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I completed the look with tall white athletic socks and these wedged heels that sorta look like tennis shoes. I even did the braids and the baseball hat as Danny suggested. He seemed to get into that part, so I hoped Phillip would have the same response.

I will admit, the overall look is pretty damn sexy.

Or at least Phillip thought so when I came out in it.

He whistled at me, and then he asked me very seriously if I was really going to Johnny's dressed that way. He said, You know, it is a family place.

I took that as a compliment. Figured maybe Danny does know what he's talking about occasionally. I just laughed and wouldn't tell him anything else.

Over a pitcher of beer and some yummy pizza, he says, "That outfit is smoking hot, and I'm not complaining, but I don't get how the whole dream thing fits in."

I told him, "Oh, this is just the pre-party. Dreams don't start until after dark."

He nodded in understanding while his eyes happily floated back down to my fake cleavage.

I made him drive to the old ball field. We parked in the back parking lot, and I spread a blanket over his hood. I pulled two Gatorade bottles out of the little cooler, I had stashed in the backseat, then handed him a bag of sunflower seeds.

He took a drink and said, "I think I get this now. And I like."

We laid there for a while, holding hands, drinking Gatorade, talking, and staring at the stars. When I figured it was time, I straddled that boy and started making out with him like crazy.

Although this whole dream thing is supposed to be for Phillip's benefit, I'm really enjoying myself. Phillip has my shirt unbuttoned and is kissing the fake cleavage while I'm trying to undo his pants.

All of a sudden, car headlights wash over us. I see a police car pulling into the lot.

The cop parks and turns on his big spotlight. I quickly roll off Phillip and try to button up my shirt.

Shit! There goes my big plan.

All we really got to do was make out!

"Shit, Phillip. Cops!"

To myself, I say, Nothing going on here, officer. Nothing at all. Just innocently sitting here looking at the stars.

But then I whisper to Phillip. "Can we get in trouble for this?"

"I don't think so. We're not really doing anything wrong."

"There's vodka in the Gatorade!!"

"We're legal now, Princess. Chill. I doubt he'll open the Gatorade. It's not like we're sitting here swigging out of a vodka bottle, and most of the Westown cops are pretty cool."

An officer shines a flashlight in our eyes and says, "Well, I'll be damned. JJ Reynolds, how the hell are you?"

"Cookie!" Cookie is obviously a nickname, but that's all I've ever known him by. He used to play wiffle ball with my dad on Sundays, and he also helped Phillip get me to the hospital the night my parents died.

"Are we in trouble?" I ask him.

He changes his voice, deepens it, sounding like a tough cop. We could tell he was just teasing us, so we went along with it. "You kids been drinking?"

I hold up the Gatorade bottle, shake my head no, and pray I'm a good liar. Cookie seems to accept the lie because he says, "Well, how about drugs?"

Phillip smiles and holds up the bag of sunflower seeds.

Cookie finally determines that we're not in any trouble. "Well, it doesn't look like it then." His flashlight trails down my outfit, and he says knowingly, "Some little get up you got on there. Trip down memory lane?"

I laugh nervously. "Sort of, Phillip and I used to come here and star gaze when we were in high school. When we were just friends," I make a point of saying, so he'll think that there's only been stargazing going on.

Like, in theory.

"Heard you two got engaged," he says with a grin. "Congrats, kids, have a nice evening." We can hear him snickering all the way back to his car.

As he pulls out of the parking lot, I say, "Phillip, I'm so sorry. That totally ruined the mood."

Phillip gives me a big grin. "Hell no, it didn't. Almost getting caught just adds to the excitement. Get back over here. I need to finish my dream."

He quickly undoes his pants and pulls me back on top of him.

That Wedding _6.jpg

That Wedding _15.jpg

So last night was pretty amazing. I dug out the exact outfit I wore the night he wanted to do me on the island. The little plaid Abercrombie skirt with the white blouse and navy cardigan. I added high heels and white thigh highs, and then I took him to the swings out behind our old elementary school. We talked and swung. He teased me and told me how he's always had a thing for me, and that he obviously was quite intelligent and a visionary to have known the girl he wanted to marry at the mere age of ten. I laughed and called bullshit.

I think he just got lucky.

We kissed on the swings just like we did the very first time he kissed me, when he pulled my swing over and planted a big fat kiss on my lips. But this time, he didn't run away. He kept kissing me. He was up for doing whatever there at the playground, but well, I just couldn't bring myself to do much more than kiss. I mean, kids play there!!

So we decided to go parking in a cornfield instead. Which was way fun too. It's been a long time since I've been parking.

Today was the day we were supposed to do it on his mother's kitchen island. After last night, I'm not sure if I could have done that either, but I'm sure he could've talked me into it. I think Phillip could sweet talk me into just about anything. I called Mrs. Diamond to try and enlist her help getting the Macs out of their house, but I found out his mom is hosting bunko tonight. Which meant there was no way I was gonna get them out of the house, so I quickly had to switch things up and decided on a prom night redo.

Phillip had a date for the prom. I forget who she was, but I do remember he had big plans for her. He'd even gotten a hotel room with a hot tub. But she got drunk off champagne, threw up at the dance, and got taken home early.

I hadn't really wanted to go to prom. I was supposed to go with my boyfriend at the time, Jake, but then I found out he was cheating on me. That was the same night as my parents' accident. Prom was just a week later, and it just didn't seem right for me to go. Danny offered to take me. At first, I refused, but everyone thought that my parents would've wanted me to go. Plus, at the time, I was kinda hot for Danny.

I thought after prom, I would be busy losing my virginity to him. I figured losing it to a friend, instead of a jerk boyfriend, would be a good idea. But just as things were starting to get good, Danny passed out, and I ended up sitting in the hot tub with Phillip.

As usual, it was sweet and probably a little romantic, but also, as usual, nothing happened between us.

But tonight, things are going to happen.

I checked into the hotel right after work. I took rose petals and sprinkled them all over, put some champagne on ice, and left a tray of chocolate covered strawberries. Granted, we didn't have those things on prom night, but we should have. And Phillip was the guy I should've been losing my virginity to.

I went home, put on a sexy dress, made Phillip wear a suit, and took him out to dinner.

As I lead Phillip down the hall to our hotel room, he's grinning. "So are we reliving prom night?"

"Well, not reliving exactly. We're having a prom night redo."

"I'm not sure what that means, but I assume it means we're gonna do more in the hot tub than talk."