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She kicks up one side of her mouth in a secretive smile, and spins on her heel, returning to her desk. After a moment, she shuffles back in with the most beautiful bouquet of blue irises I have ever seen. They bloom up from a lovely glass vase, swirling with frosted etchings. The moment she enters, the fragrance permeates the air and the sweet smell fills my lungs. All of the oxygen rushes back out as my heart pumps wildly.

Stacey sets them on my desk, and passes me an accompanying note. She shuffles from foot to foot for a second and I can see that she really wants to stay and find out who they are from and what the note says. I open it, and tell her, “They are from Chase, the guy who dragged me out of here against my will yesterday.”

Stacey’s cheeks get pink with excitement, but that’s all I’m willing to share.

“Would you see about my lunch…please?” I tack that last word on, knowing I’m usually barking orders without thought. I don’t know why I feel the need to change these subtle things. My life is just the way I like it. See? This is why Chase is a bad influence and someone I should stay far away from.

Reluctantly, Stacey returns to her cubicle and once she is gone, the door firmly closed, I open the note and read it. The fuzzy feeling grows with each heavy beat of my heart, the warmth becoming a burn. I read it again and shake my head. He didn’t ask, he simply ordered me to have dinner with him. I should turn him down, just for that. I reach for the phone, but my hand stalls halfway there. I’m super busy, and he teaches today, I should wait until later to cancel.

I arrange the flowers on the glass coffee table in the center of my little conversation nook across the room. Twisting and turning the vase until I’m satisfied that I’ll have the best view of it from my desk. Then I get to work and don’t look at them again. Liar, liar… I don’t look at them much. Pants on fire… Ok, I glance at them every ten minutes or so, thinking of Chase, and enjoying the tickle in my chest that they bring.

After lunch I become engrossed once again, but am interrupted by the beeping of my intercom. I press the button and Stacey informs me that my mother is on hold. The warmth, the fuzz, the tickle, they all freeze, snuffed out by the bitter cold that sweeps over my body. I don’t like talking to my family. They refuse to accept my wishes, of not speaking about the past. Always forcing memories on me, pushing me to “accept” what happened and let go. I get angry and on its heels comes sadness. Chaotic emotions that I want no part of. I should have sent in that RSVP card with my regrets already, but I suppose I might as well take the call now and get it over with.

“Put her though, Stacey.” I shore up my strongest, thickest wall, preparing for the disappointment in her voice, and pick up the phone when it beeps again.

“Hello, Mother,” I answer.

“Victoria! I’m so glad you decided to come to the wedding! Danielle is ecstatic! It’s all she can talk about since we got your card!” Wait, I didn’t…

“Mother, there must be some kind—” I start.

“And a plus one!” She goes on without noticing I’d begun to speak. “Victoria, I’m so happy. I’m just so happy for my little girl. He must be very special for you to be bringing him home to a family wedding. I can’t tell you how excited we all are.”

Plus one? It dawns on me … I’m going to kill Stacey. My thoughts then go to Chase, and I realize this had to be a conspiracy from collaboration. They are both going to get skewered.

“I know you’re busy, darling. Always working too hard. So, you can tell me all about him this weekend.” Her voice gets thick and I fight not to bang my head down on the desk. Tears. I don’t do tears. “I’ll see you Saturday. I love you, Victoria. They would be happy that you’re moving on.” I stiffen, every muscle in my body tight. Anger emanates in waves, but before I can express my rage, she hangs up.

“Stacey!” I yell. “Get in here!” I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

She enters timidly, her eyes wary. “Is everything, okay?”

“What the hell were you thinking sending in that RSVP card accepting, and with a plus one?” My voice is getting progressively louder, and when I reach a full yell, she flinches.

“Chase marked it. I figured you had discussed it beforehand.”

She’s wringing her hands in front of her, and I’m not sure if she is making an excuse or not. Either way it’s done now, and she is the best assistant I’ve ever had, so it’s not like I’m going to fire her.

“Stacey, lets be very clear, you will always check with me before dealing with anything personal.” She nods, and tears are brimming in her eyes, “Now, go back to work, and we’ll forget this happened.” She sags in relief and beats a hasty retreat, back to her desk.

Now, as for that scheming, overly confident, obnoxiously determined tool. I snatch up my cell and scroll to his number, but before I hit call, I decide this needs to be dealt with in person. I need to cut things off, once and for all.

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It’s five minutes to six when my phone buzzes, alerting me to a call from the front desk. Gary informs me that I have a guest and I tell him to send him up. It’s time he accepts the real me, so I’m inviting him into my home, the sterile, cold environment a reflection of myself. I wait by the door, checking to make sure I am completely put together, still in my work suit. The doorbell rings and I swing it open, gesturing for him to enter.

An unwelcome surge of heat spirals through me at the sight of him. He looks good, really fucking good. His jeans ride low on his hips, a loose Cubs jersey hangs off of his broad shoulders, blue and white Converse on his feet, and that damn dimple peeking out when he smiles at me. His brown eyes become even darker behind the lenses of his glasses, when he sees me. Before I can say anything, he snakes a hand around my waist, yanking me into his hard chest, and blowing my mind with the best hello kiss I’ve ever had.

When he finally releases my lips, I’m in a daze again, and I can barely remember my name. He stands back and examines my clothes with a frown. I immediately miss the dimple.

“I specifically told you to wear jeans, Tori.” His words admonish, but there is no real censure in his tone. He kisses my cheek and turns me around, a bag is suddenly dangling in front of my face, and his breath whispers in my ear. “Somehow, I knew I’d need these.” He shakes the bag a little, while placing a soft kiss on my neck. I suppress a shudder, but take the bag, and feel the movement of his lips on me as he smiles. Backing up, he lightly smacks my ass. “Go change, babe. We’ve got to get going.”

I don’t know what just happened, or how I ended up here, but I’m now unexpectedly standing in the hallway entrance to my living room, wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a red tank top, and a button down Cubs jersey over it. Chase is standing in the center of the room, looking around with a bewildered expression. Eventually, he notices me and a beautiful smile breaks out on his face. “Wow, you look spectacular.”

I don’t want it to, but pleasure at his compliment grips my heart and squeezes. I was mad, I know I was. I just can’t seem to focus enough to remember why. He strides over to me and stands right in front, feet spread, arms crossed, and a thumb under his chin, pointer finger tapping his lips. Contemplating me. “Hmmm. Just one thing to make it perfect.” Before I can react, he’s pulled all of the pins from my hair and is gently running his fingers through it, combing out the tangles. He resumes his former stance, then nods with a look of satisfaction. “Perfect.” He grabs my hand. “Let’s hit the road. First pitch is at eight and I want to feed you first.”