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I stop, unmoving. His comment ringing in my ears. Did he say what I think he said? “We’re—we’re going to a Cubs’ game?” I stammer. Shards of excitement are slicing their way through the wall I thought was impenetrable. Chase grins, his eyes dancing at my reaction.

“Yep. A home game against the Cardinals.” I can’t stand still anymore, I can’t stop the delight making me fidget. I want to bounce on my toes like a kid, and scream with joy. I haven’t been to a Cubs’ game since the last time I went with my dad, when I was a kid.

I have no control over my body anymore and I launch myself at Chase, jumping up on his body, my legs and arms surrounding him. I plant a huge kiss on his mouth and then yell, “We’re going to a Cubs’ game!”

Chase starts laughing and he looks as though he’s lit up from the inside, truly reveling in my excitement.

“As much as I’m enjoying having you wrapped around me, I don’t want to miss watching you experience this date.” He slides me slowly down his body, feeling every inch. Every hard inch. Everywhere we connect, there is a spark of electricity. “Let’s get going, babe.”

I run to the closet and grab my jacket, since it gets windy and quite chilly at night games, even in the hottest months of the summer. Keys in hand, credit card and ID in my pocket, and I’m ready to roll.

He takes me to Gino’s East, an iconic pizza place in the city, where we gorge on deep dish and color all over our table cloth, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. It’s so easy to let my guard down with him, to be a small part of the girl I once was.

After we eat, we head to Wrigley Field, one of the most marvelous places on earth. It should be christened the eighth world wonder. As we walk, I realize Chase is heading through the first level and out into the infield boxes. Holy fucking shit. I could practically talk to the players in the batter’s box. Wrigley isn’t a very expensive stadium, but still. These seats are over a hundred dollars apiece, and while that probably doesn’t make much of a dent in either of our checking accounts, my dad and I would never have considered paying that when I was a kid. So, I’ve never watched a game from these seats, and I can barely contain my excitement!

I get out my program and set up my score sheet. But then, feeling eyes on me, I look up and see Chase watching me, his eyes soft and happy. “What?” I laugh. The sound is so foreign to me, it gives me a startle, but Chase’s face lights up and a huge smile graces his face.

“Nothing. Although, I got the impression before that you’d been to games.”

“I have, but not since I was maybe, sixteen or seventeen. My last game was just me and my dad, right before I had my daughter I think.” I’m musing on the time frame so I’m not paying attention to the fact that Chase has gone silent, and still. “I was excited to have the time to go with them, as a family, after graduation. I wanted to build memories with her, like I had with my dad.”

I return to setting up my scorecard, still thinking about the past. “She’d be old enough now to be keeping her own scorecard, know the players, the rules of the game, and everything. I’d make sure of it.” I giggle. “I was born a Cubs fan, and so was she.”

“Your husband, he was a fan as well?” Chase asks quietly.

“Yeah, though he was never as die hard as I am. But he thought it was cute that I was so obsessed, so he indulged me.” Images of “what if” begin to form in my mind and I feel the melancholy start descending. Not now, not when I’m so happy. I push it away and quickly change the subject. “Have you always been a Cubbie fan?” I look up and see he’s watching me more intently. Somehow I know he wants to ask me more questions about my past, but I’m done, and after a moment, I think he recognizes that. Pushing will only ruin this fabulous night.

“Yes, same as you, really; born a fan. Although, having grown up on the south side, I got no shortage of shit about it growing up.” He laughs and the deep rumble has a magnetism that creates a pull between our bodies. That sound must make every female student he has have to change their panties after his class.

As batting practice finishes up, I learn that his mom and dad are older, and he’s the youngest of two. They still live on the south side, but he moved them to a little apartment halfway between his place and his older sister’s, who also still lives in the area. There is such love and affection in his tone. He is clearly still close to his family. A familiar pang springs in my chest, but I refuse to acknowledge it. But, it reminds me.

I know I’m going to have to clear the air about the wedding thing, I just can’t bring myself to do it right now. This is the best date I’ve ever been on and I don’t want to spoil it. The pang hits harder this time, like a blow to the stomach. I mean, best date other than my dates with Ben. I squeeze my eyes shut, and battle the guilt. The game starts and I let it consume my mind, forgetting the pain, guilt, and memories.

I go all in, screaming with the crowd when we score, grumbling and yelling at the ump when he makes an outrageous call. “That was clearly a strike, blue! Get your head out of your ass!” Chase laughs and grabs my hand, tugging me back into my chair, not letting go once I’m seated. I try to extricate my hand nonchalantly, but his tightens, and he throws me a stern look. To which I reply by sticking my tongue out at him.

I’m struck, completely stunned when it dawns on me that I made such a childish gesture. I don’t know who I am right now. I’m lost again, like I was last night. Someone else—a fragment of someone I used to be—but a stranger nevertheless. Chase is doubled over, laughing. When he calms, he grabs my face with both hands and thoroughly kisses me, only stopping when we get some whistles and catcalls. My face suffuses with heat, my body flushed with embarrassment, and (I’m so fucked…uh, I mean, I’m in so much trouble) arousal. Damn, he is gorgeous.

With another swift peck on the lips, he grips my hand again and turns back to the game. We got into extra innings, with the Cubs finally triumphing over the Cardinals after fourteen innings (take that, you pompous birds!), at one o’clock in the morning. The crowd is jumping and dancing around singing our victory song, “Go Cubs Go.” Chase can’t sing worth shit, but he’s so damn cute that I’m mesmerized.

As the excitement dies down, he takes my hand and leads me out through the crowd to the Wrigleyville L stop and we hop on the train back to the city. I’m still vibrating with the energy of the crowd after a win, pumped up and happy. Just…happy. I barely notice when we exit at my stop, still unaware as we enter my building, and taken by complete surprise when Chase pushes me up against a wall, sealing his mouth over mine. It is only then that I realize we are in my elevator. I don’t spend a lot of time noticing the elevator either, or the fact that Chase is still kissing me as he walks me backward down the hall, unlocks my door, and continues to feast on me once we are inside. He backs me up again, but my hip hits the small table in the entry, shooting pain down my leg and tingles all through my pelvis (not the good kind either). “Ouch!”

He instantly stops. “Are you all right?” He glances down and clocks the sharp edge of the table and winces, “Damn, baby. Sorry about that”

I rub my hip a little, trying to ease the pain. “It’s fine, it just hit the wrong spot.” I limp a few inches away and turn to toss my keys in a small glass bowl on the surface. The pile of unopened mail catches my attention. My cousin’s wedding invitation is sitting right on top.

My spine gathers some steel and I remember what it was I needed to talk about to him. I pick it up and slowly pivot, finding that Chase has plopped down on my white, leather couch, his hand stretched giving me a come hither motion. I start toward him and when he sees the hard expression on my face, his brows rise practically to his hairline, and he drops his hand.