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I locate my flathead screwdriver and storm back to the bathroom.

“Last chance, Tori. Open the door.”


“Suit yourself,” I huff.

Jamming the flat end of the screwdriver between the door and the frame near the doorknob, I yank it until the wood splinters and cracks.

“What are you doing?” she snaps through the door.

Set on my task, I jimmy it some more until light briefly peeks through. With one heave of my shoulder, it cracks the frame enough to free the door. I stumble inside to find her sitting on the lid of the toilet, still donning her adorable painting outfit.

The woman looks good in just about anything but wearing my clothes—that’s just fucking hot as hell. Inside me, the alpha roars with pride at seeing her in my clothes, as if she’s marked with my scent.

Her eyes are open wide in shock. “You broke your door!”

Smirking at her, I shrug my shoulders. “I’ve done worse. Are you hungry?”

Not giving Tori the chance to think is what’s gotten me as far as I have with her. And now, as I change the subject of her breakdown which resulted in locking herself in my bathroom for an hour, she falters and shakes her head. “No, I, uh… need to go.”

She stands but I lean against the broken door frame and inspect her tear-stained, swollen red face. Blonde hairs are an unkempt mess and my fingers twitch to free the rest of them. The woman is even more beautiful than when she’s all put together, wreaking havoc on the poor souls who cross her.

“You’re not going anywhere until I feed you,” I tell her in a firm tone and take a step toward her.

She eyes me warily but doesn’t move. Seeing my opportunity, I don’t waste any more time and prowl the rest of the way over to her. Her hands go up in protest, but I encircle her waist with mine and haul her to me. When she’s plastered against my chest—where she belongs—I hug her to me and kiss the top of her head.

Despite her earlier freak-out, she melts in my arms and rests her cheek on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” she barely manages through an emotional whisper.

Shaking my head, I stroke her back. “Nothing to be sorry for.”

We remain in silence and then I decide to take those damn pins out of her hair. At first, when I begin pulling them out, she struggles in my arms. Eventually, though, she resigns herself to letting me take them out.

“I want to see you,” I murmur. Both inside and out.

She tugs away from me and regards me with tears welling in her eyes. “This isn’t me,” she tries to explain.

But it is.

This is the part of her that claws to be released, yet the Ice Queen keeps her shackled in the recesses of her mind.

Pulling her back to me, I then slide my palms up her neck and tilt her head up so I can see her better.

“Nobody can be strong all of the time. That’s why it’s in our human nature to seek another soul out there. Someone to be strong some of the time for us. Someone to share our burdens with,” I whisper, stroking each of her cheeks with my thumbs.

Her icy blue eyes shine like the bluest of seas. One day, I hope to take her to an exotic beach in the Caribbean just to see if it will dull the beauty of the ocean by being in direct comparison to the unmatched splendor that are her incredibly expressive eyes.

“You make me weak,” she breathes out, her sweet scent teasing me with my mouth just inches from hers.

Dipping my nose to hers, I graze it with mine. “I’m here to carry you.”

“What if I don’t want to be carried?” she mutters and her eyes flutter closed.

I don’t answer her and seal my lips against hers, kissing her with a softness that I hope conveys my promise to help her. A small moan escapes, and it’s far from sexual. It’s a moan releasing some of her strength—letting me be strong for her. Drawing her closer to me, I deepen our kiss, tangling my tongue with hers. Her fingers clutch onto my shirt, begging me not to let go.

I’m not ever going to fucking let go.

“Chase,” she mutters between kisses.

The sound is innocent and young. I want to protect her and hold her close to me without any desire to ever let go.

“I’m scared.”

This confuses me so I break from her and press a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. “Why are you scared, Tori?”

She sniffles but her hands trail up my chest to where she clutches onto my neck. “I’ve always been strong. For them. To keep their memory buried deep in my heart where it’s safe.”

I narrow my eyes at her and wait for her to continue, stealing another peck on her cheek.

“If I open myself up, give you part of my burden…” she trails off with a shudder, as if the very idea frightens her, “…I might lose them forever. What if it makes me forget? What I had with them? I don’t think there’s room for anything else. I’m so sorry.”

Her words gut me, but I won’t be deterred. She’s mine as far as I’m concerned. Nobody, not even Stalking Savvy, has ever come close to understanding my pain. Crushing loss. Self-loathing. Guilt and a desire to change the past—to reweave the threads of time and create a new masterpiece that includes them.

Tori gets my pain.

I get Tori’s pain.

Every Tuesday when I go visit the cemetery, I kick trees and punish the earth with my fists. I cry out to God and beg for him to rewind time. To give her a second chance at life.

Life’s not fair.

Mother’s words haunt me like always.

“Tori,” I press my lips to hers and then pull away to stare at her with a glare that expresses that I will not let her give up on me. “Sometimes being strong for the other person means determining what’s best for them, even when they think they know best. You’re already used to me manhandling you…”

She pops her mouth open to argue but I dive in for a kiss that I drain all of my passion and determination into. I need her to feel my strength—a strength I didn’t even know I possessed.

“…now it’s time for me to manhandle your heart.”

The doorbell rings and I reluctantly tear away from her. Her eyes are flitting about with a thousand thoughts dancing in her head.

“Jesus, Tori,” I chuckle in a way meant to poke at her. “Is that how you show up to all your dinner dates? Maybe you should put something more presentable on before we have dinner.”

Her more comfortable emotion, the feisty one that I love, rises to the surface and she flips me off. But it serves to break the thick tension.

“Asshole. I’m probably the best-looking date you’ve ever had,” she teases back with a smile, “even in this get-up.”

I wink at her. “There’s no denying that, baby. We both know who the good looking one in this relationship is.”

Before she can argue that I just declared us to be in a relationship, I bounce out of the small bathroom and trot to the front door to pay for the pizza.

I’ll fill that girl up one way or another.

Her belly.

Her heart.

And maybe a few other places too if I’m lucky.

Give Me Yesterday _24.jpg

Last night, Tori and I made great strides. The rest of the evening went on without a hitch. I think I’m growing on her. She let me steal kisses but I didn’t once try and push her for more. It was evident she was punishing herself for letting things progress. I don’t want her to regret anything when it comes to us. If that means going slower, then I’ll become a turtle.

A very handsy turtle that likes his tongue down her throat.

But a turtle nevertheless.

“Dr. Monroe,” a voice chirps, stealing me from my thoughts of Tori.


Mack plops down beside me at the table in the Media Center. It’s Wednesday and their projects are due this coming Friday. By the frustrated scowl on his face, I’d say he’s having issues.

“This sucks.”

I bellow with laughter but when the attendant at the desk shoots me a scathing look, I choke it back. “Of course it sucks. It’s a research paper. Research papers suck.”