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removedness, absence

remover, one who changes

render, surrender, rendering of an account, statement; to give back, represent, describe as being, declare, state, surrender

rendezvous, refuge, last resort

renege, deny, renounce

renown, make famous

repair, restoring, coming; go, come, return

repairing, able to renew the attack

repasture, food

repeal, recall from exile; recall as from banishment, call back into favour

repetition, recital, mention

repine, vexation

replenished, perfect

replication, reply, echo

reprisal, prize

reprobance, damnation, rejection by God

reprobate, depraved

reproof, disgrace, disproof, refutation

reprove, disprove, refute

repugn, oppose

repugnancy, resistance

repugnant, refractory

rescue, freeing from legal custody by force

resemblance, appearance, likelihood

resist, affect with distaste

resolve, dissolve, answer (a question), solve (a problem), convince, inform

resolvedly, answering all questions

respect, relationship, discrimination, consideration, esteem; to regard, care for, esteem

respective, careful, worthy of being cared for, discriminating

respectively, respectfully

respite, delay, date to which something is postponed, limit

responsive, suited

rest, place to rest, restored strength, resolution, stakes kept in reserve

restrain, draw tight, withhold

resty, restive, sluggish

retention, detention, reserve, power to hold or retain

retentive, confining, restraining

retire, return

retort, to reflect (heat), reject (an appeal)

retreat, recall of pursuing force

retrograde, contrary, seeming to move in a backward course

reverb, resound

revolt, revulsion, change; rebel

revolution, alteration, change produced by time

revolve, consider

rhapsody, confused medley

rheum, mucus from nose or throat, cold in the head, rheumatism

riggish, wanton

rigol, ring, circle

rim, belly, membrane lining the abdomen

ring-carrier, go-between

ringlet, little circle

riot, loose living, debauchery

rivage, shore

rival, partner

rive, split

rivelled, wrinkled

road, riding, period of riding, stage (of journey), roadstead, highway

robustious, boisterous

roguing, roaming

roguish, vagrant

roisting, blustering, bullying

roll, household register

rondure, circle

ropery, knavery

Roscius, famous Roman actor

rote, fix by memory

round, plain, plain-spoken, severe; round dance, roundabout way, rung of a ladder; surround, become round

roundet, round dance

rouse, full draught of liquor, drinking bout

royal, gold coin of the value often shillings (fifty pence)

royalty, prerogative enjoyed, or granted, by the sovereign

roynish, scurvy

rub, in bowls an obstacle hindering or turning aside the bowl, obstacle, hindrance, roughness, unevenness; to turn aside, hinder

rubious, ruby-red

ruddock, robin

rude, ignorant, barbarous, violent, rough

rudeness, violence, roughness

rudesby, rough unmannerly brute

ruffle, bustle; swagger, bear oneself proudly, bluster, be turbulent

rugged, shaggy, frowning

rug-headed, having shaggy hair

ruinous, brought to ruin

rumour, fame, tumult, uproar

runagate, deserter, vagabond

runnion, wretch (a term of abuse)

russet, homely, simple

sable, black

sack, white wine

sackbut, trumpet resembling a trombone

sad, steadfast, grave, serious, dismal

sadly, gravely, seriously

sadness, seriousness

safe, make safe

safety, custody, safeguard

sain, said

salamander, lizard-like animal supposed to live in fire

sale-work, ready-made goods not of the highest quality

sallet, light helmet, something mixed or savoury

salt, lecherous

salute, touch, affect

sample, example

sanctimony, holiness, sanctity

sanctuarize, give sanctuary to

sand-blind, half-blind

sanguine, red

sans, without

sapient, wise

sarcenct, fine soft silk material

sauce, over-charge, rebuke

saucy, insolent, presumptuous, wanton

savagery, wild growth

savour, smell, perfume, style, character

saw, saying, maxim, proverb

say, finely woven cloth, taste, saying

scab, rascal, scurvy fellow

scald, scabby, mean

scale, weigh

scan, assess

scandalize, disgrace

scantling, specimen, sample

scantly, slightingly

scape, escapade, transgression; escape

scarf, officer’s sash, sling, streamer; blindfold, deck with streamers

scathe, harm; to injure

schedule, document

school, university, instruction, learning; reprimand, discipline

science, knowledge

scion, shoot, slip for grafting

sconce, head, small fort or earthwork

scope, object, aim, purpose, theme, liberty

score, notch cut in stock or tally in keeping accounts, account; to notch

scorn, taunt, insult, object of contempt

scotch, cut, gash

scour, hasten

scrimer, fencer

scrip, small bag, piece of paper with writing on

scrippage, contents of scrip

scripture, writing

scrubbed, stunted

scruple, tiny part, doubt, difficulty

scurril, coarsely abusive

scut, deer’s tail

scutcheon, shield with coat of arms; tablet showing armorial bearings of a dead man

seam, fat, grease

sectary, dissenter, one who pursues a particular study

secure, free from care, confident, unsuspicious; make confident or overconfident

securely, confidently, without suspicion

security, confidence, overconfidence

seed, mature, run to seed

seedness, sowing

seeing, appearance

seel, make blind, close (a person’s eyes)

seely, foolish, innocent, harmless

seen, skilled

seld, seldom

self, one’s own, same

semblable, similar, like, equal

semblative, like, resembling

Seneca, Roman tragic dramatist

sennight, week

sense, physical feeling, sensuality, sexual desire, mental apprehension, mind, opinion

senseless, without feeling or perception, free from sensual sin

sensible, perceptible, tangible, substantial, having sensation, sensitive, endowed with feeling

sensibly, having sensation, feelingly

sentence, sententious saying, maxim

septentrion, north

sequel, series

sequent, succeeding, following

sequester, separation; to separate