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That Wedding _2.jpg
January 9th:  Slow, tender, amazing.

That Wedding _2.jpg
January 9th:  We might even be a little messed up.

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January 11th:  You were crashing.

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January 12th:  Your last night as Jadyn Reynolds.

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January 13th:  I'm seriously blessed.

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January 13th:  Something borrowed, something blue.

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January 13th:  The only moment I really care about.

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January 13th:  Mind if we have some privacy?

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January 13th:  Every detail, every thought.

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January 13th:  I'm pretty sure I win.

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January 13th:  Some duct tape and a bungie cord.

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January 13th:  Jadalicious.

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January 13th:  Our love is worth celebrating.

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January 13th:  The. Coolest. Wife. Ever.

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January 14th:  You know your wedding is a success when....

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January 14th:  Our XXX honeymoon.

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About the Author

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Copyright © 2012 by Jillian Dodd

All rights reserved.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Cover design and book illustrations by Jillian Dodd

ISBN: 978-0-9850086-0-4

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For my husband

Thank you for making me believe true love, the fairytale kind, actually exists.

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Phillip's holding my hand, leading me toward the hotel elevator. We just left our engagement party. I still can't believe I'm engaged to Phillip Mackenzie, the boy I've known forever.

As we step into an empty elevator, Phillip inserts a key and presses the number for the top floor. I'm about to say something, but before I can, he has me pinned into the corner. He sings, "Love in the Elevator..." I start to laugh, but my laugh is smothered when he kisses me deeply.

I forget what I was about to say. It's hard to concentrate when his hands are running up my dress. The elevator dings, the doors open, but Phillip doesn't stop kissing me.

"Um, Phillip. Where are we going?"

"Maybe I have a few more surprises," he says slyly.

"I think I've had enough surprises for one day," I tease.

He scoops me up and carries me out of the elevator.

"Phillip, put me down. You're not supposed to carry me over the threshold until our wedding night. You'll jinx us!"

He doesn't put me down, but he stops and looks at me seriously. "Are you really gonna marry me?"

"Yeah, I think so. I said yes. Twice." I wrap my arms around his neck. I really don't want him to put me down.

He wrinkles his nose at me. "You also said no at least four times."

I stick out my tongue at him. "What did you expect? You asked me to marry you on our first date. I'm sorry, but that was a bit of a shock. Are you gonna put me down?"



He leans his face in close to mine. "I'm carrying you into the bedroom, not over the threshold."

The simple mention of Phillip and I in a bedroom sends flames blazing through my body.

"The bedroom is good," I whisper.

He slides in the keycard, opens the door to the suite, kicks the door shut with his foot, carries me past the gorgeous living room, and straight into the bedroom.

I eye the king-size bed. The fluffy comforter is turned down. There are chocolates on the pillows. I can't wait to dive in.

Phillip carries me past the bed. "Hey, you skipped the bed."

"I told you, I might have another surprise."

"And I told you, I can't take anymore surprises. If there's a pastor and a wedding party in there, I swear, I'm running the other direction. I'm not marrying you tonight."

He chuckles. "I should've thought of that. We could be on our honeymoon right now."

"No way I would've agreed to that. It's bad enough we got engaged on our first date."

He sets me down in front of another set of double doors and tilts his head at me. "It's bad?"

"You know what I mean, not bad, just really weird."

He loops his arm around my shoulder. "Open the doors. Trust me."

Of course, I trust Phillip. He's been my best friend my whole entire life. Plus, based on the room's placement, this has got to be the door to the bathroom. I sling open the double doors and step into a marble room ablaze with candles. Candles of varying sizes are lit and flickering. There's a huge roman tub in the corner, full of water, with rose petals floating across the surface.

I turn around and grin at him. "This might be my favorite part of the whole night."

"I thought it might be. I figured if you said yes, we'd need a little time to relax after the party."

"And if I would've said no?"

"I could've just come up here and drown myself," he says with a laugh.

He grabs me and has me dangling above the tub before I can scream, "Don't you dare!"

Phillip's been picking me up and throwing me into pools and lakes ever since he got strong enough to do it.

"Wouldn't be the first time," he says as he pretends to drop me.

I'm pretending to be horrified, but really, all I keep thinking about is how strong Phillip is. How I love the way he makes me feel.

But I have to tease him. "We know what would happen if you dropped me in. I'd get out and take you down. Show you that you're not as tough as you think you are."

"Why do you think I always threw you in? You'd get out of the pool, chase me down, and jump on top of me. It was kinda hot."

I laugh at him. "You're being bad, Phillip, but I kinda like it." Phillip is so damn cute. He was always an adorable boy, but the older he got, the sexier he got. His short brown hair, that adorable smile, the deep brown eyes with their golden flecks, and that sexy voice. I don't think there's anything I don't love about Phillip.