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"I didn't need counseling. Obviously, I turned out good. I graduated from college, and I have a good job."

"Yes, on the surface, it would appear you have, but I also heard when you and Phillip tried to date before, you pushed him away."

Are you kidding me!!??

"I DIDN'T push him away!! We were having fun, drinking, dancing, and HE ditched ME! He's the one you should be talking to about this."

I'm mad, but I also know that he's sorta right. I kinda did push Phillip away. I was scared, but it had nothing to do with my parents.

I mean, except for the whole being alone thing.

What's this all about?

Pastor John looks frustrated with me. He runs his hand down the sides of his small brown beard. "I will talk to Phillip. You'll have to do couple's counseling if you want me to marry you."

"Well like I said, there's plenty of time for that."

"JJ, what we find is sometimes when a person's suffered a loss like yours, they tend to push people away without realizing it. Sometimes, they feel it's easier not to love, than to love with their whole heart and experience another loss. Is that why all your past relationships have been so short? Have you pushed people away?"

What. The. Hell?

What is he? Is he in some kind of pastoral CIA? Where does he hear this shit?

"I don't push people away. I've had the same friends for years and made a lot more at college. And as far as guys go, they usually stopped dating me because they couldn't handle that we were close. I didn't stop the relationships, they usually dumped me. And I've dealt with my parents' death just fine. You were at the funeral. I stood up and spoke. I dealt with it. I'm fine."

So there.

He says quietly, "Some people feel abandoned."


His quiet words knock the wind out of me.

Before I can even think, I'm standing up, leaning across his desk, and yelling, "My parents didn't abandon me! They never would've left me. They loved me!"

Then I remember, he's a pastor, I'm in church, and I probably shouldn't be yelling. But there is no way in hell I'm gonna stay and listen to this bullshit.

Sorry, God, but I'm not.

"Look, this has been a great chat, but I'm afraid I have to go." I walk toward his door.

As I'm opening the door to get the hell out of here, he says, "Is this how you typically deal with conflict? Do you run away from it? Avoid it?"

It takes everything I have to calmly say, "We don't have a conflict, sir. If we did, I'd stay here and fight you. You deeply offended me, and I have nothing more to say." I turn around and mutter under my breath, "And I'll be damned if you'll be counseling OR marrying me."

Sorry for cussing in church, God, but I hate him. I really do.

As the door closes, I hear him mutter, "Wanna bet?"

I sit in my car, shaking slightly and feeling like I could throw up. What the hell does he know anyway? Just because he sees me occasionally at church, doesn't mean he has a clue about me. I never run away from conflict. I've always stood up for myself. Even against Danny, who is the stubbornest person I know.

And what is that shit about my parents abandoning me? I've never felt abandoned. Ever.

Alone, sure.

I mean, I am alone. Family wise.

And yes, I refused counseling. What good was counseling gonna do me? I wasn't going to sit around and talk about how they were gone. I was already painfully aware of that fact.

I go meet Phillip.

"So, how'd it go with Pastor John? What'd he wanna talk about?"

"Um, nothing really," I lie. "I don't think I want him to marry us, Phillip."

Phillip is taken aback by my comment. "Why not?"

Fortunately, we just pulled into the parking lot of the bar where we're meeting a bunch of friends to watch the Husker game. I quickly hop out of the car without answering.

I don't usually say this, but I could seriously use a drink right now. I'm still feeling shaken. I'm not sure what to tell Phillip about why I don't want Pastor to marry us. If I do, I'll have to tell him what he said.

And what he said is something I don't wanna talk about.

Phillip casually takes my hand as we walk across the parking lot.

I take a deep breath. I don't know what it is about Phillip, but when he holds my hand, I feel like I could take on the world.

I don't need a drink, just Phillip.

"So why don't you want him to marry us?"

"He's just getting old. I want our wedding to be cool," I lie. Badly lie at that. We were just at a wedding he did that was very contemporary.

Phillip looks at me kinda funny, but when we walk in the bar, Joey immediately slaps Phillip on the back, hands us hot damn shots, and makes us cheer, Go Big Red.

While I try really hard not to cry.

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I've pushed my run in with Pastor to the back of my mind. The man knows nothing. I'm also going to have to find a new church, which sucks because I know practically everyone there. I've also decided to push all the wedding planning nonsense to the back of my mind. Phillip and I are gonna have some fun first, and fun begins today with Naughty Dream Week.

I'm super excited about this, but I'm also feeling a little nervous. What if he thinks it's silly?

Danny told me that Phillip will love it, so I'm going to do it, even if it means making a bit of a fool of myself. What do they say about fools in love?

I forget, but anyway.

I want to surprise Phillip, but I also think anticipation is half the fun. So to clue him in a little, I snuck in the bathroom after he was asleep and wrote in lipstick on the mirror.

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It must be bugging him because he just texted me.

Phillipbaby<3  Dreams??

Me:  Yeah ;)

Phillipbaby<3  Like "sweet dreams"???

Me:  More like "your dreams"!!!

Phillipbaby<3  I'm living my dream.

Me:  Well, then maybe I shouldn't do it.

Phillipbaby<3  Do what?

Me:  My plan ;)

Phillipbaby<3  What plan? You're driving me nuts.

Me:  That's sort of the point. It is naughty dream week after all.

Phillipbaby<3  Naughty dream week??

Me:  Yep. Get ready to "live" your dreams. And be home by 7. We're going out for pizza and beer first.

Phillipbaby<3  Yum. Where we going?

Me:  Johnny's.

Phillipbaby<3  I haven't been there in forever.

Me:  I know :)

Phillipbaby<3  Did I have a naughty dream about Johnny's pizza?

Me:  I don't know, did you?

Phillipbaby<3  I love you.

Me:  You'll love me more after tonight.

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I look a bit ridiculous at Johnny's. I'm wearing the bombshell bra under a tight little baseball shirt.

And I do magically have amazing cleavage.

I know, and Philip knows, that the extra cleavage is kinda fake, but he doesn't seem to mind.

He keeps staring at it.

Probably wishing it were real.

Anyway, I nixed Danny's idea of shorts because I thought, well, I thought they might prove to make things more difficult, if you catch my drift. So instead, I wore the teeniest denim mini skirt known to man.

It barely covers my ass, and we'll hope I don't have to bend over to pick anything up, or the world will see my blue and white striped thong. (Yes, it's even striped like a pair of baseball pants! I'm totally into this!)