at Liza, he dismisses her with an eye roll. She is making it known she hates this idea, and she doesn’t understand why I feel the need to mark my body.

Clearing my throat, I get Jack’s attention. “Don’t mind her, she doesn’t get me.”

Shaking his head, he sighs. “Yeah, I get that too.”

Clearly agitated, Liza doesn’t stop. “Pip, this guy does not deserve to be inked on your body. He’s never coming back.” Wow, her words are more like venom. I wonder if she’ll ever truly understand me.

I can’t help fighting back the tears that are screaming at her. “Yeah, Liza, I understand that. The tattoo is not for him, it’s for me. Just leave if you don’t want to be here with me.” I’m irritated and hurt. She’s my friend, why can’t she support me? I’m getting more support and understanding from Jack and I just met him.

Just then her phone rings. Thank God!

“Ace, hey baby. Where are you?” She’s even snippy with him. If I’m lucky, maybe she will leave to go meet him.

With a snap of her fingers, she’s bitter. “Oh NO, my roommate is now getting a tattoo to remind her of this loser from high school.” No, she did not just say that.

“LIZA.” I’m beyond mad, so I shout at her.

Her voice is inching higher and louder. “Yeah, that’s her. I’m not… Oh my God… I am here for her. Well, it’s been years now, she thinks she needs to do this to get over him. No. No. Oh, okay.” She says, shoving her phone in her purse with a huff.

I’m stunned, staring at her so upset right now listening to her one-sided conversation. Jack is nearly ready, and ignoring her the best he can.