That Wedding
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That Boy

Страниц: 88
Символов: 530870
В избранное добавлена 1 раз
ID: 254113
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2012
Издательство: Bandit Publishing
Создана 15 июня 2015 19:17
Опубликована 16 июня 2015 04:08


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The gorgeous engagement ring on my finger mimics my happiness. I feel so sparkly, glittery, and full of promise, because I absolutely know he's that boy. The boy I want to marry. My prince. My happily ever after. But then our pastor starts asking lots of questions. His parents say I haven't dealt with my past. I have horrible wedding disaster dreams. I can't find the perfect dress. I have to manipulate him to get my way. An old boyfriend asks me to run away with him. My best friend says I'm going to ruin everything. And forever starts to sound like a really long time. Which totally freaks me out and makes me question everything I know. Should best friends get married? Will my past affect our relationship? Are my horrible dreams a warning? Will I ever find a dress? Could his sexiness be clouding my judgment? Am I going to ruin everything? Or is it just a case of cold feet? And then I have to decide. Am I willing to giveup on true love forever, or am I going to listen to my heart and marry him?

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