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Raising my head, I say, “Not to sound weird, but I know which room is most likely your bedroom.” Closing my eyes, I try to hold back my laugh. I know how wrong that sounded. Instead of embarrassing myself further, I bite the head of my pencil. Hard.

“Well now, that’s a new line for sure.” He said, with a slight clearing of his throat.

I can’t help but drag my eyes back to his face. His eyes are wide, and his cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink as his Cheshire cat smile widens. I wonder what he’s thinking right now.

Feeling the need to explain, I’m annoyed that he thinks I’m hitting on him. Was I? Perhaps.

“What I meant to say is, my friend used to live there. I’ve been in your house many times.” He’s just smirking at me, so I hold my hands up surrendering. “Nothing weird about it, I just know the house well. Which is why I can narrow your room down to two possibilities.” I just can’t help myself! The thought of me knowing something private about him does put a smile on my face. Thinking of him alone in his room, oh man! I need to stop this daydream.

He watches me, casually playing with his lower lip. “Oh, now this is getting good. What’s your name, pretty girl?”

I kept my stare solely focused on his eyes, speechless. No one ever called me that. My mouth must be open, because he puts his finger under my chin and gently closes it for me.

His brow slowly inches upward. “Are you okay, pretty girl?”

Pulling me out of my Micah trance, I can’t help but shake my head mumbling. “Oh, sorry. Not sure why you’re calling me that, but my name is Elsa.” I slowly say under my breath. “Everyone calls me El.”

His eyes squint. “Do you have a last name Elsa, who goes by El?” His voice ever so charming.

“Winters. Elsa Winters.” I’m still in my Micah trance; his baby blues have me under this powerful spell. Those eyes!

Hopelessly, I close my book. There is no way I will be able to read right now. My every thought is of him. His eyes I can still see, his voice, I can still hear.

“Jesus Elsa, are you ever going to forget him?” I realize I’m asking myself this same question yet again. Wiping the tears that sting my eyes, I remember the last thing Micah said to me after we had sex our one and only time.

Kissing me behind my ear, he whispered, “You changed my world, pretty girl.”

Just like that…my dream ends!

I suddenly focus on the noise coming from the room next door. Liza, my roommate, is in her room with her boyfriend. I never heard them come in. I have yet to meet this one. I figured I’d wait to meet him, see if he lasted longer than the last guy did. That poor sap never made it a week. Liza is never alone for long, I have no clue where she keeps finding them.

In all seriousness, the knocking on the wall as her bed bangs against it has me realizing this night is not going to end soon enough. I pick my book back up and curl up for the long night ahead.

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“OH SHUT IT. YOU were so loud with that guy last night, I had to put my pillow over my head.” The love fest lasted over an hour, so I was forced to play music and use my pillow to drown them out. My attempt to read did not work.

Liza’s face beams. “Pip, he is amazing. More like lick-a-licious, that’s a better word.” She calls me Pip. It’s the nickname she’s blessed me with. I don’t argue it, like when have I ever won an argument with Liza? Never.

“That’s over one word and I’m not sure it’s even a word,” I say with a slight smirk in my sleepless state. I’m in need of coffee.

In her current dream state, Liza whispers, “Yeah, but it fits him.” Her eye’s glaze over every time she talks about him.

“Why did he leave so early? Or should I ask, am I ever going to meet this one?” I had to ask. Seeing her so smitten, I really need to see this guy with my own eyes.

With a nod of her head, she says, “Of course you are. It’s just been bad timing so far.” Bad timing is what she calls it, but I was wondering if she is doing it on purpose. She must really like this one. She is acting in a different manner that’s for sure. This is the first time my roommate has ever acted this way over a guy.

“Get dressed. Let’s go get coffee and see Tristan,” I say, getting up off the couch. I needed to get some much-needed caffeine, and there’s no better place than the Starbucks down the street from our apartment. Tristan is an added bonus. He works there and overtime we’ve gotten to be good friends.

“Oh heck yes,” she frantically replies. “Let’s go.”

We walk the few blocks instead of driving since it was beautiful outside. The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky.

Most days, Liza drives me crazy, but she’s my only real friend other than Nick. I met Liza the day she started at the Dental Office I work for as a receptionist. Dr. Jeffrey Davis was my actual dentist who hired me while fixing a cavity shortly after I graduated high school. Funny story, he loves to tell it to our patients every chance he gets, hiring me right out of the chair.

Liza and I formed an instant friendship, and as luck would have it, we moved in together a few months later. It was a huge relief because I got to get away from under my parents constant eye. The relationship I have with my parents is strained at best. It’s such a long, sad story. Meeting Liza was a blessing, and I would kindly put up with her wild behavior if it means I get to live away from my parents.

Nick, I met a few years back, he’s my closest friend other than Liza. I’m not one to hang around many people, I keep to myself, if possible. Liza and Nick are the ones always reminding me I’m twenty-one, not forty-one. Nick’s the only one who knows all of my secrets. Liza, not so much. I’ve only told her the basics. A boy had hurt me in the past, and the rest stays guarded in the confines of my heart. If it weren't for a drunken night with Nick a while ago, he would not know all that he does. They say loose lips sink ships. Yeah, that’s pretty much true.

Walking into Starbucks, the aroma of coffee engulfs me, and I’m desperate to get my daily cup of Joe. My face lights up when I see my favorite barista, Tristan. His face could light up any room. He’s just that kind of person who brightens up your day. He and I hit it off from the first coffee I ordered here. If it weren’t for the fact that he likes to hit on my friend Nick, I might have tried to date him myself.

“There’s my girl. Double Mocha Latte is coming right up. You look like you need it, I might add.” Tristan says, as he is punching my order into the register.

“Thanks, buddy,” I yawn, “Liza kept me up all night.” I say with an eye roll, slightly joking.

“Oh please, it was so worth it. Sorry, Pip.” Liza’s nickname for me is definitely an odd one. I swear, the girl has never used my real name. She once told me I reminded her of a pip-squeak, and for that reason it stuck. Go figure!

Liza can’t help gloating. She’s been on cloud nine ever since she met Ace a few weeks ago. Grabbing my coffee and her tea, we sit by the window. Sitting down, I realize just how tired I am. I’m so tired, my bones ache.

“So you want to know what’s weird?” Liza looks at me with her lips puckered up. Something is on her mind.

I stare at her, wondering if I want to answer her. “No idea, but I’m sure you will fill me in, though.”

“Well, it is clear that you were totally screwed over by this dick in your past, right?”

I roll my eyes, not this again.

With a big sigh, I whisper, “Well, that’s not entirely accurate, but whatever.” I’m never one to enjoy discussing my past.