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Arabian bird, phoenix

argosy, large merchant ship

argue, prove, show

argument, proof, subject of debate, subject matter, summary

Ariadne, deserted by her lover, Theseus

Arion, a singer carried ashore by a dolphin

arm, reach, take in one’s arms

arm-jaunced, jolted by armour

armipotent, powerful in arms

aroint thee, be gone

arras, wall-tapestry

articulate, arrange terms, specify

artificial, made by art, skilled, skilful

artist, scholar, doctor

Ascanius, see AENEAS

asnico, ass

aspect, look, glance, position and influence of a planet, sight

aspersion, sprinkling

assay, trial, attempt

assubjugate, debase

assurance, pledge, deed of conveyance, guarantee

assure, betroth, convey property

Astraca, goddess of justice

Atalanta, maiden huntress who killed the suitors she outraced

Ate, goddess of mischief and destruction

atomy, atom, mote

atone, reconcile, unite, agree

atonement, reconciliation

Atropos, one of the three fates; her duty was to cut the thread of life

attach, arrest, seize

attachment, arrest, stop

attaint, conviction, infection; infect, convict of treason, disgrace

attribute, reputation, credit

attribution, praise

aught, anything

aunt, old woman, bawd, girl friend

austringer, falconer

avoid, get rid of, get out of

awkward, oblique, not straightforward

back friend, pretended friend

back-sword, sword with only one cutting edge

baffle, disgrace

bait, set dogs on, worry, persecute, entice with bait, feed, feast

balk, let slip, quibble, heap

ballow, cudgel

ban, to curse

Banbury cheese, proverbially thin

bandog, fierce chained dog

banquet, dessert, light meal of fruit and sweetmeats

barge, large ornamental vessel used on state occasions

barque, ship

bases, skirt-like garment worn by a knight

Basilisco-like, like Basilisco, a braggart knight in the play Soliman and Perseda

basilisk, fabulous reptile whose look was fatal, large cannon

basta, enough!

bastard, sweet Spanish wine

baste, beat

bastinado, beating

bate, trouble; beat wings ready for flight, blunt, reduce, grow less, deduct

bateless, not to be blunted

bat-fowling, catching birds at night

batlet, bat used in washing clothes

bauble, jester’s stick

bavin, brush-wood

bawd, procurer (male or female)

beadle, parish officer with power to punish

beadsman, one who prays for another

bearherd, bear-keeper

bearing cloth, christening garment

beaver, visor, helmet

bedlam, lunatic hospital, lunatic

beetle, heavy hammer-like tool; overhang

beldam, grandmother, hag

bell-wether, castrated ram with a bell round its neck

be-mete, measure

bemoiled, covered with mud

Bench, King’s Bench (a high court)

bench, raise to authority, sit as judge

bench-hole, privy

bend, look, glance; to turn, incline, direct, strain, submit

bent, inclination, direction, tension, force, range, aim

berayed, defiled

bergamask, a rustic dance

besonian, beggar, scoundrel

besort, suitable company; to suit

beteem, pour over, grant

bewray, reveal

bias, in bowls, weight which makes a bowl swerve; natural bent, inclination, compelling influence

bigamy, marriage with widow(er)

biggin, nightcap

bilbo, finely-tempered sword

bilboes, shackles

bill, halberd, pike, note, catalogue, label

birdbolt, blunt-headed arrow for shooting birds

bisson, partly blind, blinding

blank, blank page or charter, white mark in centre of target, aim, range; to make pale

blazon, coat of arms, description, proclamation; to proclaim, praise

blood-baltered, stained with clots of blood

blow, swell, blossom, (of flies) deposit eggs (on), defile

blowse, chubby girl

bluecap, Scotsman

blunt, make light of

board, to address, make advances to, mount sexually

bob, taunt, mock, cheat, get by trickery, pummel

bodkin, dagger, hair-pin or ornament

boll’n, swollen

bolt, broad-headed arrow, shackle; to sieve, fetter

bolter, sieve

bolting-hutch, sifting-bin

bombard, leather jug or bottle

bombast, cotton-wool padding for clothes, bombastic

bona-roba, well dressed prostitute

bone-ache, syphilis

boot, booty, profit, advantage, help, use, avail, addition; to be of use, profit, present in addition

Boreas, north wind

borrow, receive, assume, counterfeit

bosky, wooded

botchy, ulcerous

bots, disease of horses caused by worms

bottom, ship, valley, bobbin; to wind on a bobbin

bounce, bang

boy, rogue

brabble, brawl

brace, suit of armour, readiness

brach, hound, bitch

braid, deceitful; to reproach

branched, patterned as with branches

brave, finely dressed, splendid, excellent; bravado or threat; to adorn, challenge, defy, swagger, taunt

bravery, bravado, finery, splendour, ostentation, defiance

brawl, French dance; quarrel

break-neck, ruinous course of action

breast, voice, stomach

breathe, speak, exercise, rest

breathed, exercised, valiant, inspired

breese, gadfly

brewis, bread soaked in broth

Briareus, hundred-handed giant

brief, letter, summary

broke, bargain

broken, (of music) in parts, scored for different instruments

broker, agent, go-between, pawnbroker

Brownist, member of a Puritan sect founded by Robert Browne

bruised, crushed, battered

bruit, rumour, report; to announce

bubuncle, facial eruption

buck, washing, dirty clothes for washing

buckler, shield

Bucklersbury, street of apothecaries’ and druggists’ shops off Cheapside

budget, wallet, bag

buff, strong leather used for coats of bailiffs and legal officers

bug, bogey, terror

bugle, bead, hunting-horn

bulk, body, stall in front of a shop

bully, friend, fine fellow

bumbaste, thrash the backside

bung, pickpocket

burgonet, helmet

burn, infect with venereal disease

buss, kiss

cabin, den

cabinet, dwelling

cacodemon, evil spirit

caddis, woollen tape

cade, barrel

caduceus, Mercury’s magic wand entwined by two serpents

caitiff, wretch, miserable person

caliver, light musket

callet, whore