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ungalled, uninjured

ungenitured, impotent

ungored, unwounded

unhandsome, unskilled, nasty

unhappily, unfavourably, evilly

unhappiness, evil nature

unhappy, ill-fated, wretched, mischievous

unhouseled, not having received the sacrament

union, pearl

unkind, unnatural

unluckily, with foreboding

unmanned, not trained, not broken in

unowed, having no owner

unpaved, without testicles, castrated

unphysicked, deprived of medical treatment

unpitied, unmerciful

unplausive, unapproving

unpregnant, unapt

unprevailing, unavailing

unprizable, without value, invaluable

unprized, not valued, beyond value

unproper, not belonging to one person, indecent

unprovide, make unprepared

unquestionable, not inviting conversation

unraked, not covered with fuel to keep it burning

unrecalling, past recall

unreclaimed, unturned

unrecuring, past cure

unrespective, heedless, held back by no consideration, undiscriminating

unrolled, struck off the register

unscanned, unconsidered

unseasoned, ill-timed, inexperienced

unseminared, without seed

unsifted, untried

unsorted, ill-chosen

unspeakable, indescribable, inexpressible

unspeaking, unable to speak

unsquared, inappropriate

unstanched, unquenchable, freely menstruating

unstate, deprive of rank and state

untainted, unaccused

untempering, unwinning

untented, unable to be treated, incurable

untoward, perverse, unruly

untowardly, unluckily

untraded, not customary

untrimmed, undressed

untrussing, undoing hose, undressing

unwarily, unexpectedly

unweighed, hasty, unconsidered

unwrung, not pinched or rubbed

up, in arms, in rebellion, in prison; up and down, completely, exactly

upon, because of, in consequence of

urchin, hedgehog, goblin

urinal, glass to hold urine, medical urine vessel

usance, interest on money

use, habit, custom, usual experience, advantage, profit, lending at interest, interest on something lent, need; to be accustomed, continue, make a practice of, deal with, treat, go often

usher, assistant master

usurp, take or hold what belongs to another, supplant, assume

utterance, utmost extremity

uttermost, latest

vail, gratuity, tip, setting (of the sun); lower, let fall, do homage

vain, foolish, silly, unreal

valanced, fringed with hair

validity, strength, value

value, estimate, be worth

valued, denoting the value

vantage, advantage, gain, superiority, vantage-ground, opportunity

varletry, rabble

vastidity, immensity

vaulty, arched, hollow

vaunt, beginning

vaunt-courier, herald, harbinger

vengeance, harm, injury

vent, emission, utterance, outlet for energy; let out, emit, utter, make known

ventage, aperture, finger-hole

ventricle, cavity of the brain

Venus, goddess of love and beauty; wife of Vulcan, the smith-god, but more often associated with her lover Mars

verge, compass, circle

vexation, agitation, torment, grief

via, away

vice, character in a morality play representing a vice, jester, buffoon, gripping tool; to screw

vicegerent, deputy, representative

vicious, blameworthy, blemished

vie, add one to another

villein, peasant, servant

vinewed’st, most mouldy

violent, to rage, storm

virginalling, fingering as on the virginals—a keyed musical instrument

virtue, courage, merit, accomplishment, power, efficacy, essence, essential characteristic

virtuous, powerful, beneficial

visitor, one who visits to offer spiritual comfort

voice, speech, words, common talk, rumour, report, expressed opinion, judgement, vote, approval, authority to be heard; to acclaim, vote

voiding lobby, anteroom

voluntary, volunteer

votaress woman who has taken a vow

votarist, votary one who has taken a vow

vouch, assertion, testimony; affirm, guarantee, bear witness

vulcan, the smith-god, whose wife, Venus, was unfaithful

vulgar, of the common people, commonly known, common, public, mean; common people, vernacular

waft, to convey by water, beckon, turn

waftage, passage by water

wafture, wave

wage, to wager, hazard, attempt, carry on war, pay

waist, girdle

wake, remain awake, be up late for revelry or on guard, wear out with lack of sleep, arouse

walk, tract of forest

wall-eyed, white-eyed, having glaring eyes

want, lack, miss

wanton, frolicsome, lawless, capricious, luxurious, luxuriant, lustful, unchaste; spoilt child, pampered darling, roguish, sportful, unruly or lustful creature

wappered, worn out

ward, guard, custody, prison-cell, defensive position in fencing; guard, protect

warden, kind of cooking pear

warp, distort, deviate

war-proof, war-tested, courage

warrant, guarantee, assure

warrantize, surety, authorization

warranty, sanction, authorization

warren, game enclosure for rabbits

warrener, gamekeeper

wassail, drinking, revelling, feast

waste, spend, consume

watch, wakefulness, sleeplessness, watchfulness; be awake, keep from sleep, catch in the act

watchful, sleepless

water, lustre

water-gall, secondary rainbow

watering, drinking

water-standing, tearful

wave, waver

waxen, increase

weal, welfare, commonwealth

wear, fashion; carry, possess, be fashionable, weary

weather, storm

weed, garment, dress

week, to be in by the, be caught, ensnared, deeply in love

ween, expect, hope

weet, know

welkin, sky

well-liking, plump

well-respected, well-considered

well to live, prosperous

wharf, river bank

wheel, spinning wheel, tread-wheel on which a dog was harnessed to turn a roasting-spit

whelk, pimple

where, whereas

whiffler, officer who keeps the way clear for a procession

while, whiles, whilst, till

whipstock, whip-handle

whist, become silent

whiting-time, bleaching time

whitster, bleacher

whittle, small clasp-knife

whoremonger, user of prostitutes

wide, missing the mark, astray

widgeon, to cheat

wight, creature

wild, reckless, distracted, (of sea) open

wilderness, wildness of character, licentiousness

wildly, without cultivation, naturally

wildness, madness

will, sexual desire, sexual organ (male or female)