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teen, affliction, grief, sorrow

tell, count

temper, disposition, temperament, mental balance, hardness and elasticity imparted to steel; to compound, mix, persuade

temperance, mildness of temperature, calmness, chastity

temperate, chaste, secular

temporary, secular

tempt, test, risk

tenant, vassal

tend, listen, watch over, attend on, wait (for)

tendance, attending to, service, people in attendance

tender, offer, thing offered, care; to exhibit, pay down, care for; sensitive, compassionate

tender-hafted, tender-hested, gently framed

tent, probe; to probe, cure (a wound), lodge

Tereus, see PHILOMEL

Termagant, violent character, supposedly god of the Mohammedans, in old miracle plays

termination, expression, term

termless, indescribable

tertian, fever returning every third day

tester, sixpenny piece

tetter, skin disease

text, capital letter

thane, Scottish title or rank, somewhat lower than earl

thankful, deserving thanks

theoric, theory

therefor, for that

Thetis, a sea-goddess, the sea

thews, bodily parts, strength

thick, rapid, dim

thills, shafts of a cart

thing, sexual organ

think, seem

thought, anxiety, sorrow

thrasonical, boastful

three-farthings, thin silver coin, having a profile of Queen Elizabeth with a rose behind the ear

three-nooked, three-cornered

threne, threnos, dirge

thrift, profit, gain, advantage

thriftless, profitless

thrum, thread left at end of a warp

thunder-stone, thunderbolt

tickle, unstable, precarious; please, provoke, vex, thrash, flatter

tick-tack, game in which pegs were put into holes; fornication

tide, time, course

tidy, plump

tight, sound, able

tilt, thrust, fight, encounter

timeless, untimely, premature

timely, early, in due season

tinct, colour, elixir of the alchemists

tire, equipment, dress, head-dress; attire, prey (on), feed greedily

tis, this (dialectal)

tisick, consumptive cough

Titan, god of the sun, the sun

titely, quickly, speedily, swiftly

tithe, tenth; to take the tenth part; tribute

tithing, district

tittle, dot

to, in addition to, against, appropriate to, in comparison with, in respect of, as to

tod, 28 1b. weight of wool; to yield this amount of wool

tofore, previously

toge, Roman toga

toil, net, snare; to cause to work hard, weary with work

token, spot of infection, plague-spot

toll, exact toll or tribute

tonight, last night

tool, weapon, penis

top, head, forelock, highest point; to surpass, copulate with

top-gallant, highest mast, summit

topless, supreme

tortive, twisted

toss, impale, toss on a pike

tottering, ragged

touch, touchstone, taint; sound, test, wound

touse, pull out of joint

trace, follow, pass (through)

tract, trace, track, course

trade, coming and going, path, habit, business

traded, practised

trade-fallen, out of work

traditional, bound by tradition

train, tail, troop, bait; draw, entice, lead astray

traject, ferry

trammel, bind with the corpse, entangle

transfix, remove

translate, change, transform

transpose, change

trash, check, hold in leash

traverse, march, move from side to side

treatise, tale, talk

treble-dated, living three times as long as man

tree, gallows

trench, cut

trencher, wooden plate

trencher-friend, parasite

trenchering, plates

trencher-knight, hanger-on

tribunal, dais

trick, custom, way, knack, touch (of a disease), toy; to adorn, blazon

tricking, adornment

trill, trickle

triple, third

triple-turned, three times faithless

tristful, sorrowful

triumph, public festivity, tournament, trump card

triumphant, triumphal, celebrating a triumph

triumphantly, in celebration

Trojan, good fellow

troll, sing

troll-my-dames, troll-madams, game resembling bagatelle

trophy, token of victory, memorial, monument

tropically, figuratively

trot, bawd

troth, truth, faith, word of honour

trow, believe, think, know

truepenny, honest fellow

trull, prostitute, wench

truncheon, staff carried as a symbol of office

try, test; purify, reline, prove

tub, sweating-tub used in the treatment of venereal disease

tuck, rapier

tucket, signal, flourish on a trumpet

tun-dish, funnel

turtle, turtle-dove, symbol of chaste and faithful love

tushes, tusks

twire, twinkle

type, distinguishing sign, stamp

tyrannically, vehemently

tyranny, violence, outrage

tyrant, usurper

umbrage, shadow

unaccommodated, unprovided

unacquainted, unfamiliar

unadvised, rash, without consideration or knowledge

unagreeable, unsuited

unaneled, not having received extreme unction

unapproved, unconfirmed by proof

unaptness, disinclination

unattainted, without infection, unprejudiced

unattempted, untempted

unavoided, inevitable

unbarbed, unarmed

unbated, unabated, not blunted (with a button)

unbent, with bow unbent, unprepared, unfrowning

unbid, unexpected

unbitted, unbridled

unbolted, unsifted, coarse

unbookish, unskilled, inexperienced

unbreathed, unpractised

uncase, strip, lay bare

uncharge, acquit of guilt

uncharged, unattacked

unchary, carelessly

unchecked, not contradicted

unclasp, reveal

unclew, undo, ruin

uncomprehensive, unplumbable

unconfirmed, uninstructed, ignorant

uncovered, open, bare-headed

uncrossed, not crossed through because bill still unpaid

unction, salve, ointment

uncurrent, not current, not permissible

undercrest, wear as a device of honour

undergo, undertake, come under, support, carry, bear

underhand, unobtrusive

underskinker, under-tapster, assistant barman

undertake, take charge of, assume, have to do with, venture

undertaker, one who takes on himself another’s quarrel, one who settles with

underwrite, subscribe, submit to

uneath, with difficulty, scarcely

unexperient, inexperienced

unexpressive, inexpressible

unfair, rob of beauty

unfashionable, badly formed

unfenced, defenceless

unfold, disclose, display, reveal, release from the fold

unfurnished, unprovided, unprepared