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sequestration, separation, seclusion

sere, dry, withered

serpigo, a skin disease

servanted, subject

service, what is placed on the table for a meal

setter, decoy

several, distinct, different, individual, respective, various

severally, separately, at different entrances or exits

sewer, attendant in charge of service at a meal

shadow, shade; to hide, shelter

shame, to be ashamed

shard, piece of broken pottery, patch of cow-dung

shark, gather hastily together

shaver, barber, extortioner

shearman, one who shears woollen cloth

sheaved, made of straw

sheep-biter, sneaking rascal

sheep-biting, sneaking

shent, blamed, rebuked, reproved

shift, expedient, resource, trick, set of clothes; for (a) shift, to serve a turn; make (a) shift, contrive, manage

ship-tire, kind of head-dress

shive, slice

shoat, shallow, sand-bar

shock, to meet with force

shog, go, shift

shoot, shooting movement

shotten, that has spawned, lean

shoulder-shotten, having a dislocated shoulder

shove-groat, shovel-board

shrewd, wicked, mischievous, bad-tempered, dangerous, evil, difficult

shrewdly, sharply, grievously, intensely, very much

shrieve, sheriff

shrift, confession and absolution, penance

shrill-gorged, shrill-throated

shrive, to hear confession and absolve

shroud, protection, sailropes; shelter, hide

shuffle, use trickery, smuggle, shift

siege, seat, rank, turd

sight, visor

sightless, unseen, unsightly

silly, helpless, defenceless

simple, medicinal herb, single ingredient in a compound

simpleness, innocence, simplicity, foolishness

simplicity, ignorance, silliness

simular, pretended, plausible; counterfeiter

sinfully, with sins unatoned for

single, slight, trivial, sincere, simple

singularity, eccentricity, own person

sinister, left (hand), unfavourable, unjust

sink, cause to fall, ruin; sewer, drain

Sinon, a Greek who by guile persuaded the Trojans to take the Grecians’ wooden horse into Troy

sirrah, form of address used mainly to inferiors

sith, sithence, since

size, allowance

skill, judgement, reason, ability; to make a difference, matter

skilless, ignorant

skimble-skamble, confused, rubbishy

skipper, flighty youth

skirr, fly, scour

slab, half-solid

slander, ill-repute, disgrace, discredit; bring into disgrace, reproach

slanderous, shameful, disgraceful

slave, enslave, make subservient to oneself

sleave, floss-silk, silk untwisted into line threads

sleeve-hand, cuff

sleided, (of silk) floss, untwisted into line threads

sliding, slip

slip, unleash

slipper, shifty

slippery, unstable, fickle

slipshod, in slippers

slobbery, sloppy, slovenly

slops, wide breeches

slovenly, nasty, disgusting

slubber, sully, hurry over

smatch, taste

smatter, chatter

smock, woman’s undergarment, woman

smooth, flatter, gloss over

smother suffocating smoke

smug, trim, spruce

sneap, snub, pinch with cold

snuff, resentment

sob, opportunity for a horse to recover his wind, respite

sod, steeped, boiled

soiled, fed with fresh-cut green fodder

soilure, sullying, defilement

sole, unique, mere, alone

solely, alone, entirely

solemnity, ceremony, festivity

solicit, urging, entreaty; move, stir, bring something about

sometime, at some time, sometimes, once, formerly

sonance, sounding, signal

sonties, saints

sooth, truth, flattery

soothe, humour, flatter

soother, flatterer

sop, bread or wafer dipped in wine, etc.

sophister, one using false arguments

sore, buck, deer, in its fourth year

sorel, buck, deer, in its third year

sort, lot, rank, company, group, way, state; allot, ordain, come about, turn out, be suitable, correspond, adapt, fit, classify, choose, contrive, go in company

sortance, agreement, suitableness

sound, utter, proclaim, keep sound

souse, swoop on, pickle

span-counter, game in which counters are thrown to lie within a hand’s span

spavin, disease of horses consisting of swelling of joints, producing lameness

specialty, special characteristic, possession, special contract under seal

spectacles, organs of sight

speculation, watcher, power of seeing, sight, looking on

speculative, seeing

speed, fortune, outcome, protection, assistance; to fare (well or ill), turn out, be successful, assist, favour

speeding, successful, fruitful; lot, outcome, success

spend, consume, exhaust

sphere, orbit of a planet, one of the concentric globes supposed to revolve round the earth with a harmonious sound

spherical, planetary

spial, spy

spigot, peg in faucet of a barrel

spill, destroy

spilth, spilling

spin, spurt

spinner, spider

spinster, spinner

spital, hospital

spleen, bodily organ regarded as the seat of emotions; impetuosity, ill-humour

spoil, plundering, prey, ruin; plunder, seize, destroy

spot, stain, disgrace, embroidered pattern

spring, fountain, source, shoot of a plant

springe, snare for birds

springhalt, disease of horse characterized by twitching and lameness

spurn, kick, insult, blow; to kick, oppose scornfully

square, fair, just; carpenter’s set-square, measure, rule; body of troops in square formation, square of material in bosom of a dress; to regulate, quarrel (among), be at variance

squarer, quarreller

squash, unripe peapod

squiny, look asquint

staff, shaft of lance, lance, stanza

stagger, hesitate, waver

staggers, giddiness

stain, tinge, to eclipse, dim, be obscured

stair, ladder

stair-work, furtive love-making

stale, decoy, bait, prostitute, laughing-stock, urine (of horses)

stall, install, keep, dwell, bring (a hunted animal) to a stand

stamp, stamping tool, coin, medal, distinguishing mark, imprint; to impress, mark with an impression, give approval to

stanch, satisfy

stanchless, insatiable

stand, place where one stands in ambush or in hiding; confront, oppose, stand firm; stand at a guard with, be fully protected against; stand on, upon, insist on, persist in, depend on, rely on, concern, be the duty or interest of; stand to, have an erection, support, maintain, be firm in, persist in; stand to it, maintain a cause, take a stand

standard, standard-bearer

staniel, kestrel

stare, (of hair) stand on end

start, sudden invasion, sudden flight, impulse; to startle, rush