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He groans and shoves his paper at me. “How much more work do I have on this? I don’t think it’s good enough.”

I take it from him and spend the next few minutes reading through. In all honesty, he’s done an excellent job tackling the subject I warned them not to choose. I’d give him an A for the paper.

“It’s worth a low B,” I lie and shove it back across the table to him.

“Well, shit. Bs won’t get me the job at the hospital. What do I need to work on?”

Mack’s a great student despite his cutting up most of the time. “Research some more. Add some more citations. It could use a bit more meat.”

He nods, and with a new determination that will serve him well in his career, he bounds off, back toward the computers to continue his research.

“You lie for shit,” Cort laughs and sits next to me.

I shrug my shoulders. “It’s good for him. Did you finish yours?”

He nods. “Yep, but you don’t get it until it’s due. Unlike Mack over there, I know my paper is an A and I’m not letting you con me into doing more busy work.”

I chuckle and am on the receiving end of another nasty look from the attendant. With apologetic hands, I raise them and mouth I’m sorry to her. Her clipped nod indicates she accepts my apology but not to do it again or she’ll shove a dictionary up my ass.

“How’s the new chick?”

I’ve told him a little about Tori but didn’t want to divulge much. She still feels like my little secret. Just like my group. I want to protect and defend her against any would-be naysayers.

Not that Cort would ever have anything negative to say.

“Her name’s Tori,” I remind him, “and she’s special.”

“Like Savvy special?” he questions with a groan.

I hold back the eruption of laughter so I can keep my asshole a virgin. “No, you idiot. Special like could-be-the-one, special.”

His eyes widen in shock. “Well, I’ll be damned. Someone was up for the Chase after all.”

I beam at him and thread my fingers together behind my head, leaning back in my chair. Staring up at the ceiling I think of her sweet, swollen lips. The way she came apart in my arms from the simplest friction between us. If only she knew…I had so much more in my arsenal to make her feel again.

“Quite the opposite, man,” I sigh. “I’m doing all the chasing.”

“And she’s worth the Chase?”

Turning my head to him, I grin. “She’s worth every damn second.”

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“Dr. Monroe,” Mrs. Schrage gasps when I saunter into her flower shop after class. “It’s Wednesday. I think.”

I chuckle because after years and years of coming here every Tuesday like clockwork, I’m sure she’s confused as to why I’m here on a Wednesday. Especially after having just been here yesterday.

“I need flowers. Happy ones. Ones that say, ‘You’re always on my mind and are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.’ Maybe some blue ones.”

She widens her eyes. Normally when I come in here, she has my order ready and we don’t converse much. Tuesdays usually leave me in a shitty mood and I’m sure it’s felt by all. Seeing me chipper probably sends more confusion bouncing around in her head.

“Um, well, let’s see. We have some tulips in your favorite color,” she starts but I wave her off.

“I want blue today.”

“Right, okay, well, we just had a shipment of the most gorgeous irises delivered today. Would you care to see them?”

I nod and lean against the counter while she shuffles off. Snatching a card from the rack, I scribble out a note to Tori.

Have dinner with me, beautiful. I hope these flowers brighten your day and you think of me no matter how hard you try not to. Pick you up at six. For the love of God, wear jeans woman. —C—

“Ahh,” Mrs. Schrager chirps, “here they are and they smell lovely.”

The moment I lay eyes on the dainty, blue flowers, I smile. They’ll compliment her bright blue eyes perfectly and hopefully bring a smile to her soft, pouty lips.

“I’ll take them.”

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Back to myself, the woman I know and am comfortable with. I step through the glass doors of my office building, impeccably dressed in a maroon skirt with a slight flare just above the knee, white blouse, fitted jacket, subtle makeup, my standard five-inch stilettos, and not a hair out of place. I want to sigh at the feeling of safety, retreated behind my armor. This is my comfort zone.

I walk swiftly to the elevator, my heels clacking on the cold, marble floor. Every tap reminding me that Victoria, the Ice Queen, is back. I’ve left the messy, blubbering, vulnerable Tori back at Cha—that place I was last night. I’m not going to think about it, about him. Get it together Tor—Victoria.

In the elevator, I’m standing amongst a couple of first year associates from my firm, who are casting me curious glances, and one of the two girls even opens her mouth to speak to me. I lift a single brow and give them a frigid stare, effectively shutting her up before she can say anything. Great, Cha—that guy from yesterday, undermined the persona I’ve been cultivating for five damn years. Jackass. A sliver of guilt at my thoughts weasels its way into my chest, remembering how he was so sweet last night, not giving up on me, nor freaking out when I fell apart.


The ping of the elevator startles me and I step onto the plush, gray carpet, and give Janice, the receptionist, a nod. Her eyes are glued to me, almost like she is searching for something, I freeze her out like I did the associates, and she quickly turns back to her desk. This is going to be exhausting.

Stacey is at her desk, tapping away on her computer. Her head lifts as though she sensed I was near. She smiles and stands, extending a mug of coffee to me, stopping me dead in my tracks. Stacey doesn’t smile at me. She doesn’t bring me coffee. What the fuck? Warmth seeps through the subzero aura I’ve put up. A trickle of something…fuzzy? I’m thrown off kilter a little, so I simply nod, take the coffee and step to the door of my office. Before I disappear inside, I turn back and stretch the unused muscles of my face into a small smile of thanks. Stacey’s smile grows, her face lighting up, and it’s the first time I notice that she’s really a very pretty girl, with her shoulder length, honey brown hair, expressive green eyes, and curvy figure. At the sight of her elation, the fuzzy feeling tickles my throat a little, so I continue on into my office.

My office is more my home than my apartment. There aren’t any personal photos, however there are multitudes of awards scattered among the walls and shelves. This place is my haven, where I rule in solitary, but not alone. Lowering myself into the ridiculously comfortable desk chair, I get to work. I have tons of catchup to do from my early leave yesterday.

I’m interrupted shortly after when Stacey softly knocks on my door and enters.

“What is it, Stacey? I’m very behind and I just got to work. Can it wait?” I keep the harshness out of my tone, but there is no mistaking my impatience.

Her step falters for a second, a look of uncertainty on her face. “Um, Ms. Larkin, it’s noon. You’ve been working for the last five hours without a break. You have a delivery and I thought maybe you’d like to order some lunch.”

I sigh, telling my inner bitch to back off, and try not to jump to conclusions in the future. “I’m sorry, Stacey.” Her eyes get wide. What the hell? I may be introverted, but it’s not like I was rude or didn’t speak to her at all in the past. Want to try that again? Because I smell bullshit. Was I that bad? Okay, new rule: aloof but present. “I misjudged the time. Thank you for being so efficient.” Robot, robot, robot. “Um, yes, please order me a salad from that place around the corner and go ahead and bring in the delivery. Um, and, thank you.”