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"It kinda matters to me."

Lori sighs. "Jade, for a girl that barely gives anything she says or does a second thought, oh my gosh, you way over process everything in your mind when it comes to Phillip. Why don't you put that brain to better use and start planning your wedding?"

"One, I like the boy. And two, I am working on the wedding."


"Well, sorta. We watched that show you told us about, but we also drank a whole bottle of wine, and then Phillip kinda attacked me. Lori, he's so freaking sexy. And the sex, oh my gosh, the sex is so...."

"Jade, I thought you wanted my advice." She is not impressed.

"I do."

"But you're not gonna take it, right?"

"Well, I'm not going to forget about this, if that's what you mean. I can't!"

"Why does it matter?"

"I'm trying to determine why I attacked him in the dreams because I have a wild idea."

"Wow, now I'm really impressed you're asking ME for advice. Aren't wild ideas like Danny's specialty?"

"Yes, they are, but I called you because I'm thinking about making those dreams come true."

This sinks in, and she says, "Oh my! As in act them out? Oh, Jade, he'll like that!"

"Well, I hope so, but if I don't understand the dream, it won't be right."

"Hmmmm, hang on. I'm gonna get Danny and put you on speaker. I actually might be in over my head on this one. We need a boy's opinion."

I knew I should've just called him in the first place, but I'm happy I called Lori first because she seems so happy about it.

I hear Danny's deep voice go, "What's up, girls?"

And I'm like, "So last night, Phillip told me that he used to have naughty dreams about me."

Danny says, "So? Big deal. We both did."

"You did!!??" I say.

"Well, a couple, sure. I mean we were together all the time."

"Danny! Did you dream about me or lots of girls?"

"Well, duh, lots of girls."

"Crap. Now I'm depressed. Phillip probably did too."

Lori chimes in and explains to Danny, "Phillip told her he used to have naughty dreams about her, and I think for some reason, that reason being she's oblivious, she was surprised by this."

Danny says, "Jaybaby, pretty much all Phillip's dreams were about you."

"He told you about them?" Lori and I say at the same time.

"Well yeah, some of them. We've always talked about everything. You know that."

"Dang, I thought you guys told me everything too. Now, I'm sad."

"Don't be. In high school, our dreams were certainly more exciting than what we were actually doing."

"Danny, you did plenty of doing in high school."

"Not really. Think about high school sex. It was do it quick, don't get caught, pray her parents don't come home early, pray she doesn't get pregnant. Not exactly dream worthy."

"I think Jade was considering trying to fulfill some of Phillip's dreams," Lori says.

"Like his fantasies? Wow, lucky guy. He'll definitely like that."

"Well, I was thinking about it, but now that I know he had them about other girls, I don't know if I want to."

Danny says, "Jay, come on, like all his dreams were about you."

"He told you that?"

"Kinda, yeah."

"So what you're saying is that you really don't know?"

"No, they were mostly about you. I know that because when they weren't, and they were about like a Victoria's Secret model, he would tell me. And most of the time, he wouldn't tell me who the girl was. I would ask, and he would always say, It doesn't matter. It all makes sense now. It had to be you. So you wanna make his dreams come true, huh?"

"Yeah, but which one? If you talked about it, do you remember, did he have like a favorite?"

"Yes, actually, he did. It involved you and me getting it on in that little tent we used to camp in."

"So it was a threesome?" I ask.

Lori says, "I can't imagine Phillip dreaming that."

"OH. MY. GOSH!" I say. "Is Phillip bisexual!!??"

Danny chuckles. "Oh, wait. Maybe that was my dream."

Lori hmmphs.

I'm like, "Danny!!"

And he goes, "Ha. Ha. I'm just kidding. And jeeze, Lori, I was fourteen. Okay, so back on track here. I remember one he used to have a lot. We were at the ball field, and someone attacked him on the hood of his car. Of course, that was you. Remember how the three of us used to do that? Sit there drinking my special Gatorade/vodka mixes and eating sunflower seeds? But there was also a spin the bottle one that I never really understood."

Lori is like, "I know that one! Jade, remember when I told you it was time to play spin the bottle again?"

"Yeah." I can't help but smile about that.

"Did that happen?" Danny asks.

"Kinda. Remember when Mary Beth had a crush on him, and he was in the closet with her for seven minutes of what were probably pure hell at Lisa's fourteenth birthday party?"

"I did hear about that part. He told me he wouldn't kiss her because she was gross and mean to you."

"Awww, really??? That's sooo sweeettt. Phillip's so sweet."

"The story, Jay?"

"Oh, yeah. So later that night, we played spin the bottle, and the bottle landed like right between me and Mary Beth. He pointed the bottle toward me, and then he kissed me. He was just trying to piss MB off. That was the last time I really kissed him until after your engagement."

"Makes sense now. So Jay, did you have any dreams like that, and how many were about me?"

"I didn't have any dreams about you like that, but I do vividly remember one I had when I was dating Jake. We were all playing football. I was mad at Phillip because he was being a jerk about something, so I accidentally on purpose tripped him, and we both fell down."

"The flag bikini day?" Danny asks.

"Yeah, that's it. I was mad because he told me he didn't like my swimsuit. Remember how he was so pissed and was sitting on top of me?"


"Well, that happened in my dream. He leaned down to yell at me, and instead, he started kissing me and, um, doing a lot of other stuff too. You sorta disappeared."

"I think I did disappear that day. It looked like he was gonna do you right there in the grass. I think I told you to get a room."

"The dream really upset me, back then."

"Why?" both Danny and Lori ask.

"Cuz Phillip was like my brother. It was like, I don't know, practically incestuous."


"Well, he was, and the problem was I liked it and kept wishing I'd have the dream again. I felt very conflicted."

Lori says, "Oh my gosh, you two were so dumb."

Danny intercedes. "Okay, so here's what I think. You should take him to the ball field. Wear a ball cap and those cute little braids like you used to, but sexify it. Wear something hot, like a teeny little baseball shirt with major cleavage. Well, as much as you have anyway, and some short shorts with tall socks and high heels. Get him on the hood, and then like straddle him, tease him a little, and then...."

"Danny!" Lori says, "I think we all get the idea."

"Oh, dang. Sorry."

"Danny, if I do this, will he think it's weird?"