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starting-hole, refuge, loop-hole

starve, die, die of cold, kill or benumb with cold

state, condition, condition of health or prosperity, rank, dignity, chair of state, throne, nobles, ruling body, government

station, way of standing, attitude

statist, statesman

statute, bond, mortgage

statute-cap, woollen cap ordered in 1571 to be worn on Sundays and holy days by all below a certain rank

stay, obstacle; detain, stand, stand firm, wait (for), attend on

stead, to be of use to, help

stell, to fix, portray

stern, rudder

stew, brothel, stewpan

stick, stab, be fastened or fixed, hesitate

stickler-like, like an umpire

stigmatic, deformed person

stigmatical, deformed

still, always, continually

stillitory, apparatus for distillation

stilly, softly

sting, sexual desire

stint, stop

stithy, forge

stoccado, thrust with a rapier

stock, block of wood, person without feeling, stocking, dowry; set in the stocks

stockfish, dried cod or other fish, beaten before cooking

stockish, blockish, unfeeling

stomach, appetite, inclination, temper, courage, pride, anger; resent

stomacher, ornamental front over which the bodice was laced

stone, mirror, thunderbolt, testicle; turn to stone

stone-bow, cross-bow used for shooting stones

stoop, (of a bird of prey) swoop

stop, hole in a wind-instrument, stopped to produce a difference in pitch, fingering of musical chords, fret of a lute; staunch, heal

store, breeding, increase; to populate

stout, bold, strong, proud

stoutness, stubborn pride

stover, fodder for cattle

strain, race, character, kind, class, tune; clasp, force, constrain; urge

strait, narrow, tight-fitting, strict, niggardly; narrow place, difficulty

strange, foreign, new, not knowing, unfriendly, cold, shy

strange-achieved, gained at a distance and for others

strange-disposed, of unusual character

strangely, coldly, without greeting, as a stranger, to an extraordinary degree, in an unusual way

strangeness, behaving as a stranger, aloofness, reserve

strappado, torture in which victim was hoisted up by his arms, which were tied behind his back, then let down halfway with a jerk

stratagem, deed of violence

straw, wisp of straw, mark of disgrace for a scolding woman

stray, body of stragglers; lead astray

strength, authority, legal power, body of troops

strewment, strewing of flowers

stricture, strictness

strike, to lower (sail), blast, destroy, tap (a cask)

strong-house, fortified residence, castle

strossers, trousers

stubborn, inflexible, stiff, rude, harsh, ruthless

stuff, semen; cloth

style, title

subduement, conquest

subjection, duty as, or of, a subject

submission, confession of error

subscribe, sign, write down, assent, acknowledge, admit, submit, yield up, answer

subscribed, endorsed with signatures

subscription, submission

substantial, sturdy

substractor, slanderer

subtle, thin, fine, cunning, treacherous, tricky

subtlety, illusion

success, outcome, result, good or bad fortune, succession

successfully, likely to succeed

succession, following on, successors, success

successive, hereditary, descending by succession

successively, by inheritance

sufferance, suffering, damage, patient endurance

suffice, content, satisfy

sufficient, able, able to meet liabilities, solvent

suggest, tempt, prompt to evil, insinuate to

suggestion, prompting to evil, temptation

sumless, incalculable

summoner, officer who summoned offenders to an ecclesiastical court

sumpter, driver of pack-horse, pack-horse

superflux, superabundance, surplus

supernal, heavenly

superscript, superscription, address or direction on letter

superstitious, idolatrously devoted

supervise, perusal; look over

suppliance, pastime

supply, help, reinforcements

supposal, opinion

suppose, supposition, expectation; believe, imagine, guess

supposition, doubt

surcease, cessation; cease

sure, safe, beyond power of doing harm, reliable, united

surety, confidence of safety, certainty, stability, warrant

sur-reined, overridden

suspect, suspicion

suspire, breathe, draw breath

sutler, one who sells provisions to soldiers

swagger, rant, bluster, quarrel

swaggerer, blusterer, quarreller

swaggering, quarrelling

swart, dark, swarthy

swasher, blustering ruffian

swashing, swaggering, slashing

sway, direction, control, sovereignty; to rule, move

swayed, curved in

swear, swear out, forswear

sweat, sweating sickness, sweating cure; take a sweating cure

sweet, scented; scent

sweet-gorged, crammed full with sweet foods

sweeting, sweet variety of apple, term of endearment

swim, float

swinge, thrash

swinge-buckler, roisterer

sworder, cut-throat, gladiator

‘Swounds, by God’s wounds (a strong oath)

sympathize, to be similarly affected, agree (with), match

table, tablet for an inscription, writing-tablet, flat surface on which a picture is painted, quadrangular space between chief lines on palm of hand

table-book, notebook

tables, backgammon

tabor, small drum

tackled stair, rope ladder

tag, tag-rag, rabble

tailor, ? sex organ

take, strike, strike with disease or enchantment, catch, take effect, reckon, measure, write down, accept as true, catch fire, perceive, understand, esteem, take away, conclude; take head, deviate, run off its course; take in, capture; take me with you, speak so that I can understand you; take it on, assume authority; take on, rage, show great distress, pretend; take out, make a copy of; take up, lift, enlist, arrest, buy on credit, rebuke, reprimand, oppose, encounter, make up (a quarrel)

taking, blasting; state of great excitement or alarm, malignant influence

tale, numbering one after another, talk, story, falsehood

talent, measure for a large sum of money

tall, long, lofty, goodly, line, brave

tally, stick marked with notches for keeping accounts

tame, broach (a cask)

tang, ring out

tardy, delay

targe, light shield

tarre, urge, incite

tarriance, delay, waiting

tarry, wait, await, remain, delay

B, tax, impose a task on, occupy, put a strain on, put to proof

tasking, challenge

tassel-gentle, tercel, male hawk

tawdry-lace, silk lace or ribbon for the neck

tax, accusation; blame, accuse, charge

taxation, claim, demand, slander

teem, conceive, bring forth, bear children, be fruitful